Chapter 81 - Scammer

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I could just make out the strangers eyes from the eye sockets of the white mask he wore to hide away his face from the rest of the world. It was a pair of glowing green eyes that looked like the vast green forest trapped in the bottle, preserved forever.

"And who might you be eavesdropping on adults conversation that doesn't concern you?" he spoke from under his plain white mask. I could sense something very dangerous from just by the aura of his fellow comrades behind him, even the way he stand showed his was some sort of professional fighter or assassin.

He looked like someone of high command that shouldn't be crossed.

I gulped 'I must be careful what I say, or this might be my last trick' I felt my throat tighten a little.

"Who I am doesn't matter but what I know of does" I said with raised brows, smiling at him like a man giving away a good deal to him and he shouldn't refuse it, or he might never receive something like this ever again.

The man in the mask was quite. I could feel his eyes examining me dangerously as he stood firmly, his whole body was draped in a black cloak that reached his ankles and a hood over his head as a dark shadow dimmed over half his mask.

"How can a little boy from the streets like you be trusted with the information being provided?" his voice sounded a little muffled from inside the mask.

"Because your need someone who knows where she is, and I've seen her not too long ago" I explained.

Another masked man stepped forward, yet he was quite a little different form the leader. His mask had red symbol that represented fire on its right cheek, strands of red hair dangling down through the hood that was supposed to cover his whole head. He was slight taller than the leader who had a plain mask on and he said something behind the leader that I was unable to hear.

"Tell us what you know" he demanded me.

I pulled a thinking expression, raising an eyebrow "What is the benefit for me if I tell you?" I questioned him with an intriguing look.

I saw his shoulder become tense and the air become a little bitter to the taste. This guy must be getting annoyed with me and wasting his time.

The masked man stretched out his hand from his black cloak and grasped in his hands was a small tied up pouch. "5 gold coins as a reward for helping me find the Isvandy," he said jingling the pouch, the sound of gold clashing together was tempting.

'5 gold coins could be enough to last me till I'm 30. How important is this Isvandy? Who cares, I want the gold'

My eyes turned into gold and my jaw opened wide into a grin.

Clenching the edge of the roof with one hand, I swung myself down. My body dangling down the roof with one hand still grasping on then to release my hold and land on the ground with a loud thud.

"You got yourself a deal" I put a thumbs up at him and he sounded satisfied just by the tense shoulders that came to a relaxation.

He retreated his arm back in the cloak and spoke "Tell me where you last saw her"

'To be honest with you masked man I didn't see her a hours ago but a couple of days ago and second, the first and last time I saw her was in the Eastern district of Taivas where most of the nobles and a few commoners go to.' Of course, I didn't say that to him and said it in my head for no one to hear except for me.

However, it's not like I'm going to tell him that's where I saw her.

'An eye for an eye.'

"I last spotted her in the western district of Taivas not so long ago as I had just came from there"

Another masked man with a different symbol which wasn't on his cheek but on his forehead and it was an earth symbol had spoken "Master how can you trust the words of a street boy? He might be deceiving you" the cloaked finger from behind stepped in and whispered in the leaders ear but it was loud enough for me to hear like he wanted me to hear it.

'Listen to your friend here. How can you trust the words of a street boy desperate for money? I'm a thief and a scammer'

I could sense the uneasiness coming from the plain masked man all of a sudden, he didn't seem to trust my words anymore which he shouldn't but who am I to tell him not to.

'Shit I can't let this opportunity slide. I must get him to believe me all over again. Think Jackal. What can I tell him to believe me that I saw her? what did she have that might spark a familiarity' I held the same expression from before but my mind was wandering off to try to rack my stupid brain of the memory of the girl.

'Did she have a mole on her face?' remembering her face, it was spotless from any birthmark so I can't use that.

'Did she have some sort of ornament on her hair that was special?' No, the only thing I can remember was white silver hair tied in a high ponytail.

I thought I was about to give up when I remembered something that walked alongside her.

"Just so we are talking about the same person" I started stroking my chin in deep thought "May this Isvandy be traveling with a fox companion?" I said peeking an eye at him. He suddenly stepped forward and a deep inhale rattled from his mask.

His companions also went quite. I shut them up with the truth.

'Yes. Got him now'

I crossed my hands and my lips twitching into a victorious grin as my brows raised. "It seems like this street boy isn't lying about what he saw. Is he?" my tone hinting the young boy's mischievous play.

He was silent and didn't utter anything as if he was in deep thought. Too bad that his face was hiding away in the mask for me to read what he was thinking.

