The water splashed below the Ventus prince as he made his way to the pebble shore of the surrounding lake. The breeze that wafted past him sent goosebumps and he shivered with a chill. Cool water prickle down from his shiny wet hair and down his moist skin as the strands of wet hair hanged down his glaring eyes, reflecting the glimmer of silver of his eyes.
The clothes he wore felt heavy and how it stuck on his skin made it difficult for him to move. The tightened clothes had outlined the shape of his body perfectly and the sun haled behind him before he plopped on the hard pebble ground.
Neil sat, hand resting on the knee he arched up and his head slumped back in exhaustion while the other hand stroked back the wet strands of silver hair away from his face, embracing the warm rays of sun that shone from above the clouds.
A long exhale of the cool air calmed the heating anger in his blood and cooled down the ranging thoughts of how to murder Lykos in his sleep and make it seem like an accident, so he wouldn't be accused of murdering the crown prince of Drakon.
An unusual feeling of comfort soared inside of him when he felt the peaceful atmosphere surrounding him. Neil shut his glossy coated silver eyes and he listened to the serene crashing of the water against the hard shores and how the chimes of the leaves made tuneless melodies making him feel as if he was in some sort of paradise.
It was when his calm mental state was interrupted when Diana's icy blue flashed in his mind resulting a chilling aura run up his spine, and he opened his eyes to the blinding light of the sun. Those silver eyes glimmered like twinkling diamonds when the light had reflected itself on them when he stared at the ball of fire in the sky for a slight second.
Neil squinted his eyes and shifted his gaze away from the light before he was blinded by it. He glanced at the crystal-clear water of the giant round lake. The twinkling light danced gracefully on the surface of the water as the waters waved gently together like a soothing rhythm when he watched it.
Weirdly the colour of the water reminded him of her eyes. Those eyes that believed to be filled with nothing but an empty bitterness of betrayal, the hate she held in her eyes when he first laid eyes on her.
However, oddly enough in his memories her eyes didn't resemble that look anymore. It had reshaped itself and for the first time he found it's beauty within those icy blue eyes of hers that had done something to him which created a sense of comfort. For the first time in his life, he found beauty in someone's else's eyes other than the people that were close to him.
It just sent a tasting crave to see her eyes again however this time he wanted those cold distance eyes to have nothing but a beautiful warm feeling inside of them.
The thought of such things made him chuckle a laughter of craziness.
Neil doesn't know what this feeling his sensing inside of him stir like a swirling whirlpool but whatever it was it felt so foreign yet oddly he liked it.
The sense of peace was interrupted by the continuous loud beatings of giant winds that created a messy hurricane that blasted the breeze like shards at him.
Cocking his head to the side and his silvers eyes glancing back with a cold expression across his facial look, he sees the dragons assembling down as they slowed the flaps of their wings and their giant clawed feet land on the pebble ground with a loud thud. Each one land of the dragons took the sounds of the others as they rested upon the ground like falling dominos.
"Oh, what a shame your alive and..." The analysing stare coming from the red-haired prince who sat high and mighty on top of beautiful red reptile with wings, scanned with a pause of his sentence and gazed the soaking air prince who glared coldly at Lykos, up and down.
"Wet" he finished with his same mischievous sly tone that left his lips so casually.
A twitch of a red vein throb popped from the temple of Neil's head and his lips twisted into a scowl "If you weren't so far from me, I would have strangled you to death by now"
From afar Lykos looked at him with a dead panned expression as if he was looking at someone so stupid.
"To my understanding. It looks like the water hasn't just soaked your clothes but you're brain as well." He said bluntly, the reigns of Cyprus' held firmly in his grasp as he spoke to the annoyed Ventus prince who was low below him.
"You can strangle people with that air magic of yours no matter how far they ar-" it was for a slight moment when Lykos shut his mouth quickly and his eyes widening in realisation.
The words that made him regret and hate his big mouth.
Neil's formed a sly smirk, and his hands began to raise as the menacing thought of watching Lykos gargle for breath while the colour of his skin turns a shade of blue as he grovels on the floor before he dies. "Thank you for reminding me...Lykos" the tone was cold and evil as it shot a fearful look from the red prince.
"Wait" Lykos shot out quickly.
However, before Neil could get anywhere a knight interrupted them.
"Apologies for the interruption your highnesses but we might be intruding in someone's camp".
Neil lowered his hands and glanced at the knight who wore the silver armour of the Ventus royal armoury. The point of the man's helmet was sharp and pointy that it reflected a speck of glowing light.
Lykos began to search for any humans who might be around but only saw the dying campfire while a pair of small brown leather boots laid beside it and not far from where he was, were hung up clothes on a nearby tree.
By the looks of it, the clothes consisted of a long cloak big enough for a kid, a white top buttoned shirt and brown vest.
The first thought that came to mind was if there was a kid camping in the forest.
Brave kid he must be.
