Chapter 13

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They didn't stay in the cabin for long. With no food or water, they couldn't stand for more than a day.

"Okay," John said. "We have to get out of this forest. We're going to starve if we don't."

"But how?" Lyndi asked. "If we go out there, the dead will get us."

"We'll have to take them out quietly. Our mistake was using guns against them." John explained.

"Noise attracts them." Hannah added.

"Exactly. Now we all need to find something to take out the wanderers out there. Quietly. Something sharp, something that doesn't make noise." John ordered.

The group looked around for anything sharp.

"Any kitchen knives?" Liam asked as him, Paul, Duncan, and Hannah walked into the kitchen.

"I don't see any." Hannah replied, opening up a few drawers.

"Knives, knives...." Duncan muttered as he looked over counters.

"You sound like your planning to murder someone." Paul said, jokingly.

Everyone in the room chuckled quietly.

The rest of the group searched through different rooms. There wasn't much stuff there though. The last people here must've looted the place and left. A half hour later, they all gathered in the living room with what they collected.

"What did everyone get?" John asked.

"I got this fork thing." Hannah replied, holding up a fork with long tongs.

"Maybe we could break the windows for glass?" Duncan suggested.

"Wouldn't that cause too much noise? And those things are still out there, too." Lyndi said, whispering the last part.

"You've got a point." Tom said.

"So we're going to have to take out those things with a fork?" Paul said.

"It's sharp. It could work." Hannah argued.

"But it's only one weapon," John said. "We need more. If you go out there with only that fork, then your screwed."

"Well, there isn't anything else." Hannah said.

"I think I saw a shed out there." Liam said. "But we have to be quiet. There are zombies out there."

"Where's the shed?" John asked, walking over to a window.

"It's over there, between two trees." Liam pointed to a small wooden building, which while had trees around it, also had a few zombies.

"Okay," John said, coming away from the window. "Some of us will go out there. But most stay here. If something bad happens, you all hide and be quiet, you hear?"

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, I'm going to need Liam, Paul, and Tom." John said. Paul shifted apprehensively at the idea of going out there with Tom. He remembered the fight out in the woods.  

Lyndi pouted. "Why can't girls come? Are the men excluding women from their projects?"

John sighed. "If you want to come, just ask."

"Can I come?" Lyndi asked. John nodded, expecting this. 

"Okay, we're going through the back door. I'm taking that fork, it might come in handy. Take my gun; I'll take the pistol. If anything goes wrong, I'll use the pistol, and you can have the better gun." John ordered. Hannah gave him the fork, and Duncan traded guns with John.

The five opened the back door slowly, and crouched outside. They saw the shed from there, but there were three zombies blocking their way.

"Okay, I'll sneak up behind the closest one," John said. "You all distract the other ones." The four nodded, and John crawled over behind the nearest one.

"How are we going to distract them?" Tom asked.

"I don't know, your the smart guy." Paul sneered. Lyndi eyed him, but didn't say anything.

"I think we should take this shovel against....... something....." Lyndi said, taking a rusty shovel leaning on the wall.

"This bucket." Liam said. He held a metal bucket in his hand.

"Great." Lyndi said. Liam set the bucket down, and Lyndi held the shovel over it.

John stood up from behind the zombie, and raised the fork. As the zombie began to turn around, he thrust the fork into the skull of the zombie as hard as he could. The zombie fell to the ground. He looked back, and nodded.

Lyndi banged the shovel on the bucket, hard, although it was only loud enough for the two other zombies to hear, and not attract any more. Said two zombies turned in their direction, and limped towards John. He raised the fork.

The other four leaped up. Lyndi, shovel raised, ran to help John. She hit one on the head, and it fell. She turned around to the other boys to brag.

"See? Girls can be as good as bo-" She was cut off as she fell to the ground, something grabbing her leg. Although she wanted to, Lyndi held back a scream by biting her lip.

The shovel fell from her grasp, and the zombie she hit before reached towards her with a messed-up eye. She kicked at the undead monstrosity.

Then someone hit the zombie until the head was no longer a head, but mush. Lyndi looked up to see Tom with the shovel. He held out a hand to her, to which she gladly took.

John had taken out the other zombie, and the rest of the group was heading towards the shed. Tom lead Lyndi towards the shed by her hand.

Inside the shed was a zombie slayers' dream. There were pitchforks; shovels; sharp gardening tools; even shelves of canned food!

The five grabbed as many tools and as many food as they could carry. When they came back, the entire group had a feast.

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