Chapter 11

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The group drove on in silence, until John swore loudly.

"What's up?" Martyn asked.

"The gas is low. We're gonna have to stop if we don't find a gas station anywhere." John replied.

Sure enough, a gas station comes into view. John pulls up and parks next to a pump.

"Okay, I'll get the truck filled, and a few of you go check out the store." John said.

They all nodded, and the group, apart from Tom, Lyndi, and Martyn, headed to the store.

When the doors to the store opened, however, they were not expecting a woman there.

A woman stood in the center of the store, and she looked the very definition of crazy. Her auburn hair was a mess, and her brown eyes were bloodshot and wide. Her left eye was twitching. Some of her clothes were ripped, and she pointed a pistol at them with shaking hands. 

"Get out." She said. "Get the f*ck out and never come back." 

"Whoa." Liam said. "It's alright, we're not going to hurt you."

The woman took a step forward. "I said get out."

Liam turned his head. "Hey John? There's someone-"

He was cut off by the woman pulling the trigger. He screamed, and put a hand on his thigh, where the bullet grazed. Blood started to seep through his pants.

"Y'all better get out before someone else get hurt." She pointed the gun at each of them. By now, the three near the truck had run up to the store.

"We don't want any trouble. We'll leave, just leave us alone." Lewis defended.

The woman pointed the gun at him. "Y'all think I can just leave you alone? Y'all think you'll leave me alone? I-I don't think so. Once you walk into someone else's life, you can't just LEAVE THEM ALONE!" She shot again, but since her hands were shaking, the bullet missed. But Lewis could feel it whipping past his ear.

John came up, his shotgun at hand. "Put the gun down, woman. Now."

The woman laughed. "You think you can threaten me?! Ha, ha, ha! F*ck you! F*ck you all! We're all f*cked! The god*mned world is ending, and we just threaten eachother! Ha, ha, ha!" She pointed the gun at John.

Before she could shoot, John shot her hand. The pistol fell at Duncan's feet, who picked it up, a bit hesitantly. The woman grabbed her bleeding arm, but didn't make a noise. It didn't seem she even noticed.

"We'll leave." John said, demanding. 

The woman smirked and laughed manically while the group left. John ordered Duncan to keep the pistol, even though the blonde was bit uneasy around it. He's never actually shot a gun before...

The group walked out to the truck, and got in. John got out a first aid kit, and they bandaged Liam's leg up. Then they drove away as the woman watched.


The group drove for hours on end. They started to come in through a forest, and denser and denser as they drove. Soon, the sun couldn't really be seen. John stopped the car and hit the steering wheel.

"What's wrong?" Martyn asked.

"We're out of gas." John said.

"I thought you filled the truck up!" Hannah said.

John shook his head. "I almost filled the truck up. Then the woman got in the way, and we left. I never got to fill the truck up."

"So we're stuck out in the middle of the woods? What're we going to do when zombies come? There could be loads of them out there right now!" Lewis said.

"I know, I know! I thought we could come across civilization before we ran out." John said.

"Sh*t." Martyn said.

"What's going on?" Lyndi yelled from the back.

"We ran out of gas!" Hannah yelled back. She heard someone curse.

"What are we going to do?" Tom yelled.

"Someone's gonna have to walk out there and get gas." John said.

"I'm not doing it." Liam said. "Not with this leg."

"We're not going to make you. Only a few people. And they need a gun. Duncan, you go, since you have the pistol. Just walk the other way with someone and see if you can get gas." John ordered.

"Who's coming with me?" Duncan asked.

"I will." Lewis volunteered.

"And maybe Tom and Paul will come, too." Martyn suggested.

"You too scared?" Hannah teased.

Martyn shifted in his seat. "Maybe."

"Well, that's alright. They can go, and we'll be just fine." John comforted.

"Alright then, we'll head out." Duncan said.

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