But the red-haired prince couldn't see a kid anywhere, no matter where he looked.
They could be hiding behind the trees in fear of them or maybe they are out hunting for food.
"We should probably leave before we startle the campers here." Neil suggested as he was seen wiping down the shoulder of his cloak. His silver hair hung down his forehead expect for a few strands that hung up like pointed shard making it seem like he had horns sticking up from his head. Yet it was all dry and messy while it flowed against the settling breeze. His clothes weren't glued to his skin anymore like before and it didn't water droplet weren't seen dripping down from the hems of his clothes.
Neil had dried himself with his magic.
"Thank you for stating the obvious" Lykos said, looking down at the silver air head who arched an eyebrow and gazed at him puzzled. "And Fix your hair, you piece of meat of embarrassment" the red prince said bluntly before Cyprus took flight with a huge leap in the air with a mighty roar that would have startled any beast that slept nearby.
Neil jerked back an expression watching the red dragon ascend the sky and into the clouds then to have the knights followed suit of the red prince.
With an annoyed huff Neil stroked back his hair, fixing it to shape while he made his way to Daenerys who waited patiently for him.
"Someday I will get back at Lykos and show him who the piece of meat of embarrassment really is" Neil promised to himself as he spoke to Daenerys.
The dragon let out a breathily rumble, her beautiful leathery scales rattled in rhythmic tune showing her gorgeous reptile body. The mighty silver dragon lowered herself for her rider, giant torso saddled in a sliver plated armour and leather saddle on top to make it comfortable for Neil to sit on.
Neil grabbed on the straps of the saddle and when he was about to lift his leg up something moved from the corner of his eye, and the crown prince zipped his head to direction of the movement.
The Ventus prince was caught off guard for a moment and rose an eyebrow when he caught a childish face peeking his head out from the tree that he seemingly hid pretty well.
The kid was quite far from the prince, so it was quite impossible to see the kids features yet he only made out a couple visible features.
He had messy oak brown hair on top of his small round face with piercing platinum eyes that stared curiously at him. They locked eyes for only a second when all of a sudden, a slender hand had pulled out from the thick tree and grabbed a chuck of the boy's oak hair and pulled him into the hiding of the tree.
"Gahh!" The mysterious boy let out a small startle shriek.
Neil snorted out a laughter, chuckling and shaking his head out how funny the scene was.
"Commoners" Neil mumbled to himself as he pulled himself up the saddle and sat comfortably on top of Daenerys.
"Oi! Air head! take as long as you need. We have all the time in the world!" Lykos had yelled from the sky. Neil took a moment to process the yell to figure out if Lykos was being sarcastic or was actually being genuine.
He was being sarcastic.
With a pat on the neck Neil commenced "Shall we follow your impatient, shitty prince?" he said.
Daenerys turned her head her giant reptile head back to gaze at her rider with her emerald eyes that came down in a slit. The insult she felt about her prince clearly showed in her eyes that made Neil chuckle awkwardly to himself.
"I mean your clever, handsome and non-obnoxious prince" Neil smiled a white grin.
Daenerys rumbled an annoyed huff and with flaps of her giant wings, the beautiful silver beast ascended the sky.
"You shitty brat. I'm going to kill you and feed your meatless, skeleton body to the wolves!"
Hello to my dear readers out there,
Hope enjoyed the chapter because I sure did 🥹🥹.
I also have more exciting news.
(Well for me. I don't know about you guys)
I want to cry because it so good.
*sniff sniff* don't me mind just crying in the corner.
ShadowLight195 drew a beautiful fanart of Diana and Artemis.
Here it is.
I LOVE how the colour of the eyes is literally a piercing icy blue colour.
And this is the other drawing they did of Artemis.
The drawing is gorgeous definitely represents Artemis in many aspects especially those black nails that was the 2nd thing my eyes caught of, the red eyes was the first. It's literally blood red.
Don't get me started on the hair and clothes.
And the Japanese characters that spell out Artemis is very creative I love it.
(I can't read Japanese ShadowLight195 told me what it says).
Thank you so much ShadowLight195 for the beautiful fanarts you have drawn for me.
I really love it and appreciate the effort you put in it.
This has really motivated me to write the next chapter as I thought I might upload the next chapter in a few days but didn't.
As always if any of you want to send me any fanarts, you can. I'm always open.
And thank you again for reading my story and giving it a chance even if it started out a little yeah you know what I mean.
But reaching 400k views and receiving these nice comments, votes and these beautiful fanarts has given me the reason to keep going and has been the best thing that has happened.
Also just a quick cannon for you guys, because I'm nice.
Neil has a thing for looking at peoples eye colour.
And his favourite eyes is Lykos'. He doesn't know why but it's enchanting to look into them especially when it twinkles like ruby gems.
Thank you.
I love you all and see you guys in the next chapter.
Bye bye YUKI wants to sleep now.
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