Chapter 13

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In less then three hours later Hans was sitting in his golden throne, the crown upon his head, and his servants running around, doing their chores.

It hasn't been that hard to get the throne really. Of course, they fought. Elsa had made sure of that. At first, Hans has to admit that he didn't think he'd win, now Elsa could control her icey powers, but with Narissa and Dr Facilier by his side, they slowly took over the castle. OK, half of the castle had been destroyed, but he still succeeded.

They first had to battle all the guards, and they managed to complete that, with the help of Elsa, as she accidentally froze about a third of them!!

Then they had to battle Elsa and Anna. Ratcliffe soon joined them, closely followed by Queen Grimhilde. Less then fifteen minutes later, Anna's life was at risk, with Ratcliffe's sword being held to her throat, so Elsa had no choice but to step down from the throne and hand her crown to Hans, even though Anna had tried to tell her not too.

Once Hans has physically sat in his throne and had all the servants bow for him, he felt no guilt what so ever. He remembered all the suffering his brothers had caused him, and his mother, and soon his pain was overcome by greed.

He sipped his drink happily as he watch all his servants wait on him.

He looked over at the fjord, which he could easily see, as the wall has been blown apart, by accident of course. He was very proud of himself, and what he had done.

"Pretty good," A voice behind him said.

Hans jumped and fell off his throne

"Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you!" Grimhilde laughed.

Hans accepted the hand she offered him and got up again.

"Things are going well I see." Grimhilde nodded around the throne room.

"Yeah," Hans smiled and looked around too. "What about you?" He asked. "How have things been for you?"

Grimhilde smiled, as if she had been waiting for this question, and held up a small hand mirror. "I am finally the most fairest in the land!!"

"Really!? That's great to hear."

"I know."

"...Great." Hans sat back down, only to quickly jump back up, as Lady Tremaine had sat down in his seat.

"Ahh, sorry, " Hans apologised, though it really wasn't his fault.

"Apology accepted," Lady Tremaine stood up.

"How are you? " Hans had one of his servants polish his chair before he sat back down.

"Well, my daughters are now married to the most handsome princes ever-"

Hans coughed.

"-well, except for you Hans, dear."

Just then the door burst open and in walked all the other male villains, each looking terribly pleased with themselves.

"Hey!!!" Gaston said happily.

"Not bad," Facilier nodded around the room, as he absentmindedly shuffled his pack of taboo cards in his hands.

"Hmm," Shan Yu nodded whilst he looked around.

"Are you all OK?" Hans asked.

"Yeah." Shan Yu reached for the necklace around his neck and produced it. There was a round golden charm with a dragon on it. "It's the crest of the emperor. And guess who that is!" He pointed to himself.

"Err, you?"

"Yes!! Emperor of China!"

"Well, I, and my English men, are slowly taking over the Native American land. More land for us!! We can start our own kingdom, or-"

"Well, I am the most famous sorcerer in Arabia," Jafar told them all proudly. "And I'm the sultan."

"And I'm the most famous Voodoo magician in the whole of New Orleans!"

"What about me!?" Gaston extended his left hand, a ring on his finger. "I am happily married-"

"Oh," Lady Tremaine looked like she could have slapped herself. "Why didn't I get one of my daughters to marry you!?"

"Oh, err, yeah, why didn't you!? Gaston slowly backed away before deciding it would be best to hide behind Hans' throne.

"Are you kidding me!? A party? Without us?" Maleficent and Narissa walked in, Gothel close on their heels. "Don't make me curse anyone!"

"So, I finally rule Andalasia with no one in the way. No silly step son, or true loves kiss-"

"And I started up a small business where we make spinning wheels!" Maleficent exclaimed proudly.

Everyone was silent for a few seconds.

"Wow!" Jafar said, not very enthusiastically at all.

"What about you Gothel?" Grimhilde asked.

"Oh, I have all the magical golden flowers in the world!! " Gothel sighed happily. "Although, a couple of hours ago I used too much magic, and ended up looking like I was fifteen!!"

Everyone laughed, except Shan Yu, who tried to keep a straight face, but ended up with a slight smile.

"Where's Hook and Cruella?" Facilier asked.

"I don't know, " Maleficent replied.

"Don't worry, I'm right here!! Well, we are," Hook corrected himself as he strolled into the room, Cruella behind him, slowly drowning in her huge fur coat.

"Are you OK Cruella?" Narissa asked. "Do you need a hand with that?"

"No. No thank you darling, I'm quite alright. Just casually wearing my new fur coat." she spun in a circle, nearly falling into Jafar. "Oops, sorry, darling."

"And I've finally gotten enough pixy dust to get to Neverland, so now I can finally teach that Peter Pan a lesson." He began to mumble curses under his breath.

"Sounds fun. You have fun with that," Hans told Hook.

"Is everyone here?" Lady Tremaine asked.

"Yeah.... Oh wait. No, Ursula and Morgana are still not here."

But, as if on cue, the floor burst in one corner of the room, water leaking into the throne room.

All the women screamed and jumped onto the tables in the centre of the room, the men quickly following them.

Hans crouched on the seat of his throne, but thankfully the water didn't rise more then 10 centimetres.

Ursula and Morgana emerged from the hole, Morgana wearing a crown, Ursula carrying a trident.

"Oh, dear look at the time," Gaston examined his wrist, even though he had no watch. "I best get going. I've got a WIFE at home." And he jumped down off the table, water leaking into his shoes as he sprinted to the door.

"Hello handsome," Ursula slowly slid over to Hans, who stood on his throne uncomfortably as Ursula ran her hands through his hair.

"Ursula, look at the hole you made in the floor!!" Morgana said.

"That's not my fault!"

"Yes it is! You made the hole, if only you'd given me the trident-"

"We've been through this Morgana, I have the trident today, you have the it tomorrow."

"That's not fair!!"

"I'm guessing you two rule the seas now?" Maleficent said, trying not to laugh out loud.

"Yes," Ursula stopped messing with Hans' hair hand turned to everyone on the tables. "It was a tough fight, but we made it. There was a shark, about THIS big!!" she spread her arms out, accidentally hitting Hans in the chest, making him all into the water.

"Oops, sorry," Ursula apologised, as Hans sat up, and spat a fish out of his mouth.

Everyone laughed.

"I best be off," Jafar told them all.

"Yes, same here," Maleficent said.

All the villains all said their farewells and departed from Arendelle.

Hans sat back in his throne and ordered some servants to clear away the water and mend the hole in the flooring.

He had finally created the perfect world, where all the villains finally had a chance at winning, where the good guys get to know what it's like to be casted off and rejected.

In this world the villains got their happy ever after.

This was what Hans had created.

And he loved it.

The End

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