Chapter 23: Last Night of Innocence

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Sif turned, and I swayed on her shoulders as we all looked to the riverbank where a very unusually undressed Prince Loki was standing. For a second we were all speechless. Loki stood barren of any clothes but his undergarments- and in front of us. He had never done anything like this, for whenever we offered he would scowl and refuse to swim or bathe with the 'unworthy.'

His dark hair was loosely tied back, still giving his hair a dark mane feel, his body though was much of a surprise. Instead of being fairly thin and bony as I had expected him to be, he was wiry. His collarbones stuck out slightly, casting soft shadows in the dips of the bones. His stomach was toned as well as the rest of his pale body which seemed to glow in the dull light of the evening. I finally drew my eyes away from his rather pleasing form to his eldest brother.

Thor stood a few inches taller than him. He was thick, bulky, and burly with his light scruff and blond hair. Thor wore a wide smile as he approached the water's edge, almost like a dog. Loki looked displeasingly towards the oncoming 'Storm' in the form of his elder brother. If hadn't grown up around royalty, I would have never guessed they were related.

He glanced up at us and curled his lip back, his dark eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Thor's pout disappeared as he ran to the water's edge, splashing and crashing into Loki's pale form. Thor and Loki bickered quietly before Thor finally returned, Loki hooked onto his shoulders with a mischievous look on the Pale Prince's face. No one dared ask Thor how he got Loki to agree with such a smirk on his face. Personally, he probably was excited to knock his comrades onto their rears, maybe use a bit of mind manipulation.

We met eyes, and for a split second, I could almost taste the foulness and mischief he had planned for us. I was excited for whatever he had planned.

"No magic, no weapons, no injuring, just mundane things," Heskell explained. We all mumbled in unison, itching to fight each other however childish it may be.

"Begin!" Thor boomed. Sif launched herself forward, taking the first chance to fight as usual. I reacted fast, balancing myself out quickly as she crashed into Heskell and Asmund first, using her strong arms to stabilize my legs as I swayed above her. Thor and Loki were standing back slightly, and by Thor's pouty face and scowl, he wanted to join in. Loki just watched from a distance, observing every move until he nudged Thor's head none too gently.

It wasn't long after that I crashed into Asmund, his scruffy stubble coming in contact with my outstretched arms. I quickly grabbed onto his broad shoulders, attempting to push him back with simple brute force. Sif stumbled backward but quickly regained her strength, nearly launching us forward. Such an uneven, swift push sent Asmund tumbling back and into the water easily. I knew Asmund would soon be nagging about it to me for a lifetime.

The victory was short lived as Thor towered over Sif, butting his hip into hers, making her fight to keep her balance. Loki and I crashed together, pawing and batting at each other wildly for victory.

You cannot win, not against me. Loki said slyly in my head. I frowned as I looked Loki straight in his snake-like eyes. His lips began to form a smile that of a demon and we clashed again.

I will be the judge of that. I replied evenly, hoping my words were more than an empty threat. We locked hands in an instant, our noses almost touching as we bared our teeth. I dug what little I had of nails into Loki's knuckles in an attempt to loosen his tightening grip on my own hands, but to no avail. Loki began leaning forward more and I began to move back. I took that little chance to look below me where Sif and Thor were forehead to forehead, attempting to brace themselves against the uneven weight above them.

I was glad that I was not Prince Thor at the moment, Sif looked as if she could and would tear the prince apart.

I snapped my attention back to my own situation now. I was losing ground, sinking backward as Sif scrambled to keep upright against Thor's brute strength. In a moment I knew that I would fall back into the chilled waters meaning I would lose. I was normally fine with losing. It meant I could and would learn from my loss and mistakes and improve myself. I would just accept it. But this was Loki Odinson, and he was different. He would rub it in my face for years, make me want to choke him more than I did already. Not only would it shatter what little pride I carried, but it would boost his.

So I refused to lose to him.

As Sif jolted back, I launched forward rapidly. I flung my arms out to Loki's figure, latching onto this shoulders with an iron grip and pulling him back with me. Loki flailed and hissed- not expecting my reaction. I tumbled over and off of Sif's shoulders, dragging a very hesitant and unwilling Prince Loki with me over Thor's thick head. Thor didn't even have time to react and save his brother from the fall.

