I stood in the presence of the emperor whose dominating aura overshadowed everyone else's. He sat on his mighty silver throne that looked like a mountain behind him, the frame behind him was long and arch and it seemed it was made from stone.
'I think my ass would be sore from sitting on that for a long period of time'
Observing him better, the emperor had a strong jaw line that still was visible till his middle age years even if a few wrinkles was seen in the corner of his eyes. His silver hair was slicked back to present how well clean he was and to hide away the white hairs that was starting to grow, and his silver eyes continued to observe me from top to bottom. He must have been a handsome man in his youth years.
His wife must have had a huge competition with the ladies that wanted him. So, it wasn't this emperor who had a few wives and concubines in the novel. I think it's Drakon, Isvand or Terra. I can't remember.
This time everyone was staring at me tensely, I could even feel hundred pairs of eyes burning the back of neck.
It was a total awkward silent as if the king didn't know where to start off.
"What are these pesky human's looking at? Do they need me to pluck their eyes out?" Homura squawked flapping his wings aggressively that few of his feathers plucked out and fell gently to the floor.
The emperor who I have no clue his names is rose an eyebrow. "You have a very interest companion on your shoulder" he said stroking his chin that contained little facial hair.
I forced a smile as I clutched Homura's beak shut making him mumble and flap his wings aggressively. "He fell out his nest and banged his head on a rock when his was a chick" I lied.
"I see" he nodded awkwardly before clearing his throat from behind the clenched fist he had near his mouth.
Ambrose rose from his seat, his clenched behind his back "for saving my youngest son, the prince of Ventus from the illness none could heal, I, Emperor Ambrose Volant declare you a saviour of the Volant family and as a reward from me a 500-acre land would be given to you as of composition and 5000 gold pieces" he announced with his now spread out wide in the air.
The maids and butlers who were around gasped while some whispered at the handsome reward given to me.
'So, his name is Ambrose. Now I remember' I scanned him thoroughly, something was wrong with him. The emperor had slight purple bags under his eyes and those silver eyes hinted a miserable look that wasn't showed on his face.
He looked heart broken.
'Meh, not my problem' I shrugged it off. I glanced over to the side where another throne that was beside the Emperor yet it was empty. His wife must be with Ben.
Glancing over to the other side, was Arthur standing beside the emperor but further back. His stood firmly like a loyal soldier, his silver eyes was tensed up and his figure was built up. Arthur looked like a Commander from the army if you ask me.
'Don't think I have forgotten our little promise' I glared daggers at him, and he seemed to notice as he stared motionless at me. 'Piece of shit, I'm going to punch you so hard your front teeth would be knocked out.'
I lowered my body into a bow.
"Thank you for your generous reward but-" I lifted my head, locking eyes with his dominating eyes that resembled a tigers fierce watch. "I must refuse"
Everyone gasped except for the King and Arthur who only looked at me shocked. "Pardon, but is that too little for your liking?" Ambrose asked.
"No. The offer is a very generous amount, but I cannot accept such proposal since after all I have no need for it" I explained politely as I can.
The people around me gave me a weary look of dissention. Their greed in their eyes was noticeable if looked at and each one could be sensed the plan in their head if they had that sort of money in their possession.
But I do not need anymore gold. I already have enough to last me through my journey until I find my way home.
Ambrose however observed my expression stroking his little facial hair in curiosity. "Is there something else you desire? Lady..." he paused midway waiting for my introduction.
"Alethia Smith" I placed my palm on my chest as I bowed my head a little.
"Alethia" Ambrose voiced my name with a small smile as he looked up at the ceiling. "A wise name well given to you, Lady Aletheia" Ambrose rested his hand on his chest and bowed his head for courtesy towards me.
The author really out done his/her characters in the trilogy. Ambrose character was created in order to showcase how Ventus is ruled by a righteous Emperor of his time and also to bring out how Neil was raised under his wings to become the next Emperor of Ventus. Yet sadly because of the ancient ideology towards women he is sexist.
Ambrose was about to continue when Homura had to open his beak and started squawking.
