Out of the frying pan

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Your POV:

We ran as fast as we could away from the crashing sound of wargs behind us. We jumped over rocks and dodged around trees all the while the wargs were gaining on us. A few of them caught up but we quickly brought them down with our blades.

Suddenly we appeared on a dead end at the end of the cliff with nowhere to run. "Up into the trees. ALL OF YOU!" Gandalf orders. I jumped up and grabbed a branch flipping into the tree and quickly climbing up. Kili and Fili both followed behind climbing into the tree.

I noticed that Bilbo was trying to get his sword from one of the wargs and he might not make it up in time so I shouted "BILBO FORGET THE BLOODY SWORD AND HURRY!!" He glances up at my words as he pulled out the sword. He quickly scrambled up one of the trees just as the wargs came swarming forwards.

The wargs at the bottom jumped up and then looked in one direction. I followed their gaze and saw on a rock Azog riding a large white warg standing on a rock. He then started talking in black speech saying something I couldn't understand "Do you smell it? The scent of fear? I remember your father reeked of it... Thorin son of Thrain."

"It cannot be" Said Thorin.

"That one's mine... Kill the others!" Shouted Azog and the wargs surged forwards and started jumping at the trees shaking them.

"Drink their blood!"

Suddenly the trees started a domino effect their roots leaving the ground causing them to fall sideways. We all jumped from tree to tree until all of us were in the one tree at the very edge of the cliff.

Azog laughed while the wargs continued shaking our tree. Suddenly I watched Gandalf grab a pine cone and set it alight with his staff. He then threw it down at the wargs causing a large raging fire to start pushing the wargs back. He lit two more and threw one to Fili who held it against the one Bilbo was holding. soon all of us were lighting each others pine cones and throwing them at the wargs.

By now there was a blazing fire surrounding our tree and the wargs were retreating backwards. We all let out cheers of triumph until our mood was ruined by the tree's roots coming out of the earth so that it was hanging precariously over the side of the cliff.

Ori suddenly slipped and just managed to grab onto Dori's foot causing him to cling onto the branch struggling to hold both their weight. "MR GANDALF!" shouted Dori his fingers slipping on the branch.

Then he fell but Gandalf quickly lowered his staff enough for them to grab on. I turned my head and saw that Thorin had stood up and started to walk along the tree trunk. He was now running through the fire towards Azog raising his sword ready to fight. As Thorin neared Azog urged his warg forward. It jumped of the rock straight at Thorin hitting him hard on the head causing him to fall to the ground.

Azog turned to face him once again as Thorin levered himself of the ground a hint of determination in his eye. Azog raised his weapon and swung it hard hitting Thorin square in the face sending him crashing back down. The dwarves around me screamed in morning as the white wargs jaws encased Thorin. Dad tried to get up and help him but slipped and had to cling onto the branch to keep him from falling. Thorin, who somehow remained conscious after all of this, raised his sword and smacked it into the wargs head causing it to throw Thorin through the air and land on a large boulder. 

 He lay there unmoving as Azog turned to another orc and spoke in black speech "Bring me the dwarf's head." The orc jumped of his warg and walked towards Thorins paralysed body sword in hand. Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement. I turned my head to see Bilbo standing up on the tree trunk small sword held in front of him. I glanced towards Thorin again and saw him bare his teeth as the orc placed the blade against his neck ready to strike. He raised the blade above his head and was about to strike when suddenly he was tackled to the ground by the small figure of our hobbit.

Bilbo quickly killed the orc and stood to face Azog. He made a small advance on his white warg and Bilbo swung his blade in attempt to ward him off. "Kill him." Azog ordered in black speech to the orcs next to him. They all started slowly stalking towards him atop their wargs who bared their teeth and growled. But they were cut of when me, Fili, Kili, Balin and Dad charged at them slashing at their throats and bellies.

Me and Kili were stood back to back Killing any orcs that came near us. I looked over and saw Azog gaining on Bilbo who was lying defenceless on the ground but before I could do anything I saw many eagles appear attacking the orcs or picking up dwarves. One of them also picked up the unconscious body of Thorin causing his oaken shield to fall to the ground. 

Kili was then picked up from behind me and dropped him onto another eagle. I quickly realised what was going on and leaped of the cliff landing behind Kili on one of the eagles. He jumped when I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my chin on his shoulder. Turning his head and seeing that it was me muttered "Nice of you to drop in." I laughed quietly but soon lost the cheerfulness when I heard Fili shout from the eagle beside us "THORIN." Kili tensed up and we both looked at the unmoving body of Thorin held by one of the eagles.

We flew over mountains covered from head to toe in trees then came to land on a large rock platform. Thorin was gently laid on the ground as we all jumped of the eagles and watched from a distance as Gandalf passed his hands over Thorin muttering inaudible words.

Thorins eyes then opened much to everyone's relief and he muttered "The halfling?"

Gandalf smiled and soothingly said "It's alright, Bilbo is here and quite safe. Thorin quickly tried to stand up with the help of Da and Kili but he quickly shook them off once he was steady. "You," he said glaring at Bilbo "what were you doing, you nearly got yourself killed. Did I not say that you would be a burden. That you would not survive in the wild. That you had no place amongst us." He took a step forward before continuing "I have never been so wrong in all my life." he finished pulling Bilbo into a tight hug.

I grinned as the dwarves around me cheered. I turned to Kili standing next to me and he wrapped his arms around me spinning me round although I was still taller than him. When he put me down I noticed my fathers gazed on us but instead of it being disdainful and unapproving it was a proud and amused.

Thorin and Bilbo broke away from the hug. "I'm sorry I doubted you." Thorin said sincerity wrapped around his words.

"No I would've doubted me too. I'm not a hero or a warrior, not even a burglar." Bilbo replied smiling.

We all glanced around as the eagles circled us then flew away into the sunset. Bilbo's voice from behind us caused us to turn around "Is that what I think it is?" We turned and saw far of in the distance a mountain peek shrouded in colour from the sunset.

"Erebor. The lonely mountain. The last of the great dwarf kingdoms of middle earth." Said Gandalf.

"Our home." Thorin concluded.

"A raven. The birds are returning to the mountain." Oin pointed at a chirping bird that flew past.

"That my dear Oin." Said Gandalf "Is a thrush."

"We will take it as a sign, a good one."

"Your right, i do believe the worst is behind us."

Uh huh u wish Bilbo.

I'm sorry about the really late update it was my Birthday last Friday so I have been very busy. i'm going to be posting the sequel as soon as I can.

Do you think I should include more moments between (Y/n) and Kili because I feel like there aren't enough?

Thank you for reading this book. xx <3

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