Eun Sook continued her story.
"'What's your name?' the king murmured.
"'Su Bin,' she breathed.
"'That's a beautiful name,' he muttered softly.
"And she smiled. 'What's your name?'
"'Yong Joon,' he replied."
Well, at least, she didn't guess my name, Jin Heung thought with a wry twist of his lips.
Eun Sook glanced over at him. "What's that smile for?"
"You didn't guess my alias."
She giggled. "Oh, well. Are you still intrigued?"
"Maybe," he replied teasingly.
"Maybe?" she responded in a huff. She sniffed the air. "I am done for the night. I'm feeling sleepy." She gave into a fake yawn.
"You're ready to kiss me some more?" he ribbed her playfully.
"What? No! I'm ready to sleep."
His eyes slid over to her suspiciously. "You're not tired. You're just punishing me. Come on, Sookie, tell me the rest of the story!"
She eyed him. "But, seriously, don't you have to sleep tonight? I'm sure you have another big day ahead of you tomorrow. Um, later today."
He nodded. "I do. But I'm not tired. I want to know how your story ends."
"I'll tell you what. You lie down and close your eyes. And I'll tell you some more. Until you fall asleep."
He groaned. "Okay, Eomma."
She giggled. "Listen, I don't want to be responsible for a declaration of war on your part."
He frowned. "What do you mean?"
"If I'm the reason you're not well-rested tomorrow, and you make a bad decision because you're too tired to think, it would be my fault."
" think declaring war on Baekje would be a mistake?"
"I didn't mean that. I was just trying to come up with an example."
" you think we should go to war with Baekje?"
Her eyes widened in uncertainty. "I have no idea."
"Mmm. I don't want to think about it now. Tell me more about the king and the councilman's daughter..." Jijin lay down and settled his head against his pillow before closing his eyes.
Eun Sook opened her mouth as she began to weave her story around him once more.
"'How did your dinner party go?' the king murmured.
"'My dinner party?' Su Bin echoed.
"He nodded. 'With the councilman? When you made dinner?'
"'Oh!' her eyes lit up. 'It went well. Everyone loved the food, and the meeting ended peacefully.'
"Yong Joon frowned. 'Were you afraid it wouldn't?'
"She nodded.
"Su Bin glanced around again. 'You promise not to say anything to anyone?'
"He furrowed his brow at her. 'About?'
"'What my father discussed with the councilman.'
"Surprised, Yong Joon sent his eyebrows flying north. He wasn't sure why this girl would trust him. Except that he had now rescued her from trouble – and now possible death – several times. 'I promise.'
"He was quite intrigued now. What marvelous secret was this unwitting girl about to spill?
"'The councilman doesn't want to back the boy king. He's seeking ways to dethrone him and place his own man upon the throne.'
"Inwardly, the king gasped. But his face remained impassive. 'I see.'
"She studied him. 'You're not surprised?'
"'The king has many enemies,' Yong Joon murmured noncommittally.
"She nodded. 'Indeed, I think he does.'
"He glanced at her curiously. 'What do you think of the boy king?'
"She frowned. 'I feel sorry for him.'
"Surprised, he retorted, 'You feel sorry for him!? Why?'
"'It wasn't easy for him to grow up without either his father or his mother.' A strange sadness passed over her face. 'I am sure he missed them terribly.'"
This time Jijin didn't poke fun at Eun Sook's use of the word terribly. For he knew that she was every bit as cognizant as he was of just how terribly it had hurt to grow up without parents. He felt his heart bending towards not just the characters in her story but also the beautiful author spilling her secrets into his ear.
"Yong Joon stared at the beautiful girl standing before him. 'So, if he rose to power, would you support him?' he murmured nearly silently.
"Those marvelous emerald eyes of hers collided with his own. She paused a moment as she delved the depths of his chocolate gaze. Searching for something. Finally, she gave a little nod as though satisfied that she had discovered what she was looking for inside the man's heart.
"'Yes,' she breathed, also very quietly.
"He crumpled his brow. 'You would support him? Even though your father does not?'
"She paled suddenly. And stood up straighter. 'I am sorry. I must go! Father will be expecting me home soon.' She bowed to him. 'Thank you, kind sir, for delivering Father's letter to my brother. Goodbye!'
"He watched in disappointment as she hurried away. Certainly, ruffled by his last question. But...why? She'd willingly admitted to him that she pitied the boy king and supported his claim to the throne. So why had she been disturbed to be reminded that she was opposing her father's choice?"
Eun Sook took a deep breath and glanced down at her own boy king. Then her lips spread into a wide smile as she realized that the exhausted man had finally succumbed to slumber. As well she would too. In just a few moments. She just wanted to take one more look at his beautiful face....
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