"No, it seems not" he said "However, I'm not surprised she will head where the wealthiest nobles gather" I heard him mumble, reaching his hand inside the hood and scratching his head which I caught to be a dark oaky brown like the tree trunks of a lively forest.

I stretched out my hand and put my palm out, gesturing for him to place the gold pouch "My gold" I said with a greedy grin on my face and wriggling my eyebrows.

I heard him click his tongue and saw the hand appear from out his cloak and the pouch flying towards the direction of my palm.

I caught it with a jingle of gold against gold.

"Were heading to the western district. There we will track her down" he explained to his comrades who each nodded their head in the form of obey.

"Well then I shall get going as I have a very busy day. Good day to you fine gentlemen" I bowed mockingly before walking away, throwing the pouch in the air, and catching it again before slipping it in my pocket and then to slip into the crowd so they wouldn't come after me.

'As I said before what a fine day to scam people' I breathed in the freshness of the Taivas air against my lungs, feeling it cool through my throat.

'Now what I should do first with these riches in my pocket?'


Authors note:

~Warning: probably long~

Sorry for the short chapter. I really didn't know what to write next so I thought 1313 words should be fine for this chapter but next time I will encourage myself to write more for a chapter but I do hope you like this one.

Anyway Jackal is finally here, took me long enough to get up to him. I didn't want to rush in because then it would have been kinda eh and augh and 'oh what a boring encounter, I thought there would be more to it' kind of feeling.

(I'm going to go on a little rant over here, you can ignore if you want but I need to let out this negative emotion buckled up inside me)

I like things to be more realistic than idealistic. I don't wanna write as if Artemis sees him and goes...

'Oh I remember you.' - Artemis

'Yeah same' - Jackal

'Hey since I saved your life from your hunters let me follow you around' - Jackal

'Sure' - Artemis

'hahahahahah' - Jackal and Artemis

'What the fuck is going on?' - Homura

Yeah no. That's just blah. No offence but that's what people who are to lazy to write anything and want things to be quick or can't be bothered to write something properly or just can't think of anything realistic and just write to make it quick (No offence to some writers). But that's a problem with some of the writers on wattpad. (Yet their stories are still great though)

It just doesn't make the story interesting to read sometimes.

I mean some things needs to go on their own pace than everything all at once where you go 'what?'

Let me explain further (Skip if you wanna).

An example - I could have written an encounter with Bedelia and Artemis where Artemis would be nice to her (Which will never happen because that's not her character to be nice to people. She's nice in her own way even though it comes out of rude and insulting) and Bedelia would go 'Oh my god she's treats me differently. I'm going to be her friend and only be nice to her and no one else. I'm going to cling on to her and get jealous whenever she's talks or befriends other girls.oooooooo' and they become the bestest friends like they have since they were kids or something, on the spot with just these words...

"Wanna be friends?" - Bedelia

"Sure" - Artemis

(Artemis isn't too quick to friend people it's just not her character to do so. Artemis is blunt and straightforward and it always comes out cold or mean which gets people to hate her quickly and even if she is being nice only a few people who understands her will notice she's trying to be nice even if it's mean. Even Akira had a hard time friending her because Artemis kept pushing her away and being cold)

I've read stories like that on Wattpad especially Reincarnation stories and thought 'Huh? What? How?' (this is just my thinking everyone is different so don't hate me)

And for some unknown reason all the characters, I mean all the characters in the reincarnation novel are made to be clingy, obsessive, childish, and something-con to the Fl instantly when they meet her, especially the Mls of an otome game. No hate to the authors but that's gets really annoying to read because when writing something like that the characters aren't consistent and all over the place as if they lost what type of character they written and it's just annoying and boring.

Remember I'm not hating on any author, their stories are wonderful to read and it gets me through things in life when I don't want to be in the real world when I'm on wattpad but sometimes it's all the same and gets really annoying when reading.

I'm not saying my story is the best and all because it's actually not. It's got a lot of flaws I need to fix especially on the first cringe chapters and yes it's cliche a little but that was me starting off.

We all start off horribly but we all fix our mistakes. So to all the reincarnation loving authors out there I'm not bad mouthing you, your ideas and stories are wonderful but I'm just trying to say we need something new instead of the same old same old. (That's why I took it upon myself to start a fresh isekai novel, so I hope people read to understand where to start on something new and also do something fresh like I have. PLEASE DON'T HATE ME. I'm just trying to solve a world isekai crisis that's needs to be helped')

Anyway hope your ready for Jackal to annoy the shit out of Artemis and Homura (Also try to scam her as well) and to see her kick some more earthy butts on her way.

Stay tune my lovely readers and stay safe you all.

Bye bye

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