The Wandmaker's Granddaughter Doesn't Get Expelled

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It was snowing happily when Amelia woke Christmas morning. A small pile of presents sat at the end of her bed making her feel a little less lonely. She wrapped her warm, thick maroon blanket around her shoulders and carried her presents down to the common room.

One by one she opened a small box of chocolate frogs from Lucy, a brush and varnish assumingly from her grandfather (why he had sent that but not a letter was a stumping issue Amelia pondered for a moment before continuing), and a Sketchy Pad from Athena.

She opened the sketchy pad to see a bright 'Happy Christmas' message from Lucy (who must have gotten one from Athena as well) and from Athena. Amelia grabbed a quill and scribbled a response message to both of them before going down to Christmas breakfast.

Latter that day Amelia wandered down to the practice room. The doors were locked but a quick spell later and Amelia was inside getting the room ready for a solo practice.

"A locked door generally means do not enter Ms. Ollivander," a voice from behind Amelia said startling her. Amelia turned to see Headmistress McGonagall standing in the door way looking rather cross.

"Sorry headmistress," Amelia said nervously fiddling her wand between her hands..

"It may surprise you to know that many students have snuck in this particular room to cause mischief. Therefore it's been locked," Headmistress McGonagall said. "Are you here for mischief?"

"No headmistress, I just thought I could practice a bit, be productive you know," Amelia said.

"You could be productive by finishing your homework or studying."

"I would, but I've finished everything assigned and read every text book I have through three times. Ms. Pince said I'm not allowed to go back to the library until the end of the holiday. She said she's tired of replacing all the books I take out. So the last place to go was the practice room," Amelia said to the amusement of the headmistress.

"What a quandary, I can't let you practice all alone," she said. Amelia thought for a moment.

"Would you stay then?" Amelia asked hopefully.

"Well, since you asked so nicely," she said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Amelia smiled before thinking and letting her smile fade.

"But I don't have anyone to practice with."

"That's true."

Amelia thought for another moment.

"Do you think . . . will you wait for a minute?"

"If you're quick."

"I'll be right back," Amelia said as she was already running out of the room down the hall.

Amelia ran to the great hall but no one was there. For a moment Amelia paused to think before running to the dungeons. She passed the potions class and wandered aimlessly before stumbling across the person she was looking for.

"Nero!" she shouted before catching up to Nero at the end of the hall. Almost running in to him, she came to a stop inches from where he stood. Shock evident on his usually unaffected face as Amelia caught her breathe.

"How about . . . a . . . Christmas truce?"

"What are you talking about?" Nero asked crossing his arms as his face went back to his usual stoic expression.

"The headmistress is going to sit in and watch dueling practice but there isn't anyone in Gryffindor to spar with. So, I thought, since there's no one else, you might want to practice. A Christmas truce," Amelia said losing confidence through her speech until the last words were nothing but a loud whisper.

Nero's usually impossible to read face was usual in its imperceptibility.

"Okay," he said.

"Great let's go," Amelia said grabbing his arm and dragging him two steps.

"Stop, I need to get my wand," Nero said pulling his arm free.

"Oh, right, sorry," Amelia said. Nero disappeared around the corner leaving Amelia to wait. A few minutes latter he came back and Amelia grabbed his arm dragging him into a grudging run.

"Why are we running?" Nero asked.

"The headmistress is waiting for us in the practice room," Amelia said as they dizzily passed through corridor after corridor at top speeds.

Tired and out of breath Amelia arrived at the Gryffindor dueling room where Headmistress McGonagall was sitting sipping a warm cup of tea. She looked up as Amelia and Nero walked in.

"Are you sure you don't wish to cause mischief Ms. Ollivander?" the headmistress asked.

"Who better to practice with?" Amelia asked.

The headmistress smiled and nodded her head.

"Then I suppose we're ready to begin."

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