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Hi guys,

It's me,

Your lovely, glamourous yet lazy author, YUKI!

Sorry to bring your hopes up with this notification of "Yuki_Okami has updated The Villainess only wants to go home, Chapter 102" but no. No update.

Do I feel guilty?


Do I pity you people?

Really depends on my mood.

Either way, I don't think I'm gonna update in a while because the exams have drained my mental state to -5%.

Even the first day of exams I was mentally and physically drained. I couldn't even lift my pen up.

fun side story, first day of exams and it was my english exam. I had 2 hours to do it but here is the catch, I did it in like around 30 minutes.

Flashback, I rocked up into the exam room with little study because I had literally given up trying to understand the concept of Macbeth, the themes, the characters and etc.

I sat my ass down took a pen from my demon slayer pencil case (Imma flex my tanjiro pencil case)

( You can order from Aliexpress. Really good quality, had for over a year now and it still in one piece. Love it too)

Anyway back to the story,

The moment I laid my eyes on the front page that had the unnecessary instruction like "you cannot use your phone or other technology devices in the exam."

Yeah no shit.

It's not like I'm going to take out my phone and start searching the answers up.

I literally sat there for an hour, staring at the wall like a dead zombie as I listened to the people scribble, write and let me tell you, there is always that one person who's sick and just keeps on sniffing, and when the room is dead silent.


I was going through my life choices and decisions I made the past 15 years of my life and deciding whether I should drop out of school and work at McDonald's for the rest of my life but at the same time I don't want to be murdered by my strict ass parents and want to be alive so I can get the chance to try all the teas in the world before I die a tragic death by getting hit by truck-sama and traveling to another world.

My cousin who sat a few seats away was wondering if I was in the right mental state when she saw me half dead and staring at the wall.

After a whole hour passed, I spent 20 minutes mentally crying to myself because I couldn't understand 500 year old english before getting my act together because I need to write something in the exam for my teacher to read and go wtf is she trying to say.


I just wrote random bullshit on the exam papers and hoped for the best. My teacher is gonna get whatever she is gonna get and she has to deal with it.

To be honest with you guys, I rocked in my last three exams without knowing what I was writing. I went in my maths exam with 2 double sided cheat sheet and a calculator and hoped that the cheat sheet I created would have all the answers to my maths problem.

I even surprisingly passed my Introduction to English language exam which I didn't know shit and just wrote whatever came to my memories.

Yeah, I should have not chosen that subject.

Don't be fooled by its name. It wants you to believe that it's introduction to english. I was fucking fooled.

That subject is basically a step further into english than the normal English you do at school.

Fuck who wants to know about, Phenetics, Phonology, Morphology, Morphemes, bound morphemes, syntax, semantics, and bro that's not even half of things you learn.

I cried my eyes out trying to grasp the concepts of that subject and I was literally shocked when I passed the exam.

I thought I was tripping when I saw the results.

So lesson for all of you, don't do that subject unless you have the brains to understand it.

Imma going to do literature instead.

Anyway, I still got three more exams to go before I can go to my room and start crying because I finished and got it done and dusted.

I should I be studying right now for my Health and Geography exams instead of doing this but I got excited and wanted to show you guys what I have been drawing this whole time I was in my period of 'I should be doing private study in this hour of class' but no.

I wanted you guys to see, Artemis, Diana, Morana and Bedelia in their native dresses being all happy and friendship is magic.

It's just a rough ugly sketch I drew in like a whole period.

But I'm gonna make it look pretty the moment I get motivated to draw again.

So here is the drawing I did, I hope you guys like it.

The drawing of the people I copied from Pinterest, so credit to go whoever the art belongs to.

But the clothes are mine, I take credit for them even though I had to get inspiration on how to design them.

To make things clear for everyone, I drew the 4 main girls in their native dresses from each continent of Alphyria except for Artemis.

Since Artemis is half Japanese and half American, I made the Kimono a little modern American style, to fit both her nationality. (Please don't jude, I'm really trying).

Isvand is a mixture of like a little modern Europe but like the middle ages as well, So I drew Diana's dress like that even though I copied most of it from Pinterest.

Bedelia is my favourite. Drakon is a desert country and it reminds me of the Middle east, so I wanted to make her clothing like Saudi Arabia in the ancient times (Well anime style).

(I want to visit Dubai one day, but I'm a broke Highschool student and Dubai is for the rich and wealthy.)

And the last but not least, Morana. Since Morana is from Aureum which is like a fantasy version of Europe, I designed hers to be like one you see in a fantasy movie.

Anyway I hope you guys love it because I love it until I look back at in 2 weeks and go wtf did I just draw.

And sorry to disappoint you guys with not updating.

But I will.

One day.


Bye bye, Yuki wants to sleep now.

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