Part 1

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"Tom Marvolo Riddle!" Ellaria seethed, charging towards the tall Slytherin boy sat at the table in the great hall buried in his book, he merely eyed her with mild shock.

"Yes Ellaria?" He said calmly. Though he wouldn't admit it, he enjoyed being challenged by the slytherin 5th year. Though they had only had brief encounters, it was impossible to miss her clear lack of regard for the boy. The simple rage that bubbled within him at her presence, was infuriating, though refreshing. What was there to conquer if everyone fell at your feet?

"Care to tell me why I found my brother in tears in the common room, telling me you tormented him and his friends earlier today?" She asked, hands on her hips.

A small grin threatened to form on the boys face, before he collected himself.

"I gave him a detention ms black, him and his friends were causing all sorts of trouble" he said smugly.

"What" she said, her face slightly faltered. She suddenly felt her cheeks heat up giving him immense pleasure.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you've been fooled" he smiled politely.

With no further word she exited the hall, embarrassed.

She knew Tom riddle was no model student he made himself out to be. She knew this because her older brother Cassius was regrettably part of his gang. If she was as ignorant to the true nature of Tom riddle as every girl in this school, perhaps she'd fall victim to the pull he seems to have on them too. He was undeniably good looking, but knowing what lurks beneath the surface is enough to ruin the effect entirely. She hated him. He hated her too, though he did a good job hiding it, hate didn't bode well with his facade.

First lesson was potions, a subject elleria particularly struggled with, now that doesn't mean her grades were not perfect. She wasn't naturally smart in the slightest, but she more than made up for that in motivation. She studied hard and managed to not only keep up with her peers but excel.

She walked into the room to find it empty.

"Ah Ellaria, getting a head start I presume!" Slughorn boomed.

"Yes professor" she nodded politely.

"We'll today we'll be producing the elixir to induce euphoria, a potion I believe you gifted me in your 4th year, so you should have no issues" he beamed.

"Perhaps today I can master it, as I noticed the effects seemed to wear off quicker than usual" she remarked.

"That's exactly the attitude to have!" His smile growing.

"Thank you professor" she smiled back before making her way to collect my ingredients.

While in the cupboard she paused.

"Oh tom, what a delight" slughorn sounded nearly giddy.

"Yes professor, I had a question" he said in his usual charming tone.

She made sure she was as quite as possible. Her breathing shallow as she listened in to the conversation.

"Anything m'boy" slughorn said, no doubt rubbing his round belly.

"I've been reading up on the elixir of life, and was wondering if anyone had ever successfully brewed it" he asked carefully.

"To my knowledge the only known person to brew a effective batch was Nicholas Flamel" he said thoughtfully.

"I was under the impression he hadn't succeeded yet" Tom questioned.

"If you had discovered the secret to immortality, I'm sure you wouldn't tell people either" slughorn explained.

She decided now was the time to reveal herself , in order to not seem as though she was spying.

"Oh! You gave me a fright, I forgot you were here Ellaria" slughorn held his chest.

"Apologies professor" she bowed slightly.

"Oh no matter, I expect you will both be attending my get together tonight" he said expectantly.

She nodded.

"Right Tom, off you pop, I'm expecting my class" slughorn checked his wrist.

"Of course professor" Tom said, glancing at the girl before turning on his heel out of the room. Clearly showing he was displeased with her overhearing the conversation.

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