I fell under the water, its form quickly closing around me like a cold embrace. My rear hit the jagged floor of the river first. Next, plummeting beside me, was Loki, or rather Loki's pale chest. I pushed against the bottom of the river and away from him quickly, spirling up to the water's surface and into the setting sun once more. Loki's head emerged soon after as he panted.

"Why the Hel did you feel the need to do that?" Loki rasped out, staring me down with his sharp glare. I gave him a cheeky smile as I swam to the shallower waters, my sopping wet hair trailing behind me atop the water. Thor chuckled loudly which was followed by Heskell and Asmund. Even Sif cracked a small smile as they looked over to Loki.

"Couldn't have you winning, now could I?" I replied. Loki scrunched his nose, his face heating up ever so slightly. One glance back to Sif and Thor told me I could be in a very dangerous situation. Loki took a deep breath and bit his lip. Thor's eyes were widened as he watched the two of us carefully. Asmund, Sif, and Heskell paused and followed Thor's careful gaze.

"Well done," Loki said flatly, folding his arms gently in front of himself. Heskell coughed loudly as if he had been choking on something. My own jaw dropped slightly. Well. Done? That was certainly not the reaction I was looking for or expecting. I had been waiting for an upset or pouty man. Perhaps a deathly glare?

"Well done?" I asked gently. "I yanked you off of your brother's shoulders. You lost, how is that 'well done' on my part?" I smiled softly. The group seemed to relax as Loki gave me a smirk, which wasn't normal. If he smirked, it usually meant anything but good, however, in this situation, it could mean anything. The group turned away from us, acting as if they were reminiscing. I knew better than to think they were really chatting away- eavesdropping as usual.

"Smart, quick move. I would've done the same," Loki admitted quietly. My eyes widened slightly. I chuckled, shaking my head. "But still foolish," Loki added as if the sentence before was too soft for his standards. Or too soft for so many people around. I cleared my throat, such a thought was naive.

"If it was anyone else who would have done it, you'd have their heads," I scoffed. Loki ran a hand through his raven hair, bringing several pesky strands away from his face.

"Yes," he said evenly. "But you're an exception." I didn't dare move an inch in the strong current as I stared at Loki. Nice? Nice was not something you normal ever saw Loki even attempting to do- so why now? What did he want in return?

"Why am I an exception?" I drawled out, my eyebrows raised in suspicion. I could feel the eyes of the group slowly turning towards us. Loki turned his back to me, wading into the shallow water.

"Because you are," Loki finished casually, ending the discussion as he climbed out and onto the bank.


The following hour consisted of us warriors gathering supplies and folding them into our bags. Sharpening our blades, maces, and axes in the dying light of the sky. The horses were well groomed, any extra layers of fur and shedding gone from their shiny coat.

There were small fire pits lit outside throughout the camp which gave off soft glows. The Jotun women buzzed in and out of their huts, laying food, berries and such out on the logs that surrounded the fire pits. They nodded their heads to us before scurrying off into their thatched huts.

After visiting Bjorn and spoiling him with a deep red apple, I made my way to one of the fires. I gently moved the berry-filled platter to the side of me and took a seat. A few fires down sat Thor, Sif, and Volstagg- nearly attached at the hip as usual. Orgnar was most likely in his hut discussing something with Heskell as their voices were muffled by the deer skin house they were in.

I picked a grape away from its vine and plopped it into my mouth, chewing it thoughtfully. It was sweet, bittersweet. I knew that for the rest of the week or perhaps month I would not taste something as sweet and flavorful again. I sighed as I crossed my arms in front of me, staring at the flickering fire before me. It danced in unpredictable rhythms, crackling here, swaying there, bursting and letting the embers fly up into the darkening sky. It was wild, yet contained. It was unpredictable, yet enclosed. It was hot and unforgiving, yet useful and cozy. In an odd way, it reminded me of myself.

And I hated it.

"A bit chilly out here, don't you think?" the familiar sharp tone of Asmund asked.

"No, not particularly," I responded. Asmund plopped down beside me, making the log roll slightly back. Asmund flicked his fingers in a 'come hither' motion towards the platter of berries. I rolled my eyes and handed him the whole platter.

