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Hello, Short Stacks!

Quick reminder the book, "Decisions: The Vampire's Pet Bonus Book", is available for free on Amazon.

 I know I've said "thank you" a lot, but I mean it! YOU GUYS ARE SO AWESOME! Each and every one of you. Even if you don't follow me on Facebook or Goodreads, or my blog, or anywhere else (IG and Inkitt)! (links in bio)

Just wanted to say thank you.

Speaking of social platforms. Go give a review of the book on Goodreads and add it to your library! And also follow me on Facebook and Goodreads

FB: http://bit.ly/MollyStegallFB

GR: http://bit.ly/TheVampiresPetGR

Thank you for reading this rant. Stay awesome. And I will see you in the next post. ;)

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