The Letters From No One

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Harry was severely punished for the incident with the boa constrictor. They wouldn't let him leave the cupboard at all till the summer holiday. This left Vanessa with a bunch more chores and even more reason to hate her caretakers. And because Harry is out of reach, Vanessa has been getting the brunt of Dudley and his gang's torment. But she kept her head down and tried to get through it. 

It only got worse when Harry was able to come out because they took turns tormenting and hitting the twins. They escaped as much as possible. Vanessa was always keen on walking down to the shopping mart and glancing at all the books she didn't have. She loved to read and would do anything to get a new book. She snatches up money from home when she can. Harry is always cross when he catches her in the act, but Vanessa thinks she deserves it. And she's never been caught, so a pound or two here or there isn't that big of a deal. 

Both are excited for school to start. While Dudley is going off to Uncle Vernon's old private school Harry and Vanessa are going to the local public school together. This is hopefully a new start for them, a chance to make new friends, though it's probably unlikely when they'll be wearing old clothes that are much too big. Dudley thinks it hilarious that they are going to a public school and likes to rub it in their faces any chance he can. 

"They like to shove students into lockers." Dudley sneers at Vanessa. "Wanna practice." He gestures to a small trunk.

"I don't even think you could fit your head in there." Vanessa snickers and skips out before he can snatch her up. 

Sometime in July Harry and Vanessa are left at Mrs. Figg's while Aunt Petunia takes Dudley to get his Smeltings uniform. The stay is much more bearable than usual due to the fact the one of her cats is the cause of her broken leg. The twins were able to watch tv, something they're not allowed to do back a the Dursley's. It's mildly entertaining, though she much prefers her book. 

Thankfully Vanessa was able to miss out on Dudley parading around in his new uniform that night. She doesn't need to see him look like more of a prat than usual. Harry later told her is was maybe the funniest thing he had ever seen. 

When they awoke the next morning the kitchen had a horrid stench about it. Vanessa stayed in the cupboard as long as she could so she wouldn't have to go in there and smell it.

She hears the click of the mail slot and decides to check the mail. Harry meets her out in the hall and they go together. Vanessa watches as Harry picks up four things. One, a postcard from aunt Marge, another that looks to be a bill, and the final two are addressed to the twins. Harry hands Vanessa hers, she stares in wonder. She's never gotten mail before. she reads what's written on the front.

Miss V. Potter

The Cupboard Under the Stairs

4 Privet Drive

Little Whinging


The envelope is thick and heavy, made with yellowing parchment. The address is written in pretty emerald green ink. Vanessa studies the coat of arms which has a lion, badger, eagle, and snake all around an H, this is stamped into purple wax. 

"Hurry up, boy!" Uncle Vernon shouts from the kitchen. "What are you doing, checking for letter bombs?" Harry moves back to the kitchen, but Vanessa is rooted to the spot. With trembling fingers she slowly opens the envelope. She drops it once and picks it back up. She pulls out a heavy parchment and reads 


The paper is ripped from her hands.

"Hey give that back!" Vanessa exclaims, looking up to see Aunt Petunia glaring horrifically at Vanessa, her face as white as the blouse she's wearing. "That's mine! I want to read it!"

"No, you will do no such thing." Aunt Petunia hisses. She turns and stalks back to the kitchen, slamming the door on the two boys who are standing there. Vanessa drops to the floor with Harry to listen to what Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon have to say.

"Vernon," Aunt Petunia's voice is quivering. "Look at the address -- how could they possibly know where they sleep? You don't think they're watching the house?"

"Watching -- spying -- might be following us." Mutters Uncle Vernon in a wild tone.

"But what should we do, Vernon? Should we write back? Tell them we don't want-"

"No," Uncle Vernon says finally. "No, we'll ignore it. If they don't get an answer ... Yes, that's best ... we won't do anything ..." 

Vanessa and Harry go back to their cupboard when Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's conversation is clearly over.

"What do you think it was?" Harry asks.

"It was a school," Vanessa answers back in a hushed tone. "Hogwarts I believe it said."

"An odd name." Harry frowns. "What kind of school is it? What did they want?" 

"I don't know, Aunt Petunia snatched it up before I could read any further." Vanessa sighs. "I wonder why a school is sending us letters." She'd never even heard of the name before, almost a bit silly for a school. 

When Uncle Vernon comes home from work that night, he visits Harry and Vanessa in their cupboard.

"Where are our letters?" Harry demands when Uncle Vernon squeezes in. It's a tight fit. "Who was writing to us?"

"No one. It was addressed to you by mistake." Uncle Vernon says shortly. "I have burned them."

"It had our names on them, and our cupboard!" Vanessa snaps. "Those are our letters!"

"SILENCE!" Yells Uncle Vernon. He quickly tries to hide his anger by putting on a smile. 

"Er, -- yes, Harry, Vanessa, -- about this cupboard. Your aunt and I have been thinking ... You two are getting a bit big for it, especially sharing it ... We though it would be nice if you moved into Dudley's second bedroom." He looks honestly pained to be offering this.

"Why?" Harry says. 

"Don't ask questions!" Snapped their uncle. "Take this stuff upstairs now." 

The room they are moving into is the room Dudley uses for all his broken toys and such that he didn't want in his room. All had been broken because he's a selfish prat who doesn't understand the concept of taking care of his things. Vanessa nearly leaps with joy when she sees the shelves filled with untouched books. And the bed in here is much larger than the one they shared in the cupboard.

Vanessa and Harry share a look when they hear Dudley bawling to his parents. "I don't want them in there... I need that room... Make them get out." Vanessa smiles smugly and flops down on the bed next to Harry.