"Ahh yes. Thank you very much, very important human of the humans." Homura moved his wings around as he spoke "I myself had thought of that name. I'm not just beautiful but very smart"
I gave him a deadpanned expression as sweat drop fell down my temple.
I heard a light chuckle coming from the emperor and I turned to see him chuckling behind his clenched fist. "It seems like your bird is very pleased" his voice was gentle and soft. I had forgotten these people can only hear raven squawks instead of Homura's annoying voice that's always bickering in my ear.
"Yes, and also too full of himself" I flicked the side of Homura's head making him squawk at me in annoyance.
Ambrose chuckled some more before composing himself. He came to look upon with me with silver eyes holding guilt, a shame that will continue to make question himself.
"Lady Alethia, I must apologise for my shameful and ignorant words yesterday" he said with a soft and saddened tone as he lowered his gaze from mine.
"I had mocked you and your abilities to heal my son, yet you still came upon to cure my son's illness that no man in the whole of Alphyria could" Ambrose attention returned to me, he took a deep breath after pausing and he suddenly knelt down on his two knees catching me off guard and so as everyone else.
"You highness!" Arthur interrupted with a sudden shock, taking a step to run to his emperor when Ambrose raised his hand in the air indicating him to not move.
"From the deepest of my heart I sincerely apologise for what I had said yesterday." He did not raise his head to look at me, it seems like the shame is to unbearable for him to even lock eyes with me.
I stood there shocked myself for why someone as high as him would do what he is doing, had left me blank in the head 'Author, this character you have created, an emperor who lowers himself to a lowly commoner such as myself in order to apologise is truly incredible. Maybe not all ancient kings in this fantasy world is that bad'
"If I had known that someone like you was so knowledgeable, I would have looked away from you being a woman and had let you do what you know best but I was too blind and caught up in a man's belief of a woman. Please find in your heart to forgive this foolish emperor, I would be in your debt." Ambrose slowly rose his head to lock his determined eyes with my blue ones.
I searched for any misleading words yet in his eyes I could not see anything but the guilt and honest from him. Ambrose was completely sincere with his words, his knows his mistake and wants to be forgiven
"Please do not lower yourself for lowly commoner like me." I sighed shaking my head. "Its my job as a doctor to heal anyone, no matter their statues, wealth, power, poor or weak. It is an oath I sworn when becoming a doctor" I explained.
"So please rise" I said feeling uncomfortable for being stared and glared at by so many people in the room especially Arthur.
Ambrose formed a small smile, his silver eyes now looking straight down as he seemed to be thinking of something.
"No, no. It's ok keep kneeling. Bow before me hu-MMMMMHMHMH" I grabbed a hold of Homura's beak before he continued on speaking.
"Either way, it doesn't concern me in the slightest." I spoke, watching Ambrose rise up from his feet and to stand on them again, he stood in front of his silver mountain like throne tall and mighty.
"But the person who needs an apology from you is not me" an upsetting frown formed on his face, Ambrose knew the person I spoke of and just by examining his expression it was easy to know how ashamed he was and the guilt of treating his wife the way he did. It was hard to identify how badly he wanted too but the problem is not his apology but the Empress forgiveness.
Homura turned his head towards my direction poking my cheek with his long pointy beak "Who needs to be forgive?" Homura asked me. "The only creature that's left is me. I too need an apologise and a bow from him. I was treated like I was some dead rat by his human minions" Homura flapped his wing aggressively, pointing his feathery finger to himself.
"There, there Homura, I will apologise from his stead" I patted his little head. "Can I get a bow from you as well?" I turned my head to look at him, a blank expression crossing my face when I looked at him and he in return gave me a wide grin of insensible written all over it.
"In your dreams" I whispered rolling my eyes.
"You are right, Lady Alethia. I treated my beloved empress very unfairly yesterday and I couldn't bring myself to apologise to her for the way I spoke"
I nodded my head in agreement. He went silent for a second looking down at his feet, his silver eyes shaking nervously.
"Umm sorry to interrupt but I have a compensation to make" I rose my hand and getting the emperors attention back.