"So..." Asmund mumbled as he stuffed his mouth with berries. "Lady Y/N, Iron Thighs, The Prince Beater, The Giant Slayer... The Exception," Asmund trailed off, his words had a certain curious ring to them. I slugged him in the arm and he answered with a painful groan. To compensate for the pain, Asmund stuffed his face full of berries once more. "But seriflee' how you feel bout' that?" Asmund asked, some berry juice spilling over his lips.

"First of all, don't talk with food in your mouth. It's repulsive," I said. Asmund rolled his eyes and threw his free hand up.

"You do it!" he groaned, swallowing what he had left in his mouth.

"Yes, I do," I clarified. "But you can still understand me, now hush." I held my finger up to Asmund lips and he sighed. "Secondly, I am not sure." My voice softened as I spoke. Asmund set the empty platter next to him, brushed his berry-stained hands on his trousers, and turned to me intently.

"Not sure about what?" Asmund asked gently. I flicked my eyes to my surroundings. Sif and the men were raising a large mug, chattering loudly over their roaring fire. Heskell exited Orgnar's hut and headed for his own. Finally, I spotted the man I wanted, leaned up against an outer hut post overlooking the fires. Asmund followed my gaze as I caught Loki Odinson's snake-like eyes.

"Him," I said, dropping my eyes to the dying fire below us. Asmund dropped his eyes reluctantly. Asmund rolled his hands, gesturing for me to continue. I exhaled. "I will admit... you may be right." Asmund scoffed.

"About what?" he asked.

"You know what, Asmund," I grumbled. "I just didn't believe you at the time."

"You're saying you now believe that our dear young prince favors you above others?" Asmund's voice raised as he continued. "No way," Asmund finished sarcastically.

"Well, when you say it that way it sounds odd. You make me sound like his mistress," I hissed. Asmund shrugged.

"Maybe he wants you to be his mistress?" Asmund suggested. I shuddered.

"He's a Prince. All he has to do is ask or request it and no one can disobey it. Why not just command it?" I asked. The thought of Loki manipulating me was nothing new. The thought of Loki manipulating me so he could later use me as a mistress was even more outrageous. He wouldn't dare, I clarified to myself. It would be such an insult and Prince or not, he would regret it if he tried anything.

"Don't know," Asmund responded. I shook my head quickly. I trusted Loki, for the most part, he wouldn't even consider that option.

"Perhaps he has a heart after all," I trailed off. Asmund shrugged once again and ran a hand through his russet brown hair. Asmund frowned slightly.

"And what about you?" Asmund asked softly, his amber eyes were clouded over and his voice wavered. "What do you feel with him?" he said. I paused, glancing up to where Loki was but instead of meeting his eyes, I met an empty dark space. "Do you not favor him?"

"I am not sure," I mumbled, cracking my knuckles nervously. Asmund sighed and stood up.

"Well, I am sure you will figure it out here soon," Asmund said flatly. "You have to," he added softly. Asmund patted my head before walking away, not giving me a chance to question it. "I will see you in the morning," Asmund called from behind me. I huffed and leaned back against the log, letting myself slowly fall to the ground in front of it. I rest my head on the front of the log and let my rear plop to the ground.

This was not something I was supposed to be focusing on. I was supposed to be focused on the task at hand, not some potential love interest. I gently rocked my head back against the log, making it roll slightly backward under the pressure. I rubbed the palms of my hands into my eyes and sighed, bringing my knees to my chest as I gazed at the now pile of hot embers.

"Foolish favoring," I mumbled to myself. I didn't know whether I was calling Loki foolish for favoring me, or myself favoring Loki.

"But sweet, no?" a soft voice spoke. I would have been surprised if I hadn't heard her soft placed footsteps nearing me earlier. Hynola stepped forward out of the dark shadows of the night. Her deep blue eyes shimmered much like a feline's in the dim firelight as she approached me.

"Bittersweet," I grunted. Hynola smiled softly and my worries loosened. I returned her smile and she gestured towards the log as if to ask if she may sit. "Please," I said, waving my hand towards the log. Instead of sitting on the log, she sat silently next to me. Even on the chilly ground, she towered over me by a good three feet, yet I didn't feel threatened in any way.

