Chapter 117 - Flicker

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Jackal jumped out of his skin from fright. His beating heart racing widely inside his chest.

Artemis's eye twitched with annoyance. How is this kid so stupid? she was literally calling for some assistance to get this guy off of her but instead of helping out, he was standing there like a shaken little lamb. It concerned the assassin for future occurrence. If this kid can't even help her out with a simplest thing, why does she risk her life for this kid by bring him along in the first place?

Seeing how furious his sensei was, made the little thief hide inside the hood of his cloak. "Sorry" he stammered softly.

"An apology isn't gonna cut it brat. I could have been killed and you would have been next" Artemis snapped out angrily. The audacity of this kid to apologise.

"But I didn't" Ciel groaned from beside Artemis, his hand cupping his cock from the shear agony he was feeling. His voice clearly breathless.

"You shut it or the next thing hitting your dick is my blade" Artemis side eyed the orange haired man with irritation. Her cold eyes making him squeak.

"I thought ladies were supposed to be gentle and kind but your so brutal" he moaned, his face facepalming the ground as he spoke.

"I'll be even more of a brutal bitch if you don't keep that cake hole shut" Artemis hissed, twirling the Kunai around her fingers quickly yet gracefully. The handle stopped perfectly in her palm, and she clenched her fingers around the leather bandages of the Kunai.

Ciel's ocean eyes glanced at the leaf shaped blade within her slender fingers that were definitely not for a blade and a nervous sweat broke out. "I take back what I said, your just plain ruthless" his voice muffled, and cheek pressed against the ground when he turned to face her, still in the same position of being on his four, hands cupped his cock. "Killing millions of my children by a span of a second" he said bluntly.

The Kunai span to face the other way, "Then say hello to your deceased babies when you get to paradise, ass hole" she hurled herself at Ciel with the kunai ready to stab him. Immediately Ciel shrieked out of his position and rolled the side, out of the way of the Kunai that could have stabbed him but thrusted deep into the ground.

Artemis' haori flapped in the wind when she landed in his former spot. Her eyes gazed up with a lustful kill in her eyes.

Ciel saw his life flash before his eyes, and he gulped a spit full of salvia down his throat. He looked at the spot where the blade could have thrusted into his flash. "You crazy woman!" Ciel shouted, staggering up from his feet and getting into a defensive stance. "Has the words I mean no harm not processed in your head yet!".

Artemis rose up and titled her head to the side, with a cold a gaze she answered him. "No, it did but I'm pissed that you made me feel so weak. So, I'm just gonna kill you to return my dignity I just lost because of you."

Ciel brows narrowed down, and his jaw tightened. Elisaria had warned him about Artemis' nature, but she never stated that Artemis would kill people whenever she liked. The orange haired keeper clenched his hands into a tight fist and with a spark of his magic, his hand flamed with a lightening of blue fire.

"Don't blame me for doing this but you asked for this". Of course Ciel was not going to kill nor harm her, he already knows the great power this woman wields. it would be too dangerous for him to try to attack her but to just defend himself was all he was going for. 

He hopes. 

The assassin's lips began to twist, forming a devilish smirk in the corner of her lips. How long has it been since she fought a person with magic.

Too long.

Like a flicker of light Artemis disappeared from her spot leaving no trace but a gust of wind behind. Ciel's eyes gawked open, and his body froze from utter shock.

How was anyone able to do that?

There was no sense of her presence lingering anywhere.

He didn't get to think much further nor react when Artemis appeared in front of him. A light wind that blew at him when she faced him. Just like how she disappeared, she reappeared the same way. Artemis was incredibly fast, faster than any human he has ever seen before. Not even the greatest knight nor assassin could be able to match her speed.

Her position was low in defence and an inch away from his as her blue eyes trailed a glow of blue. The hand wielding the leaf shaped blade was in front of her, ready to strike.

Ciel had no agility to match with her speed to block her attack and his eyes quivered with fear. His reflexes however didn't bail out on him, and he immediately drew his hands to his face, wrists crossed against each other forming X. Blue flame burst through his whole body and sparked out his hands angrily. With them he could only create a flaming wall in front of his face with his hands, in hopes that Artemis would back away.

