It's time

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I'm in the cafe serving customers because some people won't move their butts and get out here. I continue taking orders and giving orders as fast as I can. I make sure everyone gets what they asked when finally Travis and Katelyn starting seating customers and helping with the orders so everything is much easier.

I walk towards the kitchen when I'm suddenly pulled into the closet. I turn on the light trying to see what's going on when I see Aaron pulled me in. "Okay, you scared the shit out of me." I say. Aaron chuckles softly. "What do you need?" I ask him.
"Don't you think we should tell everyone we're dating? I mean we've been dating for a few months now and we still haven't told anyone." Aaron says. I guess I haven't realized that. Its been 6 months since we started dating.
"Its been 6 months now... Hasn't it..." I say softly now looking at Aaron. "We can tell them whenever you're ready" I smile softly and he nods.

"Let's do it after work today or on Saturday when we all hang out" Aaron suggests and I nod. I walk out of the closet quickly and go to the kitchen. Aaron follows a few minutes after. I walk into the kitchen and grab some orders. I walk back out and give the customers theirs orders and I see Ein waiting around getting bored.

"You good?" I ask him. He jumps slightly.
"No" He sighs. "It's boring waiting for people to come here." He says.
"I'll switch with you if you want." I say. He nods and we switch. "Hello and welcome to the Lycan Maid cafe(Yes, that was the only name I could think of)!" I say to a customer that just walked in.
"Mi hija(I went off the captions in a video T-T)! It's so great to see you!" A familiar voice says. I look at the customer.
"Mom!?" I look at her shocked.
"The one and only!" My mom says.
"Oh shit... I'm doomed if she finds out I'm dating Aaron..." I think to myself.

"What are you doing here mom?" I ask her my palms sweating a little.

"I was in town and just thought I would stop by here!" My mom says. I see Aaron walking to the counter where I am and he see's my mom. He grabs Garroth to seat my mom.
"He got lucky there..." I mumble quietly. Garroth comes to the counter and see's my mom.
"Now, I know why Aaron asked me to seat her. Your mom hates Aaron." Garroth says to me quietly.
"Hate is an understatment." I say to him. He nods and guides my mom to table.

At 8:30 pm:

I wipe down the tables with Aaron and Kawai~Chan but she was mostly watching me and Aaron. Everyone was still in the cafe and Melissa was here helping clean the dishes with the others. Aaron and I finish the tables and the others soon walk out of the kitchen. I look at Aaron and he looks back at me. "Lets tell them now" I say to him quietly and he nods. "Hey guys, before we close down for the day Aaron and I wanted to tell you all something." I say to them. They all look at Aaron and I.
"What's up?" Zane asks us.

"Well, we haven't been completely honest with you guys over the last 6 months" I say. Katelyn and Kawai~Chan look at me worried. "Well, um..... Aaron and I have been dating for 6 months." I say. Everyone is silent. Kawai~Chan and Melissa squeal.
"Keep your hands to yourself and you're fine." Katelyn says to Aaron and he nods.
"They grow up too fast" Zane and Ein say at the same time.

"I'm not a kid anymore!" I playfully shout at them. They both laugh.
"I was waiting for you to tell everyone." Lucinda says. Aaron and I look at her confused. Kawai~Chan smiles. "Melissa and Kawai~Chan were curious to see what was going on in your room the day you and I left the house to go see the sunrise. Those two went near your room around lunch time. I only know is because Melissa told me about this." Lucinda smiles.
"Of course they did." I say, while Lucinda chuckles softly.
"Now, lets go home." Lucinda and I say at the same time. Everyone agrees and everyone leaves the cafe. I'm last one to leave so I lock the doors while Aaron waits for me. Aaron and I walk side by side with out fingers interlocked.
I wish everything would last forever.

But all good times must come to an end......

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