"Well, love in any way would not be love if it was not bitter here and there," Hynola hummed, her head tilting gently to the side as she gazed thoughtfully into the embers. Even though her skin was a dark, cold blue, I felt warm and welcomed around her. I nodded my head in agreement. We sat in momentary silence before I broke it again.

I chuckled softly into the night. Hynola turned her heads slowly to me, raising an eyebrow.

"What is it you find amusing?" Hynola asked gently. I exhaled and began tapping my fingers gently into the ground.

"I would have never thought in my hundreds of years that I would meet a Jotun and treat her as an equal," I said softly into the night. Rather than taking offense, Hynola smiled broadly, her sharpened teeth glittering in the light.

"Neither would I have thought so, but here we are," she stated. I nodded my head once more. "Though I am much older than you, I believe," Hynola added comically. I smiled.

"I normally go my Midgardian years to keep it simple," I said. "At the Midgardian age of fifteen, I started training. In Asgardian, I would be around one thousand five hundred or so. It's not the most accurate range but the Midgard ages are fairly easy to keep track of," I said. Hynola nodded thoughtfully.

"We simply count our years of life as normally as you would. I will be turning something over fourteen thousand in a few days time," Hynola chuckled. Despite her long life, her face didn't show it. She had no wrinkles, no scars of time whatsoever. The only ancient or old thing about her were her hawk like eyes.

"I enjoy it, I enjoy your company," I added. Hynola nods her head in thanks. The campfire that had once held Volstagg, Thor, and Sif was now mostly empty except for a few mugs, empty silver platters, and Thor and Sif themselves. Their firelight cast their silhouettes perfectly. Thor's broad arm reached up onto her cheek and within seconds his mouth was on hers. It only lasted a few seconds, and Sif was too stunned to say anything otherwise. Thor muttered something to her before sauntering away, leaving Sif nearly swaying in the night. As she came to her senses she turned on her heel and walked thoughtfully to her hut, her fingers brushing lightly against her lips.

I shuddered in the cold night and returned my gaze to the fire pit. Hynola had followed my gaze and was now looking at me with a curious shine in her eyes.

"Do you love him?" she asked. I shook my head and laughed quietly.

"No, he is like the elder brother I never wanted if anything," I said. "Most of the warriors are like that to me." Hynola shook her head.

"He was not the one I was speaking of," Hynola said calmly. She extended her arm to point towards another firepit within the village. It was the farthest from my own and squatting beside the fire was none other than Prince Loki himself.

"And how would you know that?" I inquired. Hynola exhaled gently, letting herself lean back against the same log that I had been leaning against.

"The way you look at him. The way he looks at you. Why you two don't realize it for yourselves is beyond my understanding," Hynola commented. I bit my lip and shook my head. I do not favor him, he does not favor me.

"We are in the middle of a war, Hynola," I said evenly. "We are both to be focused on the war, our plans, and fighting, not one another.

Hynola snorted. "Well, you both seem to be failing at that." I sighed, deciding that winning a verbal argument against her was of no use. "You remind me of my first few husbands," Hynola added. I raised my eyebrow in confusion, silently asking her for clarification. "Yes, my first husband was much like you. Denying his love this way and that, it's was amusing at the time. By the time I had aged enough to complete a second ceremony of bonding, he finally confessed his love," Hynola hummed.

"So you have more than one husband?" I asked. Hynola smiled though it was hollow.

"I had more than one husband," Hynola said deathly quiet. "Their deaths were inflicted by our king Laufey. That is only one reason I want him dead." I sat silently and with a quick gust of wind, the embers diminished into a small trail of smoke up into the sky. "You must have a reason to be here, a reason to kill?" Hynola asked flatly. She did not meet my eyes, and I did not meet hers.

"My family was slaughtered by a group of Jotun invaders. Burned alive," I hissed. "I wanted revenge. I wanted something, someone else to suffer as I had, so I joined the mission first."

"And did you get your revenge yet?" Hynola asked.

"No," I said. I paused before continuing. I was unsure of how to answer her question. "I was angry, reckless. I didn't even know who or what I would be fighting, I just wanted them to suffer. All I knew was that it was a specific tribe. But now..." I hummed. "I have a target."

"Whom would that be?" Hynola asked.

"King Laufey," I replied. Hynola dipped her head, a sickly sweet smile spreading across her blue face. "You will, of course, receive

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