Chapter 43 - Poverty

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'Am I lost? I can't feel anything heavy in the earth that might be a dragon. I'm definitely lost' I sighed in disappointment wishing I had my phone to navigate my way through. I looked around the dirty and dark alleyway, a few homeless people sat around miserably, clothes in rags and hair messy and oily from the lack of cleaning.

A few children lay on the hard and dirty ground, figures like skeletons. No muscles to be seen just skin and bone.

No matter what place or where in the world, there is always poverty and the poor at every corner.

I just stared in hostility, there was no ache in my heart seeing how they just lay there like the dead. No sympathy for them as they are only just ink and words written in a book.

They was nothing I could do to help them to solve their problem even giving them a few coins to solve a few days' worth of food, they would just return back to begging for something to quench their hunger again.

I jumped back when I felt a sense next to me. Looking at the person, I relaxed my hand that was behind me ready to take out the tanto. It was just a woman, her brown hair was tied in a very messy ponytail, flies flew over her dirty and greasy hair, there was bags under her tired green eyes. Her cheeks were sucked in revealing that she hasn't eaten for days. Her scent was revolting that I had to cover my nose with my cloak.

"P-please" her voice was raspy and dry. She reached her bony hand out like she was trying to grab something "I-I" My eyes widened in horror to see a baby, wrapped in thin brown cloth as she held him gently in her left arm. I couldn't help but hold back the lump in my throat, the baby's face was blue, it's lips dry and his cheeks swollen inwards.

It was dead.

"'s...hungry" she croaked, trying to catch breath every time she uttered a word. This baby looked like it has been dead for days. The smell of dead corps penetrated through the cloak, stinging my nose.

'How long have you kept the deceased baby in your arms? Did you know that your child has been dead or-' I stared down into the woman's eyes in sudden sympathy. 'Is the grief of losing your child so unbearable that your mind cannot condemn the idea of losing such innocence'

I glanced down again at the corps wrapped in the thin material that was meant to prevent the baby from getting cold. There was no emotion that could explain how I was feeling right now. Even if my heart started to hurt for the innocent child that was gone from this world, my cold expression hadn't left and I gazed at the shut eyes of the baby, it's soul in a far better place than this slum.

"The child. What's it's name?" I questioned my sight not leaving the baby. "M-a-ximus" she croaked again under the raspy and dry voice.

'A boy'

This woman what should I say to her? your son is gone or I'm sorry, but your son is dead.

I closed my eyes and prayed for the loss of her son. 'I pray this soul has found its way to paradise' was the last thing I thought before I bent down and placed a cold hand on her dry and bony hand.

"Madam your-" I couldn't tell her. I was to hesitant to. I felt guilt stir up in my chest. Why was it suddenly so hard to tell her? I had informed families about their loved ones passing when I worked as a doctor in the organisation. It never bothered me to tell them without feeling sorrow or guilt, so why? Why is it hard now? why can't I muster up the courage and tell her? Could it be because it's a mother? a mother losing her baby that hadn't lived to walk, talk or grow into a man just because she couldn't feed him.

"I'm sorry" was all I could muster to say. She only stared into my hood with empty eyes, no hope left in them as it just stared into the empty space.

The only thing I could do is end her misery, take her away from this accursed world that lead her to this cruel life in the street and let her reunite with her child. Maximus.

I placed the still fainted fox on the ground and reached my hand to my medieval pouch and took out a bread. 'You wanted to feed your child, didn't you? Let me give you the last wish you desired before I send you off'

I had the bread in front of her hinting for her to take it. I watched her swollen baggy eyes lit up with joy as her lips twitched to form a dry smile.

Her hands shook when she reached out to take the bread I offered.

"T-h-ank y-you" her voice came hoarse barely audible.

She didn't hesitate to lower the bread into the mouth of her child and as she did, I slid out a kunai knife from my thigh ready to end the miserable life she endured this whole time.

"Pl-e-ase k-kill m-e"

I nearly dropped my kunai knife, I felt my heart sink to my feet and my muscles tensing from the sudden shock.

