~Chapter 18~

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Your POV

     I felt something nudge against my hand as I felt myself start to wake up. At first, I decided to keep my eyes closed and try to go back to sleep but again, I felt my hand get nudged.
     Groaning, I lifted myself up, eyes still closed and immediately regretted it as a large burst of pain erupted through my head and neck, causing me to fall back down onto what I guessed was a pillow. Throwing up my hands, I covered my eyes as to try and stop the pain.
     As soon as I had started to rub my eyes I heard something running against the floor and a door opening and closing. After a few seconds the door opened again, followed by foot steps. After that I just felt something cold being set onto my forehead, and something being set on my face, in front of my eyes to be specific.
Out of curiosity, I opened my eyes just a smidge, expecting a bright light and pain but was greeted with a dark room, and I seemed to be wearing sunglasses... must mean I have a concussion considering how much my head hurt. Not gonna lie it was smart.
After a few seconds of blinking my eyes and getting used to my surroundings I began to lift myself up again, only to be gently pushed back down.
"Woah there, don't push it darlin" I heard Jesse mumbled as he started to dab my forehead with the cold washcloth (anyone see what I did there?)
"Jesse?" I mumbled under my breath as I turned my head slightly. Sure enough, there he was gazing into my eyes fearfully.
     He then let out a sigh and let his head fall forward, landing next to me on the bed he let out a groan.
     "Never do that again..." he mumbled into the covers. His hat was on the side of the bed and his hair a mess. How long was I even out?
     "Jesse? Is everything alright?" I asked,  my head pounding slightly, but not enough to make me close my eyes and go back to sleep.
     He looked up at me and blinked, a few stray tears started to well up in his eyes, surprising me.
     He then lunged at me, wrapping his arms around me as he held me close.
     For a few seconds all the pain within my body disappeared, and was replaced by a warm fuzzy feeling. And I loved it.
"Jesse..." I mumbled softly as I wrapped my arms around him, holding his as he let out a shaky breath.
"I'm never fast enough- I'm Never good Enough!" He called out as he held me tighter, his body slightly shaking.
"For once in my damn life I- I have something to protect! But I always fail at doing so..." he mumbled as I held onto him tighter.
I then pushed him up and held onto his shoulders, my eyes gazing into his own.
"Jesse. Who was the one that saved me from talon?" I questioned while closing my eyes, my gaze being clouded by tears of my own as I took in a breath.
He didn't respond
"Who was the one that always held me when I had a nightmare- who was he one that pulled me out of the darkness- who was the one that had my back from day one? Even when I hated you, you never stoped worrying." I whispered, opening my eyes once again only to be met with his wide eyes staring back at me.
He then pulled me into yet another embrace, his vanilla breath giving the warm feeling grow within my chest. I then heard my heart speaking before my mind.
"Hey Jesse?" I asked as he pulled away, his eyes shining as he looked back at me.
"I think I might l-"
"Jesse McCree if you don't get your ass down at my office in ten seconds, I'm gonna beat your ass." I heard my uncles voice boom through the speakers that were installed in almost every room.
Without warning, Jesses face turned to horror as he shot up and turned to run but stoped for a split second. He then turned, kissed me on the forehead and sprinted out the door, yelling something about how Gabriel would be the death of him.
Laughing, I felt my face flush as I was left alone. I then looked to the side of my bed to see a small remote with a button on it.
Swiftly- I grabbed it and pressed it, knowing full well that Angela or Winston would be here any second now.
"Eclipse?" I murmured as I turned slightly, meeting the gaze of my loving Panther.
"So that's what I heard when I woke up." I smiled as the large cat jumped on the bed, making his way over to me and setting his head down on my lap.
"Thank you..." I murmured as he spoke to me within my head, giving me a quick summary of what happened.
     I then replayed everything that had just occurred.
     "Oh... OH-" I covered my mouth as I Remembered what I had almost said, my face flushing red as I felt my eyes widen.
     "Why didn't you stop me!" I whisper yelled under my breath towards my loving cat, who seemed to snicker and lay down at the edge of my bed.
     Before I could continue my rant with him, there was a knock at my door, causing me to turn my head towards the sound.
     "(Y/N)? Are you awake?" I heard the familiar voice of Angela call out as she peaked her head in through the sliding door.
     She noticed I was awake and let out a sight of relief. Then, she made her daw over to my bed and put her hand to my forehead.
     "Oh good, your fever is not there anymore. But you do still have a concussion... where did you get those sunglasses?" She asked while looking at me.
     "When I woke up Eclipse went and got McCree and he gave me them. Believe it or not, they actually work really well." I smiled, silently thanking Jesse yet again for thinking so quickly.
     She nodded and handed me a glass of water, took my blood pressure and everything else before she spoke yet again.
     "No training until you get better, do you hear me? Your lucky that I'm going to let you walk around, but you must be careful. Too much movement can hurt your eyes, causing your head to hurt. Also before you can do anything else, I would like you to come with me. There is someone who would like to talk to you." She finished as she set down a pair of leggings and a large sweater. She then left the room, probably waiting for me to change.
     "Alright Eclipse, would you like to come or you gonna go back?" I questioned the Panther as I threw on the clothing that was given to me.
     He looked at me and nodded, being quiet for some odd reason.
     "I'll take that as a yes?" I questioned as I left the room, Eclipse following after me.

