The Wandmaker's Granddaughter Duels

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The Gryffindor dueling club met at the base of Gryffindor tower where, in recent years, a room had been made for the very purpose of their practice.  It had been, in the past, that the Gryffindor dueling club would meet in the great hall.  It was after a spell gone awry had blown one of the fireplaces to bits the old caretaker, Filtch, requested they find a new place to practice.  Although his suggestion to move them to the dungeons did seem tempting, it was concluded rooms designated for dueling club activities would be provided for each house.

As the shadows grew longer, the anticipation grew amongst the first years.  It seemed that every second a new head popped up from their books to stare at the clock. 

As soon as the second hand fell on the hour there was a rush of first years scurrying out the door.  Madam Pince was no match for the energy and chaos of nearly every first year rushing out the door.

Amelia and Lucy were swept up in the crowd.  Lucy dragged Amelia as she rushed ahead.  Amelia tried to protest, that the room would still be there one minute later, but her voice was lost in the chaos.

The group eventually began to thin as the different houses rushed towards their respective club rooms.  The remaining ten or so Gryffindor first years slowed as they approached the door.  They paused cautiously before wandering into the door which was propped open awaiting their arrival.

Inside there was a large dueling stage in the center of the room.  A large Gryffindor banner hung in the back shining gold and maroon in the dimming light.  On the left a few older Gryffindors practiced on dummies.  A few second years practiced wand movements with a few older students helping them.  On the dueling stage fifth, sixth, and seventh years watched a match take place. 

Quentin Casey, who was helping the second years, noticed the group of shy first years and came over to greet them. 

"Hello first years," Quentin said alerting a few of the other upper class men near the stage to their arrival.  "Are you ready for practice?"

The first years shifted.

"You can put your things over there," he said pointing to a group of lockers across the room. The first years went over to settle their belongings in the remaining empty lockers. As they did everyone in the room began looking and moving towards the main platform. Soon the only sound left was the scurrying of the first years as they made their way back to the main stage,  The returning Gryffindor club members eyed the new first years, sizing them up as they shuffled under their intense scrutinization.

"Are you Potter?" one of the six years asked James.

"Yes," James said trying to feign confidence.

"Wicked, we've got a Potter on our side," he said and the air slowly began to relax.

"Who are you?" one of the third years asked Amelia.

"Amelia Olivander," she said shifting her feet and wiping her clammy hands together.

"Were you at the wand shop the day I went to Olivander's?" the girl asked. Amelia thought for a moment.

"Megan Greene, Ash and unicorn, ten and a half inches," Amelia said to the shock of all the returners.

"Welcome dueling club," a voice came from the open door behind the students. They turned to see the out of breathe, and rather disheveled Professor Longbottom enter the room. His hair was flipped every which way and a pile of students papers was shuffled haphazardly into his arms as if they had been dropped more than once on his journey to the dueling room.

The students waited as Professor Longbottom set his things down and made his way across to the front of the group. He took a deep breathe before beginning.

"It's a pleasure to see so many new and returning faces," Professor Longbottom began. "We have some strong first years coming in so perhaps this year we can finally gain enough points to win the Dueling Cup. That doesn't mean you upper class-men don't need to work hard. I still expect a lot from you as well."

"Are the first years really that good?" one of the fourth years asked. "We've all heard the rumors but aren't they just rumors?"

Professor Longbottom smiled.

"Perhaps they can demonstrate. Ms. Olivander, please prepare on the platform."

Amelia rose and prepared at one end of the stage. "And perhaps a second year would like to spar. Winston, would you like a chance."

"Professor, isn't it too dangerous? She's never spared before," Winston, a smart looking second year with both sides of his head shaved, said, a hint of nerves creeping into his voice.

"I think she'll go easy on you," Professor Longbottom said giving him a pat on the back. Winston stood and prepared himself opposite Amelia on the platform.

"Ms. Olivander, we begin with a bow in the center. Then twenty paces turn and wait for the start," Professor Longbottom said. Amelia nodded and met Winston in the middle of the platform. They bowed and paced back.

Amelia turned.

Winston turned.

They waited.

"Begin," Professor Longbottom said.

"Expelliarmus," Winston said and a shot of green filled the room as his wand came down.

"Protego, expelliarmus," Amelia said barely leaving a millisecond between the two words and movements. Blue and green flew through the air and Winston's wand went flying. The audience watched as it clattered against the wall and fell to the floor. Grins began to spread across the returning club members as they realized the true potential of the little wandmaker's granddaughter.

Amelia returned to the group where she was greeted warmly. That is, except for James who remained standing off the the side with his arms crossed. He shuffled as he intently studied his shoes. Forever in somebodies shadow.

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