Timber Wolf

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Y/N, Future, and Kendra were looking around the area. All they saw was dense forest and boulders.

Y/N: I'm pretty sure we're in Canada.

Future: What makes you say that?

Y/N: Think about it! Big, wide, and massive landscapes! Big mountains and tons of animals. I'm telling you, this could be British Colombia!

Future: If we are in Canada, why did it take so long to get here?

Kendra: Hmmm, that's a good point. It wouldn't take that long to get from California to Canada.

Y/N: I still believe we're in Canada! Obi, back me up here!

You turn around to see Obi not with you. Once you think about it, everyone else wasn't here either.

Y/N: Where did everybody go? Shouldn't they be here with us?

Future: I can't sense anybody. It feels like it's just us here.

Kendra: Y/N, you should fly up to get a better view of things. Maybe we can see the others.

Y/N: Good thinking, Kendra!

You jump up and try to float. But you slowly descend down instead.

Y/N: I can't seem to stay afloat. Gravity is weird in Canada.

Future, Kendra: We're not in Canada!

Y/N: Sure we are! Look, there's a black timber wolf with a white face! He looks so cool!

Kendra, Future: O_O


A little farther West is where Magane, Apollo, and Maybach landed. Maybach and Apollo dusted themselves off and looked at their surroundings.

Apollo: That did not go as planned...

Maybach: Yeah, no crap it didn't go as planned. We need to find Magane so she can bring us back to Earth.

Apollo: Oh yeah, I forgot she can do that. What was the point of Y/N even doing that? Talk about a waste of energy.

Maybach: Do you have any idea where we're at?

Apollo: No clue.

Apollo and Maybach continue to search for Magane. A few minutes go by and they see Magane face down in the dirt. Apollo and Maybach run over and help her up.

Maybach: Are you alright?

Magane answered with muffled noises.

Maybach, Apollo: What?

Magane gets up and pushes Apollo and Maybach off of her. They immediately take notice of her mouth: it was stitched up.

Maybach: What happened to your mouth?!

Magane was about to answer, but a yellow mouse like creature popped out of her.

Maybach, Apollo: O_o ?!

The mouse creature jumped off of Magane and introduced itself with its squeaky voice.

Cheddar: Hi everybody, my name is Cheddar! I usually come out when Magane messes up, and boy did Y/N get you good! Who knew he would get you with that loophole? Ha! Ha! Anyways, I better go! Catch me if you can!

Cheddar then starts sprinting towards the forest. Magane makes some loud muffling noises and runs after Cheddar.

Apollo: Do we go after him?

Maybach: I guess so. I don't want to be muffled by Magane.

The two men follow Magane as she tries to catch the mouse.

Magane gets close enough and grabs Cheddar. Cheddar easily slips out of her grasp and uses her forehead as a launch pad. Magane muffles in anger as she continues to chase the pesky mouse. As Cheddar was glancing over his shoulder, he runs into a black log...

Cheddar: What the...

Cheddar rubs his head and looks up and noticed the black log wasn't a log...

Cheddar: Uh oh!

Cheddar's flight response kicks in as he runs the other way. The creature's predatory instincts made it chase after Cheddar.

Cheddar sprinted past Magane, Maybach, and Apollo.

Cheddar: Run away!

Magane, Maybach, Apollo: ...?

The creature that was chasing Cheddar now had its sights on the three human beings.

Creature: ROAR!!!!

Magane: MMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!

Apollo, Maybach: AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

The three villains take off as the huge creature started to chase them.

Time skip

After a grueling couple of hours, the large creature finally gave up. All three villains were trying to catch their breath. Except for Magane who had to breathe out of her nose.

Cheddar: Heh heh! You guys look tired! Give it a rest!

Magane muffled some words and shook her fist at Cheddar. Possibly cursing every word under the sun.

Cheddar: I want to explore this new planet! But I don't want to encounter those big black creatures...so I will go to another part of this world!

Magane: *angry muffle sounds*

Cheddar: Sorry, can't hear you! It looks like you got something on your mouth!

Magane was so furious that her eyes were blood shot. Even though she couldn't speak, her eyes spoke volumes. As if the situation couldn't get any worse, Cheddar opens a portal and waves goodbye to the three villains.

Cheddar: TA TA!

Magane lunges towards Cheddar with all the strength she has but lands mere inches away from him.

Magane: ...!!!

Cheddar: Sucka!

Cheddar jumps through and disappears with the portal. Magane screams at the top of her lungs as she slams her fist on the ground.

Apollo: *pant* What an annoying creature!

Maybach: Magane, why did we need to chase "Cheddar"?

Magane slowly got up with her head down and pointed towards her mouth.

Maybach: Can you really not speak?

Magane slowly shook her head no.

Apollo: Can you do sign language?

Magane signed "yes".

Apollo: I understand sign language. You can communicate with us that way. Why did you need to catch Cheddar?

Magane: (SL) He was essential for us getting back home...

Apollo: She said that he was our ticket back home...