"Uhh yes. There must be something you desire Lady Alethia. Please announce your wish and I will do everything in my power to achieve it for you"
I looked at him and the glanced over to where Arthur stood with his hands behind his back staring at me in return. I could sense the confusion coming from as he silver eyes darted to mine.
A smirk formed on my face. "Your knight" I pointed my finger to him watching his brows knit into a confusion expression.
"Pardon?" he looked back to look at Arthur who stood uncomfortably on his spot. "You want Arthur, the commander of the Ventus knights?" Ambrose glanced back at me with a questionable look.
"No, you have misunderstand" I shook my left hand. "I promised Arthur, I would give him a good punch in the face if his highness Benjamin woke up from his slumber" I explained with a forced smile plastered on my face and I cocked my head towards Arthur who glared at me with a clenched jaw.
"Oh, thank god. I thought you wanted to mate with that metal human" Homura said with a sigh of relief while he whipped an invisible sweat from his forehead. I kept my composure in check before I strangle this bird. 'What the hell was going through this foxes pea brained head?'
Ambrose didn't utter a word, his silver eyes stared at me, but he seemed like his mind was somewhere else, his expression pulled into shock while Arthur's mouth opened wide and his left eye twitched.
I placed my right hand on my chest and my left-hand mid-air, palm out "As a humble woman of my word, I would like to honour my promise to Arthur and punch him in the face. This is my reward for saving your son, please accept this"
Arthur face scrunched into a scowl when he looked over at me as if I was talking bullshit.
"Your royal majesty this is-" Arthur couldn't continue his sentence when Ambrose broke into a laugh.
His gruff laughter echoed the throne hall room as he was the only one laughed. Ambrose laughed like he hadn't laughed in years, with humour.
"I don't get what's so funny" Homura asked scratching the top of his head.
"Neither do I?" I whispered back.
No one laughed, no one spoke, and no one dared to whisper.
Ambrose's laughter faded when he finally came to a halt, taking a lungful full air and standing straight up again.
"Never in my years have I met an interesting old lady such as yourself." Ambrose said, a pure smile forming on his face.
"To be honest with you important human, she isn't an oldy lady but a psychotic, mentally unstable young female human who open human up" Homura corrected with a point of a finger. "And I'm actually a fox cursed to be in this unbearable body, this female human put me under" He said dramatically, putting his wing on his forehead like a damsel in distress which resulted me in rolling my eyes.
"I, Emperor Ambrose Volant of Ventus accept this offer from Lady Alethia Smith of Isvand" He announced.
Arthur looked at his king nervously. "But your royal highness this is..." he was lost for words unable to say anything. Ambrose glanced back with a soft smile.
"Sir Arthur, I know this is a request you do not wish upon your self but as Emperor I must accept my son's saviour her compensation" he explained politely so Arthur wouldn't get any distress from this.
"But-" Arthur stopped, his silver eyes staring into his kings eyes. Those trustful eyes of his master returned by the loyal eyes of his knight.
With a defeated sigh Arthur gave in. "As you wish, your highness" he bowed with one arm on his chest.
"Thank you, Sir Arthur" Ambrose nodded in return for his loyal knights response.
Arthur made his way to me; the clanging of his metal rattled the room with every step made a clicking a sound that was very enjoyable to hear when approached me.
I began to crack my knuckles, cocking my head to the side with a sinister grin across my face. "I told you I will punch you once I get out" I said with a voice that sent a few shivers down his spine when he came close enough to hear me.
"You reall-PUGH!" He didn't get to finish his sentence when my punch collided in his face, sending him to the floor unconscious. His face felt hard when I punched him that it sent a few jolts of pain through my arm, I winced in grief a little, scrunching my face in the pure agony of my knuckles feeling like it has cracked because it collided with a rock hard surface. 'Shit I should have punched him a little gentler'
"Now that's a punch I will remember" Homura cheered with a pirate wave of his wings. "Now kick him in the human reproductive system so he wouldn't be able to produce any human babies" Homura squawked, his beady onyx eyes reflecting a glittering glow of mischief.
