Jong Su still remembered the white baby. He'd been eight years old when she was born. He'd seen her only once, but he'd fallen instantly in love with his little sister. And been utterly fascinated by her violet eyes. He'd been devastated when his father had banned her from the palace.
He hadn't seen her in sixteen years. But not a day passed when he didn't think of her. His older brother had risen to power when Jong Su had been eighteen. But it wasn't until his twenty-second year that he had come into the king's favor when he had led a strategic battle routing their enemies. Then he had appealed to King Yang Won. That faithful king had immediately sent out men to find their baby sister. But they had come up empty.
She had remained in Goguryeo as a child. He'd found evidence of that. But then she'd moved the year she'd turned fourteen. Just a bare month before he'd sent his men to find her. She'd left behind no trace of herself. Which was odd. How did a white-haired, indigo-eyed girl hide amongst a dark-haired, brown-eyed people?
He was very afraid that perhaps she had crossed the border into one of the other kingdoms. Was she perchance in Baekje now? Or in Silla? Was she being treated kindly there?
He doubted it. His own people had referred to her as a witch. He ground his teeth every time he recalled the reports of his investigators. He was certain that his sister had grown up under a terrible kind of scrutiny and been mistreated by nearly everyone. It absolutely broke his heart.
So the chances that a strange people were showing her a greater level of kindness than her own citizens were quite slim. He prayed that she wasn't in danger. Wherever she was, if he ever found her, he was willing to trade the lives of his men to get her safely back. She was that precious to him.
Jong Su had lost his beloved mother the same day that his baby sister had been banished from his father's household. The grief had nearly ripped that little boy apart. For his mother had been the only comforting presence in his life. But his father, a hard man, had insisted that he must grow stronger if he was to help rule their kingdom. Weakness could not be tolerated. Not on any level.
So the tenderhearted boy had spent years putting on a show for his father. And weeping in private.
But now he no longer had to hide from his father. The man was dead. And Jong Su had risen to help rule his brother's kingdom as he saw fit. Yang Won, this new king, was more sensitive to Jong Su's input than many might have been. He was able to persuade his older brother to rule justly quite often. Jong Su's compassionate heart had, on several occasions, made a distinct difference. Turning the king away from a path given to wrath.
Jong Su had always remembered how his heart had bent towards his tiny, white sister, mewling in the arms of her guardian just moments after her birth. That sweet image had kept his heart soft. Even when his father was caning him.
And he had never forgotten the kindness of his mother either. Or the softness of her touch. Or the melodious nature of her voice. That voice still bubbled up from the depths of his memory to wrap around him in comfort.
So he was seeking a bride reminiscent of her. Someone who would assist him in helping to build a kingdom based on mercy and justice. A woman who would be as tender with his children as his own eomma had been with him. Then his children would be twice blessed. For he would never treat them as his father had managed him....
"Your highness, there's word from one of your investigators."
Jong Su glanced up from the report that he'd been reading. "What? What did the man say?"
"He thinks he tracked your sister."
Jong Su flung the parchment down onto his desk and pushed his chair back, jumping to his feet. "Where is she?"
Prince Jong Su strode into the throne room later that night to relay the news to his brother, King Yang Won.
That noble king narrowed his eyes. "Your investigator has tracked her to Silla?" his ears perked up.
"To its capital."
"That's very interesting."
Jong Su tossed one midnight eyebrow up into the air. "Why is that interesting?"
"Because I just met with an ambassador from Silla today." The king fell silent. As was his wont.
"An ambassador? From Silla? What did he want?"
"King Jin Heung has issued an invitation for me to come visit him at his palace. I was going to request that he come here, but..." King Yang Won eyed his brother speculatively.
"But now you're going to encourage me to accept the invitation so that I can search for our sister," Prince Jong Su guessed.
"Exactly. You can be my royal representative. Take the meeting with Jin Heung. And keep an eye out for her at the same time."
The king paused for a moment as he studied his younger brother. Then he switched gears. "I think it's about time you married," he murmured softly.
Jong Su was instantly on guard. "What do you have in mind?"
"Jin Heung is rumored to have an extraordinarily beautiful sister. One he refused to marry because he loved another girl. But his royal sister was raised believing she would marry him. So it seems that she is now in want of a husband. And Jin Heung is after a lasting peace with us. I think your union with the Princess Sook Myeong could be the glue that binds us all together."
Jong Su swallowed. His brother was going to force him into a marriage with the princess?
"How old is she?" he queried.
"A child," he scoffed.
"A perfectly suitable age for a bride. She's young enough for you to mold her to your will."
"Her mother was known for being mercenary. I imagine the apple couldn't have fallen too far from the tree," Jong Su murmured doubtfully.
"Everyone in the royal house is known for being mercenary. How do you think anyone maintains his rule? She will be able to help you rule with an iron fist. Should you ever ascend my throne," his older brother muttered as Yang Won eyed him carefully.
"You know very well that I have no desire to sit upon your throne!" burst out Jong Su in indignation. "You also know that I would never oppress the people!"
"A point that you and I have run circles around each other arguing."
"Goguryeo will only be as strong as its weakest citizen," Jong Su asserted.
"So you've said," the king muttered dryly.
His brother might talk tough, but Jong Su had already seen the kingdom make a turn towards justice more than once when his brother listened to his ideas and beliefs. Yang Won allowed his younger brother to sway him more often than he would be willing to admit. And Jong Su was wise enough to let Yang Won take the credit for those turns.
"You will leave in two days." It was a royal decree.
Jong Su knew that this discussion was over. He was headed to Silla in two days. But now he would be traveling with a great sense of unease. Was he going to be forced into a bitter marriage? One like his own parents?
His heart sank at the thought.
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