Chapter 113 - Sereia

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Ciel groaned awake from the sound of small bells being constantly rung. His eyes fluttered open to a blur of a figure that hovered above him. He was only half asleep as he squinted his eyes to get a better clear sight of what it was.

His morning vision came to sense, and he was met with a pair of curious blue eyes that stared at him innocently with her index finger rested upon her chin in an analysing manner. Instantly she became flustered, her face turning a bright shade of red that was of embarrassment.

A question mark appeared on top of the keepers head. "Good morning?" he said with his husky morning voice as he rose up in a sitting position. The fairy shyly replied to his good morning with a soft twinkle sound of her bell language.

Ciel's body was stiff like a rock, and his neck was in pain with cramps.

And with the stitched wound on his lower abdomen, it wasn't a pleasant feeling.

Elisaria's bed was far worse than the one from back at his quarters in the barracks.

He groaned painfully, stretching his arms in the sky to hear that satisfying pop of his bones and to ease every part of his muscle. Ciel rubbed the back of his neck and his eyes stared wistfully at his legs that were supposed to be covered in a blanket but wasn't. His chest tightened at the thought of not having Demarcus blowing hot morning breath to wake his sleepy keeper from his slumber.

The golden dragon's giant reptile head that would poking inside his window and snatching the blanket off him with his teeth, to wake Ciel up with the cold morning breeze that would jolt him awake.

To meet those intelligent emerald eyes in the morning, Ciel would give up anything.

And his brother.

Ralph's stupid humour in the early morning as he leans against the door frame with bread in his hand and mug of hot milk in the other as he comments his little brother lazy ass and make fun of his sleeping positions.

Ciel bit his lip to prevent himself from crying. His eyes were already swollen red and all dry from crying everything out last night. His heart was numb, and he felt like shit. Their was no motivation to get up and continue the day. He just wanted to sit here and rot in self-pity.

He looked up to the fairy whose tune of bells was of concerned. Her worried blue eyes that looked at him and the flutter of her wings that flew her closer to Ciel.

Ciel didn't want to worry the fairy over his problems so instead he changed his expression to a smile that hid his pain, and he changed the mood with a question.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked the water fairy.

In a twinkling glee the fairy nodded her head, her bells ringing brightly and her wings fluttering more pixie dust. She looked less concerned about him when he pulled that expression, fooling her to believe that he was ok.

Hearing that the fairy got a good night sleep in this creepy room, the keeper felt a little better. Ciel's true smile appeared on his face, unknowingly hypnotising the fairy "that's good a thing to hear first thing in the morning".

The fairy's face turned brighter, and she slammed her hand to her chest, feeling her tiny heart race faster than before. With a zip and the flutter of her glass like wings, the water fairy flew off like a shooting star and slammed her body against the wood of the bed. She hid herself from the handsome human to ease her thumping heart before his charm gave her a heart attack.

On the other side, Ciel scratched his head in confusion. He didn't know why this fairy was acting all weird in the morning. Could it be just a fairy thing?

He crawled to the end of the bed, the wood creaking with every force that has been implied on it. When he came to the edge, the orange keeper lowered his head down like fishing rod, peeking upside down at the fairy.

"You ok?" he questioned the fairy which he startled her so suddenly when he poked his head down from the edge of the bed. The water fairy flinched, her soul nearly leaving her body. "Sorry I didn't mean to sc- GAHH!"

Something hard smacked the top of Ciel's head, and he yelped loudly. He was sent back as he rubbed the top of his head with a wince of pain.

"What do ya think ya doing to the fairy?" the old angry tone from Elisaria made Ciel look up from his grimacing state. His eyes carefully staring into the angry owl-like eyes of the witch that was far older than time itself.

She was holding a wooden cane in her hand, positioned to smack another blow on his head.

How did he not hear this witch walk in?

"What the hell!" Ciel snapped angrily, forgetting his presence in front of a powerful witch with the cane.

Now his wondering if the witch doesn't even have a physical body and is just a ghost that picks up dead people off the forest ground, so they could do her bidding because she can't.

The blond water fairy rushed to Ciel's defence, flying towards Elisaria at full speed with an angry scowl across her angry red face. She stopped an inch away, her glaring blue eyes piercing into the depth of Elisaria's ancient owl eyes and she began yelling as her bells rang out furiously. She wagged her finger at Elisaria like mother scolding her child.

Elisaria stood in the same position, stunned and her mouth wide open that a fly can swoop in. She was like that for only a second when she lowered her cane and her blank unfazed expression returned as she came to realise the situation.

Ciel still continued to rub his head with a pouting look om his face, eyes narrowing at Elisaria.