Artemis on the other hand swung her blade around, positioning it around and she paced her foot to the side, swinging her other leg towards Ciel's waist and in a matter of seconds Artemis whole body swung around Ciel and flung him to the ground with a loud thud.

The orange haired gasped loudly in pain.

Artemis landed straight on top of him, her knee forcing down his back and her hand grasped with the blade in the air to strike while the other twisted his hand upon his back.

Jackal and Homura who were standing nearby watched the whole thing. Homura had a smug look on his face as his paw held down a little fairy who struggled rapidly to get free while Jackal on other hand went pale as he watched Artemis on top of Ciel and her blade slashed down.

The memories from that night came rushing back to him and his breathing stopped. Eyes rushed up to his eye sockets as he fainted to the ground, falling on his back.

Homura side eyed the little thief, body scrawled on the floor and his tattered cloak spread like a pool of blood under him. The foxes expression went blank, and he felt so annoyed.

"I was expecting one of them to go down first but to see him fall without even being in a fight is very pathetic. It's second-hand embarrassment just being near him." Homura bluntly spoke to no one.

Ciel's eyes stared with terror at his own reflection from the oddly shaped blade. Sweat prickling down his forehead, orange hair scrawling the floor and his deep ocean eyes filled with confusion and horror.

Did she just spare him? then what was that just earlier?!

"Your strength may overpower mines, but your skills are far below my level. Remember that carrot head" Artemis cold eyes flared holes into him. Her tone fierce and deadly.

The carrot head was puzzled, his mind was still whirling from the second near death experience. "I don't understand. I thought you wanted to kill me" he spoke.

"Do I look that ruthless to you?" Artemis arched an eyebrow, titling her head as she did and analysing his dumbfounded expression more likely his features when his head had turned to the side to look at her. Before, she had only seen his face from what the light of the orange flame wanted to show her, but now under the sun light she could see what she had missed that night.

An ikeman, carrying an imperious nose and sharp cheekbones that sliced down to a flinty jaw. His cheekbones looked chiselled into shape by a master craftsman, like mountain peaks making him appear to be cast from a different mould than the rest of humanity. Even with the dirt that stained his cheeks, forehead from the constant falls on his face, his skin shown flawlessly from the rays of the sun that showered it's warmth on him. His crescent-of-moon eyebrows were thin and narrow in which narrowed down to form a frustrated knot from the respond he received by Artemis.

His aquatic eyes were orb round yet sharp, staring deeply into her eyes. Although, they were soft, Irish eyes and swam with life, they shone brightly, like two aquamarines dipped in milky pools.

That strong neck lining with his broad spartan shoulders of his, under the tunic of his white blouse and leather vest.

His bright flaming orange hair scattered on the grass and straddling down the side of his face and hanging over his captivating eyes. She begin to wonder to herself if Ariana ever met this man. if she did she might have added him to her harem. 

"If you weren't trying to kill me just a second ago. Yes" Ciel replied back, snapping the Isvandy back to Alphyria. Ciel had locked his eyes with her and sensed her intense scanning of hers that darted up, down, left, and right. He felt embarrassed, and his cheeks turned a little pink.

Was she probably staring at his dirty figure and his commoner clothes he wore that was not something a young lady would like? And his face, he knew it had become dirty from the earth he was constantly being thrown at.

Artemis blinked and her lips straightened like a line while her eyes dropped with a blank stare. "My way of expressing things is different from the way of ordinary people do" Artemis pulled her kunai out of the ground and twirled it back to its hiding place, ignoring the sudden pinkness on his cheeks.

"It surely doesn't make one believe your trying to kill them" Ciel said flatly, his eye twitching from the annoyance.

Brutal... Check.

Ruthless... Check.

Vivacious... Check.

Unpredictable... Check.

Patronising... Check.

Her continuous sarcasm and sharp tongue that likes to him feel like some retarded shit head.... CHECK!

