he was my what?

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September 10, 2024. 5:15

As soon as we walk in the gym, everyone starts cheering for us, and screaming. "GO CARDINALS!!" they yelled.

I was so happy seeing them cheer for us. As our coaches organized the positions, I was looking around to see if he was here.

When I spotted him, I couldn't believe my eyes, mouth, thoughts, everything.

The boy who asked for my number, approached to me, wanted to be friends with me. WAS MY MANAGER?!

As I was staring at him, we made eye contact. I was doomed.

He waved at me and gave me a smile. I sorta felt myself blush, but I didn't think much of it since I had a game to play.

First one to serve is Nerolin. She's got good serves, but they sometimes hit the net. It's alright we all make mistakes.

whistle has been blown.
Nerolins serve went over the net. She got an ace! "good job!!" I yelled at her.

As she did it again, the other team received it to the setter. Setter sets the ball and the hitter hits it. Our liberal Nicole received it as quick as possible. "Help!" Alyson screamed.

I set it perfectly to Harisai, as she does her 3 step approach, she hits the ball to the opposing team and scores. "WOO! As the hitter should." Nicole screamed.

I look over to my manager. He looked at me and gave me a thumbs up. I wonder why? Was it because of the perfect set? Oh well, I couldn't think too much about it. I'm in a game.

Janell is up to serve. Her serve goes over the net. The opposing team received it to their setter, while the setter sets the ball to the hitter. The hitter hits the ball. BLLLLOOOCKK. Holy shit.

Nerolin blocked the hit. The other team looked so surprised, it was kinda funny. "BOOOO" the audience said, it's what they do when the blocker blocks the ball.

"Boo, good block there girlieeee." Janell said to Nero.

"Thankss, it was such a good one too!" Nerolin exclaimed.

After the game, i'm too lazy lmao

We ended up winning, 11-25, and 16-25.

"Great work Angie" h/n said.

"Ahh, oh hey.. didn't see you there."

"No thanks?" he asked.

"Ah yes, thank you. I didn't really do much as a backrow, you know?"

"Doesn't matter, you were still on the court looking pretty, and stuff." he told me.


"Huh? Oh my bad, I think I got carried away." he said.

"Thanks again?" I said as I felt myself getting red. I have never been complimented by a boy. It felt like the best thing ever.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow at practice. See you later Angie" he said while he waved at me.

"Hahahehe, byeeee.." I was waving continuously.

"Yo." "Yo!" "YO!!" Alyson screamed at me.

"Ah, huh? What happened?"

"We gotta go, cmon." she said while walking away.

"Shiiittt, okok wait hol on!"

Later on today, at 8:27 p.m.
(they're on their phones)

Janell: "guysss!"
Janell: "ngl, I lowkey like Keiner"
Nicole: "who?"
Nerolin: "girl, it's like our 3rd year in the volleyball team, OUR MANAGER!!"
Nicole: "oh, him lol..."
Nerolin: "yes him, if you're even thinking about the right guy 🤦🏽‍♀️"
Nicole: "yeah, number 24"
Angie: "GUYS!!! I found a new boo thangggg"
Nerolin: "aw really? idgaf"

Angie: "damn, he's so chillll"
Alyson: "who is it?"
Angie: "you'll have to guess, he plays volleyball.. soccer, and is cute. he's a sophomore, and he goes to phs!"
Carly: "uhm, isn't he new? how come you know so much abt him."
Angie: "introduction is a thing carly."
Carly: "right"
Nerolin: "h/n?"
Nerolin: "he's a sophomore, goes to my school, and um he's the only one i've seen play soccer with a volleyball.."
Angie: "oh."
Nerolin: "yikes, you like that thing?" messaged reacted by nicole haha!
Angie: "yeah, he's for me anyway"
Nerolin: "HES ALL YOURS🫡😥"

Yep, he's all mine now. This is how everything started, and i'm happy!

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