The fairy finally finished and with her hands crossed against her chest and eyebrows knotted down to a scowl, she flew off to Ciel.

The old witch smacked her lips together, watching the fairy hover beside Ciel with an angry frown across her face while Ciel sat there still rubbing his head.

"For a moment there, I thought I had miscalculated you, Ciel" she said, stamping her cane on the ground with a soft thud. Her eyes scanned him up and down just like some bird of prey analysing it's food if it's worthy to be eaten.

"You thought?" Ciel sneered back in sarcasm.

"What do ya expect? Men are very needy and very deceiving" she spoke as if she just didn't try to wack Ciel unconscious a minute ago.

Ciel wrinkled his nose in disgust. He knew what Elisaria meant, and he wasn't like those men. Not like the ones his sees in bars or in the knighthood of the castle.

Men can change drastically if it ever comes to a woman.

"And yet it seems like Sereia has taken a liking to ya, young Ciel"

Ciel's eyes widened in shock, and he glanced to the innocent water fairy that hovered beside him like a little child, her golden locks hanging down her bare shoulders and wavering down her back, her fare skin that complimented her sapphire blues and that dress that fitted her perfectly curved petit body.

"Sereia. So that's you name" he mumbled with awe.

Sereia flashed him a pretty warm smile, her hands hidden behind her back as she did.

'What a beautiful name' Ciel thought.

"Yes indeed" Elisaria agreed as if she just read Ciel's mind which caught the keeper off guard. He didn't question her knowing what type of magic this witch holds and only kept his curiosity to himself.

Her owl-like eyes gazed at the two for a couple of seconds, scanning them each carefully as if she was choosing her next slave. The witch has never seen a fairy so attached to a male human like this before. It was sight she has never imagined before. Elisaria caressed her cheek bones in a thinking manner then she smacked her lips together and narrowed her eyes at Ciel. "Very concerning" she mumbled under her breath, eyeing Sereia very closely.

"Huh?" Ciel arched an eyebrow, his hands crossed against his chest. Elisaria snapped her head to Ciel's direction, her aura beginning to change and those honey eyes of her faded to a dark amber.

Ciel felt a spark of fear beginning to erupt up his spine. The witch's eye was terrifying whenever she gazed at him so suspiciously.

Elisaria felt the charm Ciel possessed that he never knew of. It made things more understandable now when she looked at him. Those ocean blue eyes that trapped the blue waters of the sea, his nasofrontal angle of his button, upturned nose and his sharp jawline that shaped every perfect feature of his face. Seeing it face to face than in the waters was more unbelievable than before.

"Makes sense how ya were able to piece every shattered part of her cold and broken heart back into one whole" her tone was soft and of realisation.

Ciel was dumbfounded for a moment, he jerked back in confusion and his opened ajar as if time stood still on him. "W-what?" he questioned her curiously.

"I know. I'm more shocked than ya" her face went blank again.

"No that's not what I meant" Ciel shook his head quickly. "You always speak in some sort of riddle. I don't understand what you mean by her. What is her? who is her?" he spat out angrily. The keeper was getting annoyed and infuriated with this witch who continued on to step on him like he was some sort of dirt.

Did he not deserve to have some explanation on what the witch means?

Seeing how frustrated the young man was, Elisaria sighed and shook her head disappointingly. "The world itself is riddles and questions that cannot be answered by just simple words, young dragon keeper."

Ciel opened his mouth to ask how she knew of his possession but shut it quickly, figuring that she was a witch and had her ways of finding out about him from somewhere.

"The world had shifted it's course to it's original rout. It's not the same as before, Ciel" her tone was dead serious, filled with wise words. Ciel only listened with wide eyes, his mind filled with questions without answers.

"She has returned to Alphyria, Ciel. An ancient past thought to be nothing but a myth, has found its way back to our age and so has the darkness who followed her behind"

"Who came?" Ciel asked so eagerly, leaning closer to the edge of the bed, so intrigued yet confused at the same time.

Elisaria's face scrunch to an ill expression, her lips tightened into form a scowl and she opened them again to yap so crudely at the fascinated young lad. "No one" she spat out while swatting her hand at Ciel, "now get ya lazy ass up from bed and come eat breakfast before it gets cold." she wagged her skinny bony figure at Ciel, her voice sharp and screechy than before.

Ciel jerked back, puzzled, and annoyed.

Elisaria turned around towards the exit of the room, her cloak making a whoosh sound as she waddle herself out of the door while she muttered loudly enough for even the creatures to hear "Ya going to grow fat if ya continue sitting on that bed".

