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Hailey was 32 weeks pregnant now. It's been about two months since they brought in Myah
J=I've been thinking
H=about what
J=i think it's time we should adopt Myah
H=really you sure
J=well I mean she loves it here and the kids love having her here and so do we
H=well then maybe we should talk to her about it
J=I will
Jay walked into Myah's room
J=so there is something I want to talk to you about
Myah=ok what is it
J=so how would you like it if me and Hailey adopted you
Myah=does that mean I get sultry here forever
Myah=I would really like that
J=ok but don't get your hopes up it might take a little while
Myah=I know but I'm really excited
J=me too
Jay and Hailey walked into the living room and told Caroline and Noah they needed to talk

Ca=what's up
J=well how would y'all feel if Hailey and I permanently adopted Myah
N=that would be great I guess
J=really do y'all would be happy
Ca=of course
H=that's great
Jay and Hailey went to file for adoption
TP=so I hear your filing for adoption
H=yeah we are
J=but we really don't know how to do this but I'm sure you do
TP=yeah I will I'll take care of it and call y'all when I hear anything
J=thank you so much Trudy
H=yeah you're a lifesaver
TP=yeah yeah yeah get on somewhere
A couple weeks later
Myah=what's taking so long
J=I told you it was gonna take a little while you just have to be patient
Myah=but I don't want to be patient
J=well unfortunately it doesn't matter you have to be patient
H=on a another note I am so ready for this baby to come out of me
Ca=me too I'm ready to find out what it is
J=am I the only one in this house with any patience
Tatum=I got plenty of that stuff
N=do you even know what patience means
Jesse=then what does it mean
Tatum=I don't wanna tell you
Jake=that's because you don't know what it means
Tatum=I do too
Jesse=not ah
Tatum=uh huh
J=okay we get it
Ca=dad umm can I have a 20 for gas money
J=why are you asking me for gas money
Ca=because I need some for gas
J=you have a job where is the money going for that
Ca=well I Noah rides back and forth with me to school then after school I have to drive all the way to pick Myah up from Elementary school then I have to drive to go pick up the triplets from preschool
J=okay fine
N=dad I need a favor
J=what do you need
N=ok so umm I need a new bat
J=Noah I just bought you 400 dollar bat
N= I know but it has a dent in it
J=how did you get a dent in it
N=when I was hitting I hit a really fast ball and I swung pretty hard so it left a big dent in it
J=well how much is this bat that I need to buy
N=well the one that all my teammates have is about $550
J=are you kidding me
N=no please dad I have 200 dollars in birthday money so you just have a pay $350
J=I tell you what I'll pay for it but you are going to pay me back you can go cut some of the neighbors grass wash their cars I don't care but you will pay me back you understand me
N=yes sir thank you
J=you're welcome
A few weeks later
It was the day Hailey and Jay were suppose to sign the papers to adopt Myah.
J=hey Myah
J=so umm you know how Hailey and I are going to adopt you today
J=so when we adopt you they are going to ask if you want to change your last name to my last name
Myah=yeah I would
J=are you sure it's okay if you want to keep your last name
Myah=No I want to change it
J=ok then
That question was a no brainer for Myah she hasn't been this happy or felt this safe or felt this loved her whole life she finally felt like she was apart of a family

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