"Le-t m-me be with m-y s-son" there was tear droplets racing down her cheeks, dropping and landing on the cloth that wrapped her son, soaking it and turning the spot darker than it already was.

Gripping the handle of my Kunai, I placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry" 'if only I had escaped days sooner'.

With a thrust, I injected the blade to her neck and a low gasp came from her. The baby fell on her lap and the bread soaked in the blood that fell upon it.

I slowly took my kunai out from her neck and saw how the blood gushed from the stab wound. I stared into her deep lifeless eyes, glittering with the wet tears that formed in her sockets while small smile was plastered on her face. She was relieved.

I wiped my kunai knife on the brown cloak before returning it back to it's rightful place on my thigh with its friend.

I slid out a white linen from the medical bag and wrapped it around her neck.

I put Max in her arms, letting her hold her son even after death and mumbled a prayer for the mother and the baby again.

I scooped Homura up and walked off going deeper into the homes of the poor.

My darted to every poor person lying on the slabs of concrete beneath them.

No laughter from children except for their cries of hunger. Men and women groaning from pain and hunger. Coughs coming from the old people.

Where was their emperor when they need him? why isn't he solving this important matter then sitting on his golden throne as his people starve to death out here? Is what I would have said to myself, but I already know the answer to those questions.

It's because he can't do anything. Like how the governments, royals ruling over their countries in my world couldn't solve the same matter as well. No one can, no matter what they do, there will always be the people that will live off of scraps and waste.

"Excuse me" I was thrown off my train of thoughts when I heard a small meek voice from behind.

I span around to see a couple of children huddled behind each other, dirty and smelly. Their pair of eyes staring at me in sorrow and hunger.

"D-do y-you have any food" she stuttered tucking the hem of my cloak. I felt a pair of hundred of eyes staring at me and when I looked around, the poor had slowly gathered around waiting for an answer. Just thinking about them, would I have been the same if the organisation hadn't taken me in? would I have been living in the slums with my brother, begging passer byers for money or food?

A long sigh escaped my mouth. I may be heartless when I kill but I'm not heartless when it comes to a peasant.

I looked down at my bag. I only 3 bread rolls left, 3 apples, and a block of cheese wrapped around a cloth yet not enough for these hungry children and if I gave them gold then the people would be suspicious on why a beggar has gold in their possessions then to still it off them and use it for their own greed.

And silver, I don't have enough for all of them still. Maybe I should just give them the gold, wish them luck on it.

I took a pouch filled with gold and took a gold coin. Their eyes lit up and their jaws dropped. "Here" I passed it to her. Her little brown eyes stared at the glittering gold and her mouth drooled. She hesitantly took it not uttering any questions. The kids around her, had their mouths wide open.

I scanned around to see the people eyeing the gold wanting it for themselves. 'It's going to take a while'

I had finally made my way to the dragon market without any Assassins or knights catching me or seeing me.

To be honest I had taken the route where most poor people lived following the little girl that offered to escort me to the dragon market as gratitude for giving her a gold coin to live off of.

"Thank you" I bowed to the little girl. She tilted her head in confusion but didn't say anything and ran off back to the direction we came from.

A long sigh escaped my mouth. "kids" I shook my head.

"mmmm where am I?" the fox groaned. "Have I died and gone to animal heaven?"

"Sorry to break it ya, but your still alive." Sarcasm left my mouth so easily. "And to my luck as well" I rolled my eyes.

He lifted his head up and narrowed his eyes at me. "Why do I have this feeling that you want me dead"

I didn't say anything and kept my eyes up at the market ahead of us.

"Oi, I'm talking to you" he poked my cheek repeatedly as he said.

"ROAR" the sounds of faint growls travelled through the wind with the stench of revolting burning meat.

Homura body stiffen, turning his head slowly to the direction of the sound. I smirked, enjoying seeing the expression of the snobby little fox.

"Are you ready to get a dragon"



Authors Note:

Hello lovelies,

It's me

Your lazy Author Yuki,

Just wanted to say that I might be going to change Alejandro's name into Damon since i'm starting to think the name Alejandro is bleh and it's not to my liking anymore, it was a name I chose in a hurry.

So yeah.


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