Magane: (SL) When ever somebody exploits my power or finds a loophole, Cheddar will come out and try to escape. It's the power I was born with, and he's the curse that comes with it.

Apollo: Whenever somebody finds a loophole to her power, Cheddar comes out and tries to escape. He's pretty much a curse on her power.

Maybach: So, no Cheddar means your powerless?

Magane nods.

Magane: (SL) I'm not that powerless...

Magane sticks out her hand and forms a purple energy sword.

Maybach: At least you can still conjure energy to form an energy sword. Something tells me this place is full of creatures like the one we just encountered.

Apollo: That was scary. I hope we don't encounter anything like that again.

Maybach: You're telling me, a guy who can harness multiple powerful kinesis, is afraid of some animals?

Apollo: You were screaming just as loud as me when that huge bear thing was chasing us!

Maybach: Touché. I was taken by surprise...

Apollo: Hey, where is everyone else?

Magane: (SL) I was wondering that too...all I know is that we better find Cheddar and KILL Y/N...

Apollo: Find Cheddar and kill Y/N...sounds like good objectives...

Maybach: What happens if we kill Cheddar?

Magane: (SL) We lose...

Maybach: And if we find him?

Magane: (SL) We kill Y/N and win...


Kendra: That's 30 of them down...how many did you get?

Future: I got 35...those things are pesky.

Kendra: The only reason you got more was because of your sword. How many did you get, Y/N?

Y/N: I didn't get any because you guys probably made the Canadian timber wolf population go extinct! Those were some of the most kindhearted animals I've seen and you just killed them in cold blood!

Future: DAD, those things are monsters. They will literally kill you!

Y/N: They are precious animals who want to be left alone! I'm going to show you just how friendly they can be!

You look around for any signs of the creatures. Kendra and Future sit back as they watch you try to make friends with the savage creatures.

Kendra: I can't wait to see this...

Off in the distance, you see a lone "Canadian timber wolf"sniffing a tree.

Y/N: Observe...

Kendra and Future look at each other as Y/N approaches the wolf. As Y/N gets closer, the wolf is aware of his presence and starts to growl.

Y/N: Okay, I'm doing good. An enemy is just a friend you haven't made yet...

Y/N is now mere feet away from the wolf. Y/N sticks his hand out and hopes for the best. The wolf slowly walks over to Y/N and sniffs his hand.

Kendra, Future:

Y/N: I can't believe this is working...I'm getting How To Train Your Dragon vibes...

The wolf then rests its face on your palm. You felt so much joy as you started to pet the wolf behind its ears.

Y/N: See guys I told you-

You then felt an immense amount of pain on your arm. You looked to see the wolf with your arm in its mouth.


Y/N took his arm out of the wolf's mouth and held it with his free hand. Y/N looked at his arm and saw the many teeth marks created by the wolf. Y/N then took his free hand, now glowing (F/C), and karate chopped the wolf's neck. The blow was enough to kill the wolf instantly. The creature collapsed and slowly disintegrated.

Future: So, do you still think they're precious animals that want to be left alone?

Y/N: Screw that! I want to watch every one of them suffer a miserable death...

Kendra: That's the spirit!

As the three were about to head out, they hear some rustling in the bushes. Kendra glows green, Future takes out her sword, and you get into a fighting position. The rustling was getting louder and you were prepared for whatever came out of the bushes. But something came out that you never would've expected:

Y/N, Kendra, Future: A wolf pup!

The little pup was happily wagging its tail and had its tongue sticking out.

Kendra, Future: Awwwwwwwwwww!!!

You go up to the pup and start petting it. It started to lick your hand and wag its tail even more. It then laid on its back by giving you permission to rub its belly. You start rubbing it's belly as it licks your hand even more.

Y/N: It's a boy!

Future: That's its tail...

Y/N: It's a girl! *picks up pup* She is just so cute!

Kendra: Alright, let's kill it and get it over with already...

Y/N, Future: WHAT?!

Future: We can't just kill this little pup, she's just a baby!

Kendra: It's still one of those creatures that want to kill us!

The wolf pup then growls at Kendra. Y/N petted the pup so it could calm down.

Y/N: She didn't mean that...no she didn't...

Kendra just rolls her eyes.

Future: Now we made a new friend! I always wanted a dog!

Y/N: Me too! I wonder what her name should be?

Future: Hmmm, I don't know. I can't really think of anything right now.

Kendra: What we should be thinking about is where to find everyone else. It's also going to get dark soon and we haven't even found a shelter yet.

Y/N: Kendra's right. We need to get moving. *sets down pup* We will come up with a name for you later!

Wolf pup: Arf!

Y/N: Not to mention I need to get medical attention as soon as I can. I hope didn't contract rabies from that timber wolf.

Future: I think we should head East. There is probably a town or village somewhere that can help us.

Y/N: Then let's hurry!

Y/N, Kendra, and Future start to go East as their new furry friend follows behind them.

To be continued...

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