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Your POV:

Some of us were put in potato sacks and left in a pile the rest of the group were tied onto a spit above the raging fire. If we weren't in this situation I might've admired the beauty of the flickering flames and the way it cast a golden glow on the clearing. I was lying on the pile with my head rested on Kili's chest and if we weren't about to be eaten I might have been blushing. All the dwarves were wriggling including Kili which was really annoying since my head was rested on him. "Kili can you please stop moving around it's really annoying."

Kili looked down at me and remembering how I was lying he quickly stopped moving and said "Oh sorry (Y/n)"

The trolls were having a conversation about how to cook us which I neglected to listen to until Bilbo said "Wait, you are making a terrible mistake."

Dori shouted from above the fire "You can't reason with them they're halfwits." Then Bofur retorted with "If they're halfwits what does that make us?"

Bilbo managed to stand up and jump forwards towards the trolls "I meant with the uh seasoning."

One of the trolls bent down and said "What about the seasoning?"

"Well have you smelt them, your gonna need something stronger than sage before you plate this lot up." I snorted while the rest of the dwarves shouted protests.

One of the trolls looked at Bilbo and said "What do you know about cooking dwarves?" But the other trolls glared at him "Shut up and let the uh flgurblebleblur-hobbit talk."

Bilbo looked nervous and stutter "The uh-uhh secret to cooking dwarf is uh..."



"Tell us the secret."

"Yes I'm telling you, the secret is... tooooooo skin them first." The dwarves started shouting and writhing as I realised that Bilbo was stalling. I managed to sit up so that I wasn't being thrown around by the struggling dwarves. 

"Get me the filleting knife." one of the trolls said as the dwarves continued to shout insults at Bilbo. But then one of the trolls spoke up "What a load of rubbish. I've eaten plenty with their skins on." I saw through the trees Gandalf moving quickly and realised we had to stall them for a bit longer until he get's here.

"He's right nothing wrong with a bit of raw dwarf." one of the trolls said and he picked up Bombur by the legs. My eyes widened and I thought quickly of something to say. Then I shouted " Not that one he's infected." Everyone looked in my direction confusion clear on their faces.

"You wot?" one of the trolls said looking at me in disgust.

"Yeah he's got worms, in his... tubes." The trolls squealed in disgust and dropped Bombur on the pile I had just left. "In fact they all have. They're infested with parasites It's a terrible business. I wouldn't risk it I really wouldn't."

"Did she say parasites?" Oin said in disbelief.

"Yeah we don't have parasites, you have parasite." Kili shouted causing the rest of the group to have an outburst of protests.

I looked at Thorin and he realised what I was trying to do so he kicked Kili to shut him up. Oin then said "I've got parasites as big as my arm."

Then Kili joined in "Mine are the biggest parasites, I've got huge parasites."

Soon all the dwarves were shouting about there huge parasites.

"We're riddled."

"Yes I'm riddled."

"Yes we are."

The trolls looked around and then made his way over to me. "What would you have us do then? Let them all go?"


"You think I don't know what you're up to." the troll continued. "These little ferrets are taking us for fools."

"Ferrets?" Bilbo squeaked.

"Fools?" the another troll said in disgust.

A figure then appeared on top of the rock rock that was blocking the sunlight and said "The dawn shall take you all."

"Who's that?" One of the trolls said.

"No idea." said another.

"Can we eat him too?" the third said. Gandalf then quickly raised his staff and thrust it into the boulder causing it to break down the middle. Golden rays of sunlight streamed through the crack falling on the trolls as they slowly froze and their bodies turned to stone.


We decided to find the cave that the trolls must have stayed in during the day so we made our way up the hill. We found the cave a little way up and a few of us went in while the rest of us stayed outside. The caves walls were moist and wet and there air had a musk smell of fish making us crinkle our noses.

As I entered I noticed that the light reflected on many glittering precious golds and metals along with an abundance of weapons such as swords, bows and axes. The reflections of light from the weapons glittered around the cave wall making the grimy space almost beautiful. I searched around to see if their were any weapons here that might fit me since I had left my bow and quiver at home.

After a few minutes of searching I found a wooden bow with elegant gold details twirling around the frame. The arrows were delicate and had three different types of tips.

I strapped the elegant bow and quiver onto my back then walked over to Bofur, Gloin and Nori who were burying a box full of sparkling gold coins and other treasures. They looked up at my approach and said "We're making a long term deposit." Which caused me and my father to chuckle quietly.

As we walked out the cave I watched as Bifur hands Kili and elk skull. Kili took it looking at it in confusion. I walked over to him and said "So the biggest parasites eh?"

He looked up at me smirking and said "Hey you said parasites I just played along." We both laughed quietly and enjoyed to peaceful moment. Around us were many trees with dazzling green leaves letting slivers of light through their canopy. I looked around and for the first time in a while I felt genuinely happy.

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