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"We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship, soaring through the sky, little Einsteins!" I probably just spelt that wrong 😭. And y'all, yes I had to add that line. Also y'all Aaron told Aph at another time that they were going to Starlight Wonderland I just forgot to add it into one of the previous chapters and it's been 2 weeks since the con.

Aaron and I had started packing for the trip a week ago so now we're finalizing all the packing and I'm so excited to be going back to Starlight Wonderland. Aaron still won't tell me why we're going back, but I'm fine with that since it's been around two years since we've been there! So Aaron and I've been dating for two years and it still shocks me because it felt like just yesterday we started dating!

Mr. Lycan, our boss is planning to take the others on a work trip for about the same time Aaron and I will be gone and he said no one's required to go on it except for Garroth, Katelyn, Kawai~Chan, Zane, Lucinda, Laurence(I didn't forget him y'all 😭), Melissa(she doesn't even work at the maid cafe!), and Ein. They're all allowed to bring plus ones, and Mr. Lycan didn't even say where they're going! Like now I'm curious.

Aaron and I start packing everything into his truck so we can go to the airport. Aaron asked one of our other co-workers to take the truck back to our house since they live in the same neighborhood as us. If I remember correctly, Katelyn said she's taking Luka with her to "catch up". Like she ain't fooling no one, y'all met again almost 2 years ago, y'all ain't catching up.

I'm getting really side tracked aren't I? 😅. As soon as Aaron puts the last bag in the truck we both get in the car and head to the airport. Aaron was wearing his normal dark grey shirt, black pants, and red hoodie. I'm wearing a purple jacket, white shirt, and jean shorts(pretty much her normal outfit in her videos these days). Aaron's driving and I'm in the front passenger seat talking to him. I'm kind of surprised he hasn't gotten annoyed of me yet from how much I talk about things.

Short chapter, I know but I'm tired and I'm trying to regain motivation and I'm sorry on not publishing much buts school is taking up all my time and energy 😭

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