20. He is Mine!

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Inaya's POV

Another day passed of me trying to get my head clear. I can't keep avoiding rayan forever. And to be honest i missed him alot all this while. I missed the time we used to spend. I miss our friendship.

I was walking lost in my own world oblivious to my surroundings and i bumped into something or someone. I looked up rubbing my forehead and it was none other than rayan.

"Hey sweetheart" he greeted with his heartwarming smile. And those dimples of his..

"H-hii.." i answered avoiding his eyes.

"How have you been?" he took my bag from me and pulled it over his shoulder while walking ahead as i followed him.

"Good.. what about you?" god why am i feeling so nervous around him.

He didn't answer but just nodded instead. I bit my lips as i didn't knew what to do or say. It was all just too awkward.

He also didn't mention the other day and i was glad as i didn't have any answer for him yet.

"Here you go.." he said giving me my bag back. His eyes didn't had that usual spark and i felt bad as i knew i was the reason behind it. He walked away and i wanted to stop him. I wanted to say something to him but just didn't have the courage to do so.

"Inayaaa.. my girl" eman hugged me so tightly as soon as she saw me.

"Relax.. i can't breathe" i chuckled.

We girls decided to meet at a coffee shop as it's been soo long since we all met each other. I kept avoiding them too with rayan. And even though alizeh and i live together i spent most of my time in my room. And all this to blame my stupidity.

We settled on our seats and chatted like there was no tomorrow. And i realised that i missed them too much.

"Wait.. isn't that rayan?" riya suddenly said looking towards someone behind us catching my attention.

We all turned our heads in that direction and saw that all the boys- rayan, bhai, ishaan and adnan were there sitting together in a row.

And opposite of them were some girls whom i've never seen before.

"What are they doing and who are those girls?" eman also frowned.

"It looks like they're on a blind date or something" alizeh said unbothered and i looked at her with wide eyes.

Eman was basically glaring at adnan while gritting her teeth and i was there trying to control the urge to cry.

He said he'd wait for me. Then why is he here? Did he got over me that easily? My mind started overthinking.

"Remember if you do like someone you should not let them go unless you want to regret later" adnan's words rang in my ears.

No.. no i don't want to loose him. I don't want to regret later. I...i like him too. Yes i do. I've liked him since way before but i was just too dumb to realise. No.. i can't- i won't let him go.

With my mind and feelings clear i got up from my seat and went towards them. Even if i felt eyes on me i didn't care about anyone at that moment.

I got near enough for them to notice me. Rayan looked up at me and his expressions were surprised as if he wasn't expecting me here.

The girl who was talking to him or flirting with him also noticed me.

"Sweetheart.. what are you-" he didn't get to complete his sentence as i held his hand and made him get up from his seat.

I then turned towards the girl and said firmly "He's mine!"

With that i left holding his hand. All the eyes were on us but i couldn't care less about them.

I walked and walked till we got near a park that's when i stopped.

I turned back to look at him only to see him grinning from ear to ear.

"I-i uhmm-" i didn't know what to say now that i've got into my senses. I turned red due to embarrassment and he was just smiling foolishly like a teenage girl.

"What a stunt you did in there huh?" he smirked.

"So i'm yours..?" he teased more.

"Ughh stop" i covered my face with both my hands as i felt too embarrassed. I heard him laugh and glared at him.

"Did you mean what you said in there?" he asked seriously after a while.

I smiled as i answered "yes i really meant it. I-i like you too. Sorry i avoided but i just needed to make sure of my feelings and i felt too dumb-" i didn't get to complete as he engulfed me in a hug.

I hugged him back closing my eyes, feeling comfortable in his embrace.

"It's ok sweetheart and thank you soo much for accepting me" he pulled back from the hug and looked at me with those ocean blue eyes of his.

"Thank you for giving me a chance. I know i'm not like those fictional men of your books but i promise i'll treat you even better..!" his words were firm.

And i trust him enough to know that he'll never break his promise.


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