I shook my head with a slight chuckle ignoring his suggestion. I looked down at Arthur who lay on the red-carpet unconscious with a bruise forming on his nose.
The adrenaline seeped through my bones, and I had forgotten the throbbing pain on my knuckles. The excitement of getting revenge and punching his face was like a fresh of breath air, however it made me wonder how I would feel punching Marcus in the face when I get the chance.
I couldn't help cackle mischievously "~Heheh~ no one messes with grandma Alethia"
I heard the same gentle laugh from before. Looking to where Ambrose stood, he was now sitting on his silver throne in amusement at the scene I just pulled a second ago.
I also heard a few snickering from the guards behind who seemed to enjoy watching Arthur their commander who was in a higher position than they were get punched. I assume they were treated like newbie soldiers that signed up for the army by Arthur and this was like a little revenge coming from them.
I watched as two higher knights than the guards come to his aid, pulling him up by his hands and placing them over their heads and taking him away, his feet dragging the red carpet as they did.
Such a pleasant sight it was. Homura however had his hands crossed and cheeks pouting. "You should have kicked him too". I glanced him with a black expression then to flick the side of his head.
"Stop doing that!"
We interrupted by a maid who strolled in the hall room, then to bow in front of the king. Observed her, she wasn't older than I was, my younger self not myself in disguise of course. Her light purple hair was done in a tight bun, and she wore the same maiden outfit from the medieval times. When she spoke, the maid was polite in her tone and soft yet loud enough for the emperor who sat on his throne to here
"Your royal Majesty the Emperor. His young highness, prince Benjamin and her royal highness Empress Arabella would like to see the lady that saved his life"
I somehow found myself in the chambers of Benjamin, with himself laying in a sitting position on his king-sized bed which was ridiculous big for a kid his age to have, smiling at me for some unknown reason which made me uncomfortable.
An aura of sunshine glowed around him indicating his bright personality.
His bright violet eyes that once was dull and held pain when he looked at me yesterday begging me to save him from the suffering he felt was now replaced with a wave of vibrant lavender hue and life.
The colour on his face returned as well and he didn't look sick anymore except for his red swollen eyes that was quite visible to see. He was quite skinny for his age maybe that's just the result for having a loss of appetite for quite a while.
His silver hair was a way more shiner than Neil's hair which the first time I saw him was a few weeks back at the night of the banquet when I arrived in this world or maybe that's because it was in the dark and I didn't have a good look at him but oh well who cares which brother has the shiniest silver hair, it's like one of them is going to win the shiniest hair award or the world's record for the shiniest hair.
Furthermore, Ben looked like boy version of his mother but a kid version though.
Speaking of Ben's mother, she sat in the opposite side of the bed. Her silver hair that reflected the rays of sun that shone behind her was tied into a braided crown and a small emerald tiara was placed upon it to touch up her hair.
The empresses violet eyes shined a bright amethyst colour that was captivating to look at it and it brought out her light cream skin colour and her pink plump heart shaped lips of hers.
Arabella had her gentle hands-on top of each other, her dress was an emerald green, the laces were sparkly as if the whole galaxy was sewed on it.
Arabella was a beautiful woman that I cannot lie though. Ambrose, you caught yourself a rainbow fish from the sea, you better not let it slip through your fingers because once you do you will never catch it again neither see it again for that matter.
"You must be Lady Alethia Smith I heard about" Arabella spoke with a soft gentle voice.
"Yes" I answered bluntly.
Arabella smiled at me, and I realised when I looked straight into her eyes, it had became watery. "Thank you for going through all that trouble just to save my son" her voice tremble, she wanted to cry but it being seemingly she didn't want to due to her statues of being empress.
"It's my duty as a doctor to save people" I explained not knowing how to comfort her, so I just stood there, in the corner of the room awkwardly with my hands beside me looking side to side to avoid any uncomfortable eye contact with the two royals.
"Is there anything you desire for me to reward to give my gratitude to you Lady Aletheia?" she asked dabbing a white handkerchief on the corners of her eyes, so she doesn't spoil the little make up she wore.
"No." I answered
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