Ciel's eye twitched, and his hands fisted tightly. His blood boiled as the heat in his fingertips sparked silently. "There it is again. Speaking in riddles and leaving halfway through your sentence expecting people to understand what the fuck you're blabbering about" Ciel jumped out of bed and rushed to the door, following the witch hoping for answers.

"Wait come back!" he called out desperately.

Ciel made his way to the door yet when stopped in front of the exit, something light slapped him in the face, and he nearly fell backwards. It wrapped it's hold around Ciel's head and closed all light in his vision.

The heaviness of the unknown thing weighed down on his head.

He was startled on his spot.

"Thanks for the blanket by the way" Elisaria said so bluntly.

Ciel pulled the long material off of him, revealing his annoyed facial expression. His eye twitching furiously as the vein throb popped from the corner of his temple. He flashed a forced, irritated smile at the witch. "No worries" his tone reflected one of irritation.

'I wish I had just let you freeze to death'

"I'm a witch. Cold nor hot temperatures will kill me, only the black or white dragon's flame can terminate me from existence" said Elisaria.

"Noted" Ciel said bluntly, throwing the blanket over his shoulder which landed perfectly on the bed, missing the fairy by an inch.

"Get ya self washed up. I don't want ya mucky face near my breakfast" Elisaria yelled from the bubbling pit of unknown.

"I scrub my mucky face all over your breakfast and make you lick it off" Ciel mumbled angrily to himself while he closed the door and stormed off like a child throwing a tantrum.

"No thank you" the witch's old voice reached through the door resulting Ciel to flinch in surprise.

"What the fuck"


Sorry for the short chapter

so to make up for it

Here is Lykos' mother and father and some information, in case I never get the chance to show them to you.

Name: Hakim Drakon II

Place of Birth: Drakon, Lasair

Age: 40

Status: Alive (Wish he wasn't)

Height: 187cm

Title: Emperor of Drakon

Magic: Fire, Lightening and Lava (Mostly anything that goes under fire)

Personality: A cold blooded killer, Tyrant, Malicious sharp eyed scum, Calculating, hard to read and a cold motherfucker.

His kingdom fears him.

Name: Nerissa Drakon

Place of birth: Drakon, Otish

Age: 21

Status: Deceased

Height: 171 cm

Title: Late Empress of Drakon and Daughter of Drakon's deceased Duke

Magic: none

Personality: Calm, elegant, very motherly and kind. She was a compassionate woman with a heart of gold.

Loved by her people and her son Lykos, (Bedelia never knew her, so she doesn't know how her mother was)

That's it.

Not much information there but here is Lykos when he was like 18 and Artemis when she comes to Drakon.

(Ignore the silver eyes and pretend it to be red)

Spoiler Alert - Only because I doubt we will ever reach it because of my decision of restarting the story. I just wanna leave people clawing their faces off with this spoiler.

Artemis agrees to be Lykos fake lover in order to peacefully get the dragon stone without having thousands of fire magicians, dragons up her ass. (The dragon stone is the one that Lykos was talking about in like the few chapters back. It's basically a stone that confirms the power of the dragons to the people of the empire. That's how people knew Lykos was the dragon prince. It's also what will help Artemis with her dragon power) Lykos only wants to annoy his dad and too piss off everyone so they could leave him alone with 'You need a wife and an heir' .

You might be wondering but isn't Lykos in Drakon to figure out the truth.

Well he didn't find much and while he was there, a festival was happening and the Emperor holds a majestic banquet. Lykos didn't want to attend it but his father forced him too in order to humiliate his son. Yet Lykos want's to prove his dad wrong as well as to see the red shade of anger on Hakim's face.

Artemis didn't want to do it however because she didn't thousands of people and dragons up her ass which she won't be able to defeat, she agrees. Artemis makes herself believe its like a mission from back home.

She rocks up in this attire. The maids who dressed her up were so fucking jealous of her beauty as well as being Lykos (fake) lover.

Artemis over shoulder thrown Lykos because he got to close to her when they were in the room. (it was after the maids left and he only acted as a lover in front of the maids to put up a play).

Neil gets a little jealous that Lykos is close with Artemis but doesn't do anything and ignores his racing heart.

They rock up at the banquet, when the emperor sees Artemis he literally zips his mouth throughout the banquet and stares at Artemis the whole time. The emperor gets fucking horny and wants to bed her but we all know how Artemis is.

Yet my cute little Lykos holds her close by the waist and whispers orders into her ear and tells her to calm down, however to the people think he is kissing her.

The emperor gets riled up and leaves. Lykos has a whole smug on his face while Neil is in the corner eyeing Artemis and feeling the envious feeling from before.

Yeah imma stop with the spoiler there. Hope you guys got riled up.

Imma go now.

Bye bye

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