Everything Elisaria had told him about Artemis Ray is all checked in one go.

What did he get himself into? He isn't going to live two second with this unpredictable woman who just likes add salt to his wounds. Might as well just kill him now.

Artemis side eyed, her head tipping to the side and her lips pursed together as if she was weighing her words on her tongue before she voiced them out.

"Your tongue likes to wriggle out a lot" She said, poking her long finger at his cheek, pressing the flesh inside.

Ciel frowned at her gesture of poking his cheek as if he was some child, yet something had come to mind to get some pay back for her quick, sassy tongue of hers and her succeeded attempt of making him fluster like that. With a smug expression appearing on his face and his eyes beginning glimmer with a soft mischievous glint, the dragon keeper answered back, with a smooth mellifluous voice of his.

"For someone like you, it would do wonders" his scythe shaped eyebrows perched up.

Artemis lips parted ways and stayed open like that. Her left squinted, her expression was one of disgust, annoyed and flabbergasted. Was this shit head trying to smooth talk to her? Her nose wrinkled up and her hand twirled, returning the kunai back to her palms. "You know what I don't think you need that tongue. How about I cut it out for you and have it wriggling on a nailed tree instead?" she pointed her leaf shaped dagger at Ciel's cheek.

Ocean eyes darted to the blade as a sweat trickled down his forehead. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to smooth talk his way out of this, especially trying to get back at her. It now seemed only a fool will try to. "Please don't I prefer to have it wriggling and attached inside my mouth instead, thank you" he backed off immediately as he moved his head away from the sharp tip of her unusual, shaped blade.

"You sure?" she questioned with a tilt of her head that ridiculed the keeper in a way. "It would do you wonders." Artemis nodded her head to express her assurance.

Ciel's face went flat as it dawned upon where she was going at. "Like save my life from your blade one day" he disclosed.

"Yeah~" Artemis taunted and nodded her head as she spoke.

"You're so unpredictably cruel."

"Well, no shit. Your not going to find a naïve, innocent, googly eyed princess with her oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Here let me help you up talk from me." She mimicked a sweet voice of a female, shaking her head side to side to mock those sweet girls with their annoying sweet voices. "If you want something like that go to Ariana, I'm sure she will give you the kind hospitality you want so much" she fluttered her eyelashes like a girl trying to grab a boys attention, but it was of mockery again before she rolled her eyes.

Ciel jerked an expression, feeling offended.

The keeper didn't have the chance to speak when a growl of fox interrupted them, although for Artemis she heard something completely different from a normal howl and bark of a fox like the rest of humanity would here. Instead, she heard a masculine, annoying, obnoxious voice of Homura she wished she couldn't understand at all.

"Oi when you finished your mating calls you humans do before beginning to reproduce those deadly baby parasites of yours. We have a dead human cub over here and his already beginning to rot away" he yelled from across. The annoyance reflecting from his predatorial eyes of his. He already was getting irritated at the fact he was standing beside this dumb human cub and this squirming fairy whose loud twinkling bells constantly ringing in his fox ears. 

His sensitive fox ears.

His black nose perked up and sniffed the air. Immediately he stuck his tongue out and placed a paw over his nose. "No wait, I think he just shit himself before he died. No wonder it reeks so much." His voice was muffled from his paw being on his nose.

Ciel's eyebrow rose with question while Artemis' eye twitched with utter horror and anger.

What's with this fox always thinking of mating whenever she crosses a man? His lucky to be way over there or she would have kicked him to the moon by now.

Homura looked over to them again, his paw still over his nose and continued to add to his annoying statements. "Do we do that burial thing you humans like to do with dead carcasses or do we just leave him for the wolves to feast on. If it was me, I choose to just leave him here. Saves us the time and trouble trying to put him underground where his body is wasted by the worms and grubs."

"Huh?" Ciel didn't understand a thing except for the yapping of barks. Was this fox communicating with them?

He didn't know if he was tripping, the after maths of using those teleporting crystals Elisaria had lent him to use or the fox was actually trying to communicate with them.