     She led me down the long corridors to the lab, allowing me in. For once, Winston was not there, so there really was not much to look at.
     She then went to a door on the side wall of the lab with a hand scanner.
     With the press of her hand, the door flew open, allowing us to walk into the room.
     Immediately, I saw a Pair Of Bright red eyes, and the sound of clicking. I felt my heart stop for a second as Angela spoke up.
     "(Y/N) Id like you to meet Genji. He will be the newest member to Blackwatch. He is also the one that saved you the other day." She finished with a smile on my face.
     The room was silent for a few seconds as Genji and I stared at each other, both trying to figure out the other.
     After staring at him and figuring out that he seemed trustworthy I smiled and stuck out my hand for him to shake.
     "My name is (Y/N) Walker- Or Reyes. Dosent really matter." I mumbled while adverting my gaze lightly.
     I felt something cold- but warm in some way collide with my outstretched hand gently, causing me to shift my gaze to see a robotic like hand shaking mine slightly, before retracting back.
     "My name is Genji Shimada. It is a pleasure to meet you." Genji spoke low as he bowed slightly, his eyes never wavering.
     I took this time to actually get a good look at him- considering last time I saw him I was injured and barley conscious.
The upper right side of his body had no robotics. It went from his right hand and all the way up to his right of his chest. The rest of his body however was covered in metal and wires, minus the large red, glowing circle that was on the left side of his chest. His mouth was covered, only allowing his hair and eyes to be visible. Overall he looked like he'd seen some shit... or been through it at least.
"Angela?" I questioned as I turned to the doctor who seemed to be pleased for.. some odd reason. She looked over at me and tilted her head, waiting for me to continue.
"Since he is new to Blackwatch, I assume that he has not been given the tour of the facility?" I questioned the doctor whose eyes seemed to widen at my question. She then shook her head, indicating that Genji probably hasn't even left this room.
"Then that settles it. Genji I will be giving you the tour under Comander Reyes request. I doubt he would want one of his newest recruits getting lost so easily." I smiled as I motioned him to follow me, knowing full well of what I was doing.
Genji looked at me for a few seconds before following silently, his eyes lazily looking at their surroundings. I sighed as I could hear Angela start to protest as we began to reach the exit of the lab. Turning, I gave her the nicest smile I could muster, hiding the anger that has begun to fill within my chest
"Do not worry Doctor Ziegler. I will not allow him to do anything that involves danger. He shall be fine." I smiled waving at her as I slipped out of the lab, motioning Him to follow, which he did.
As soon as we were a little ways from the lab, I let out a frustrated sigh, causing the tall cyborg to look down at me.
"How long has she kept you in the room?" I questioned looking up at him. His eyes widened slightly as he stared at me, he then mumbled slightly, barley audible. But luckily enough I managed to hear it.
"Ever sense you got here?... why that was about two weeks ago! Jesus- I'm so sorry about her- she can be very protective and such but... with all do respect no one deserves to be treated like a lab rat..." I mumbled while turning around. I could feel his Anger rising after I had finished my sentence so I spoke up.
"But you must realize. I saw the state you were in, and you should had died. But fate had other plans and helped Angela heal you. And if it wasn't for her healing you I would probably be dead right now. By the way- thank you for saving my ass the other day, greatly appreciated." I smiled while turning, expecting his face to be filled with anger, but I saw something else that toppled over it. I saw sadness and an understanding expression. He seemed to know quite well what I meant and nodded slightly, causing my smile to soften.
"Well then... lunch?"

~A few hours later brought to you by Eclipse~

"Sigh..." I smiled as I sat in the training room, my hair pulled up and my shoes and socks tossed to the other side.
Genji stood a few feet away, carefully studying me. He seemed confused as he watched me. Eventually I spoke up.
"Do you really think I would leave you? Like come on man. I doubt you wanted to be in there as well." I laughed as I felt my energy begin to Drain out of my body and into my hands.
He seemed to notice the black substance forming as his eyes widened, casing me to laugh more.
Before he could react, I released the power from my hands, making it start to form into a large creature.
"You might want to cover your ears." I smiled as he looked at me. He then quickly covered his ears at the black substance took form and let out a large screech like sound.

Yo I'm sorry for not updating! Please forgive me, but I have been busy on writing rough drafts for the new book. I'll probably do a few more chapters for this and begin the new McCree book to follow this up! Anyways, as always I hope you enjoyed! And as always, WOLF OUT

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