Lots of important updates you are going to want to hear.
If you haven't been reading my previous posts, then here are the quick deets.
My publisher is so unbelievably impressed by how supportive and awesome you guys are. They say they have never seen this level of support from an Author's audience. And so they said that I can lower the price of the book for today.
In other words, you guys are the best fans of all time. I already knew that (I've always known I am the luckiest author in the world), but now everybody knows it! And the best part is you are going to get rewarded for it!
Thank you guys, for just being awesome. And just reading these posts. :)
If you get the book today at exactly 2 PM EST, then it has a chance to become an Amazon bestseller at which point Amazon will start marketing it by themselves, which means that it will be a lot easier to put it into bookstores. (Imagine seeing the book you bought online, with the cover you voted on in Barnes & Noble, or even in a movie theatre).
On my blog, there is an epic countdown timer. When that countdown timer reaches 00:00:00, go to the links provided on my blog and get the book. IF you want to you can get the book right now if you really really really want it. But I suggest you wait until the timer reaches 00:00:00.
And then PLEASE leave a review. Even if you don't get the book (especially if you don't get the book) then you can leave a review. Tell Amazon how much you love the story.
Heck if you DON'T like the book then feel free to leave a nasty review.
Even if you don't have an Amazon account you can go through a friend/parent/grandparent/neighbor's Amazon account and review it that way. Those reviews will guarantee the epicness of this book.
P.S. My publisher has even promised to put your name in the book as thank you when you leave a review as long as you do it this week. :-) I get to show how amazing the Short Stacks are!!! :-)
In other words, if you buy the book and leave a review on it by the end of the week. Then my publisher will update the book and put YOUR name in the updated version!
Please go buy (When the countdown timer hits 00:00:00) AND leave a review.
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