"That idiot" Artemis hissed, raising her fisted hand, and then bringing it down with a huge force and slamming it down Ciel's back from the anger that was bolting inside of her by Homura's sex comments of her and Ciel.

The poor dragon keeper who had no clue what was going on or what understand what the fox had mentioned to anger the Isvandy and faced it by the impact of her fist. Gasping out a loud agony cry of pain.

'Parasite babies! FUCKING PARASITE BABIES! DOES IT FUCKING LOOK LIKE CIEL'S DICK IS FUCKING ME! Homura, you piece of talking shit!' The assassin shot up from her position on Ciel and marched her way to Homura holding the fairy hostage and the fainted, scrawled little thief who didn't even bother to help her.

The sounds of her boots against the floor was satisfying if anyone was to hear, as she stomped.

"For you measly information, you little shit of a dog. My human babies would be far pretty than your ugly, furless little blobs of beans" Artemis said coldly, pointing her finger at Homura who stared at her insulted.

Homura gasped loudly. "How dare you call my future cubs ugly!" the fox snapped back at her.

"How dare you call my non existing kids ugly" she hissed, a freezing wind beginning to swarm around her. This feeling of bitterness began to blacken her heart. She didn't understand why she was angry about a bunch of demon spawns from a human that will never exist in her life ever. The confusion of why she was getting all worked up over something so measly about babies that she will never have is working up a cold blizzard inside of her that she was letting escape out to the world, freezing the very ground beneath her, like an icy grave.

Homura eyes competed with her but his body began to tremble with cold and a sense of fear he hasn't felt in a long time begin to run up through his spine.

The little fairy beneath the paw of the fox, tried to scrambled back from the ice that slowly coated the green grass into white icicles.

It was the sudden flashes of images that burst through her mind but flickered away just like it came. Flashes of two familiar boys Artemis she swore she had seen them before. 

Innocent icy blues eyes just like Diana's staring right back at her, cheeks pouting and his little buttons nose perched up. His face resembled so much of Diana, but his hair was different to Diana's silver white hair instead it was another shade of colour but before she could get a better picture of it, another image flashed over it, taking away the scene of the little boy.

Another boy, seemingly far older sat upon a garden chair. The breeze lightly brushing the silver white hair away from his face as he silently read a book in his hands. Nothing seemed to bother the boy while he flipped the pages, calmly and gently as if the pages would tear if he wasn't careful. There was no sign of distraction as he was engaged by the book he was reading. A little boy with hair silver white like the colours of the stars seen in the twilight sky of the night.

However, his face was a blur.

Just like it came, the scenes disappeared leaving a heavy breathing assassin. Artemis staggered back, retreating her steps and breathing heavily to ease the cold winter in her heart. Her fingers traced the hair away from her face.

The little fox eyes softened, and his head tilted to the side. The sudden concern glimmered in his eyes before it disappeared. "Heh?" he said.

"What's happening to me" she murmured softly, the winding taking away her breathless voice.

"Heh?" Homura said again.

Artemis sidelong to the fox and then turned her attention away. "Nothing" she said coldly. Whatever she saw, Artemis hopes it doesn't stop her from returning home.

Home back to Daisuke.

It's the fear of this place that will take a toll on her and will prevent her to return to her older brother who she promised to return to, has finally revealed itself from the dark corners of her mind. Before, Artemis was confident enough that nothing was going to stop her but these things that are happening to her, these people who keep interfering and these dreams and images of unfamiliar but familiar people that flash in her mind, it's like the world of Alphyria is slowly pulling her away from her goal. Throwing all these obstacles, people at her to get her stay.

It's as if it's telling her that she has no place in her original world anymore, there is no need to return.

Artemis shut her eyes and pushed that feeling away.

Nothing was going to stop her from getting home, not these people and definitely not this fantasy world of a novel.

Hello my fellow readers of wattpad,

It is I your beloved Author who is a terrible about doing what she says and continues on with what she was doing before, YUKI!

I have nothing to say about any of this except for this amazing fan art I received ages ago and forgot to post it on the previous chapter.

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