Chapter 23 (REWRITE)

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Henry knocked against the door to Rider's house. After a few seconds, the door was opened by a surprised and yet tired-looking Rider. Henry's hand was grasping his chest where the electric 'bullet' had clung to him.

"Can I help you?" Rider asked.

"Who did you tell?"

"Who do you think I told?" Rider spat out.

Henry tried to shove past the door, but Rider quickly grabbed his wrists. Pulling his younger brother closer to him, Henry felt just as weak as Rider had only a second ago.

"Let that thing go, Henry."

"She's not a thing!" he hissed out. If Rider's wife was home, he didn't want to drag her into this mess.

"She's a Pet." Rider stared down at an increasingly mad Henry and read his emotions before Henry could try and block him out. "You're scared?" That was the last emotion he had expected to read. "You're scared of what they'll do? They? Who are they?"

"I don't know, but she was taken."

"And you let it happen?" Rider wearily laughed out.

"They shot me."

Rider's face grew serious and his grip loosened around Henry's shaking wrists.

Now, it was Henry's turn to use his power on his brother. "You told dad?" He grabbed Rider's shirt and forced the door open. "Why would you tell dad?"

"He came to me in the middle of the night! The only thing I told him was that you liked her, I thought I had killed her, and he thought you had brought her back." He quickly read Henry's emotions and his face shifted into one of horror. "You changed a human?!" Rider's eyes turned the dark red and within the second, Henry was being pinned against a wall.

Henry's hands shot to Rider's head. His weak body did all it could to use the power he hated having, part of his dad's power: mind control in a sense.

Rider's grip relaxed and he stumbled away, his hands clutching at his head. He dropped to his knees.

Henry took a step forward, opening his mouth to apologize.

"Don't take another step near me!" Rider hissed out. His eyes turned the dark red for a second before they reverted back to normal. "You're scared." He laughed a not-at-all-funny laugh. "I can't tell if you're scared for that thing or what you just did. Both?" Rider stumbled to his feet, a sweat had broken out across his brow. A look of hurt flashed through his eyes as he read Henry again. "I know you're sorry but I can't forgive you for loving a Pet."

"I'm not asking you to forgive me for that." Henry stepped closer to his older brother, who stood his ground.

"You're just like mom," Rider mumbled. He ran his fingers through his messed up hair. "I didn't tell Phil anything, he already assumed what you had done. Now, this isn't my problem but if I were you, I would let that thing rot like it's supposed to. Let it go. It was never supposed to be anything else."


"Henry, you're clearly weak, especially after just demonstrating your gift on me. Go home and get off my property before I have you arrested. I know your money will get you out quickly, but they won't treat a vampire well after what you've done." The door slammed in Henry's face.

Henry stood there for a second before he began to curse. His fingers ran through his hair as he thought. Phil knew. Phil called . . . who would he have called? Something clicked in his mind. His best friend. It just so happened that Phil's one and only friend was the Leader of S.U.F.. Another fine coincidence was that Phil used to show his sons the facility.

Henry knew where Rose was.

Henry arrived at a place that seemed to be a warehouse. The metal on the outside was old and rusted. Clearly, they were rarely needed. Rose was probably the first one they had had in centuries.

A guard walked up to Henry, who rolled down his window and put on the most awkward-looking smile ever.

"Sir, what are you-" the guard was cut off when Henry's hand latched to the side of his head. After the two endured a mental battle for a few seconds, Henry finally won.

"Take me . . . to the . . . newest prisoner," Henry breathed out. This ability always drained Henry the most. This power was a reverse of sorts of being able to communicate and look through one's mind. Instead, Henry latched onto the openings used to communicate and look at memories and pulled everything together. Henry's power filled in those gaps and overrode the systems used for those specific tasks. It caused the victim no pain and they had no memory of even doing anything.

Unlike his father's power, where you got weaker and weaker after each time while also losing a piece of yourself. Phil's manipulation stayed with the person, reinventing them at certain times if under the influence enough. Rider was the prime example.

The guard nodded and began to walk, Henry following close behind. After walking through multiple corridors and hallways, the guard finally stopped outside a room.

"Unlock the door," Henry said.

"The door is unlocked."

"Go on a break."

The guard nodded and walked away.

Just as Henry was about to open the door, a man walked out. Using his super-speed, Henry rushed behind a corner and out of sight.

The Leader sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, Henry barely seeing him. The Leader's hand began to fidget with the dog tags around his neck.

The Leader's hand grabbed the end of a cigarette - which he had pulled from his pocket - and when he pulled his burning fingers away, he placed it in his mouth. Smoke rose into the air and disbanded as the man breathed out a shaking breath. Thankfully, he turned away from Henry and walked away.

Once Henry was sure the Leader was far enough away, he opened the door. His eyes immediately landed on Rose. Even across the room, he could see the sweat shining off her shaking body. Her eyes were closed, but they twitched every few seconds. Various notes were spread across the floor describing what had been used/done to Rose and the overall effect compared to that of a regular vampire/human.

Henry picked up a few pages of notes, nothing noticeable. He looked over at the wall and saw the keys for the shackles. Quickly grabbing them, he unlocked her cuffs and picked up her limp, shaking body.

Exiting the room, he made his way through the labyrinth of hallways before finally reaching the front door. Apologizing to her, he went to his car, the sun burning her skin every second she was exposed. Closing the door, the tinted windows protected her.

He hopped in the driver's seat and drove away. He looked at Rose. Her face was still burnt but healing and the after-effects of whatever drug had been used were still evident.

He drove towards his cabin, somewhere that was hopefully safe.

Thank you as always for reading. Hope you liked it.

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