"I'd rather have the letter than this room." Harry sighs.

"Me too, Harry." Vanessa sighs as well.

The next morning is quiet. Dudley can't believe he didn't get his way. Even after all the tantrum and fighting and screaming Harry and Vanessa still have his room. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia keep sending each other dark looks.

The mail arrives with the clink of the mail slot. Dudley is sent to get the mail. Uncle Vernon may seem like he's trying to be nice, but Vanessa sees through it, knowing he's trying to stop them from getting any letters.

"There are more! 'Mr. H. Potter, Miss V. Potter, The Smallest Bedroom, 4 Privet Drive--" Uncle Vernon is up in a flash and down the hall. Harry and Vanessa quick to follow. Uncle Vernon had to wrestle the letters from Dudley's hand which is hard because Harry and Vanessa are grabbing onto him. After some time of confused fighting, Uncle Vernon straitens with the letters gripped tight in his hands. 

"Go to your cupboard -- I mean, your bedroom," he wheezes at Vanessa and Harry. "Dudley -- go -- just go." 

Harry paces his room while Vanessa sits silently on the bed, fuming with anger. 

"I have a plan." Harry says at last. She glanced at him. 

"Someone knew we moved from the cupboard and they knew we didn't get our first letters. Surely that means they'll try again won't they?" Harry paces some more as he speaks. He tells Vanessa of his plan. It's quite brilliant.

At six o' clock the next day the alarm that Harry fixed up goes off. Harry quickly switches it off and dresses as quietly as he can. Vanessa takes much longer to wake up, but she also dresses quickly. 

They creep down the dark hall, Harry in front. Suddenly he lets out a shout of surprise as he pitches forward. Vanessa, without a second thought rushes back to the stairs and hides from sight. Turns out Uncle Vernon figured they would do something like this and slept in front of the door. Vanessa watches as Harry gets yelled at for half an hour before being sent off to make tea. When he's gone, the mail arrives and Uncle Vernon is the first and only to touch the letters. There's more than just one for each of them this time. 

"That belongs to-" but any sound from Vanessa's mouth is ignored as Uncle Vernon tears the letters to shreds.

Vanessa and Harry share a look, someone wants to talk to them, and Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia aren't going to let them know why.

Uncle Vernon stayed home from work and nailed the mail slot shut. His behavior is becoming unhinged. 

"If they can't deliver them, they'll just give up." He had said. "Those people's minds work in strange ways, Petunia, they're not like you and me." 

Vanessa so desperately wanted to know what he meant by that. Who are those people who work in strange ways?

On Friday twelve letters each arrived for Harry and Vanessa. They had been shoved under the door as well as any other crack they could find. 

Uncle Vernon stayed home again. Once all twenty-four letters were burned he boarded up the cracks and crevices of the the front and back door. He seems a bit off his rocker as he hums "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" and jumps at any noise. 

Saturday twenty four letters each came in with the two dozens of eggs. Of course Uncle Vernon was furious, calling anyone he could to complain and yell. Vanessa thought it all to be so humorous, up until the point Aunt Petunia shredded all the letters in the food processor.

Sunday morning Vanessa and Harry are sitting glumly at the table. Uncle Vernon looks happy, tired and maybe a little sickly, but happy all the same. 

"No post on Sundays," he reminds them cheerfully. He looks a bit silly as he spreads marmalade onto the newspaper. "No damn letters today --" 

But something comes flying out of the kitchen chimney hitting him in the back of the head. Vanessa would have laughed were she not so focused on the fact that it's one of the letters. Suddenly dozens and dozens of letters come flying out of the fireplace like bullets.

Harry leaps into the air to catch one, but Vanessa has another idea. She dives after some letters that landed on the floor nearby. She grabs three in one hand, two to Harry one for herself.

"Out! OUT!" Uncle Vernon shouts. He grabs Harry around the waist and throws him out. Then he grabs Vanessa, yanking the letters from her hand. 

"No! THEY BELONG TO ME! THEYRE MINE!" Vanessa starts screaming as he shoves her out.

Uncle Vernon slams the door shut once everyone is out. Even with the door shut they can still hear the letters streaming in. 

"That does it." Uncle Vernon attempts to speak calmly, but he proceeds to tear off half his mustache in his great big pudgy hands. "I want you all back here in five minutes ready to leave. We're going away. Just pack some clothes. No arguments!" 

Vanessa is genuinely terrified of the look on his face. Vanessa and Harry scurry off, packing their few measly possessions. Vanessa mostly packing books not clothes. 

Ten minutes pass and they're in the car and down the highway.

Dudley is sniffling like a little baby in the back seat. Uncle Vernon had hit him for holding them up by packing useless items. Vanessa thought it was about time someone hit that boy. She even voiced it to Harry, though he didn't seem amused.

They drove all day not stopping to eat or anything. Occasionally Uncle Vernon will make a turn muttering "shake 'em off, shake'em off." Who he is talking about isn't clear. Vanessa is starting to think he has gone absolutely bonkers.

It seemed forever before Uncle Vernon stopped at a gray and gloomy hotel on the outskirts of a big city. Dudley, Harry, and Vanessa are stuck in a room with two twin beds. Dudley sleeps, snoring loudly, while Harry and Vanessa stay awake, talking about what could be happening.

Breakfast is stale cornflakes and cold tinned tomatoes on toast. Vanessa doesn't eat, shoving it away. Dudley is quick to take it up and scarf it down. As they finish, the hotel owner comes by.

"Which of you would be Mr. and Miss Potter? I got about a 'undred of these at the front desk." She holds up two letters so the green ink is visible.

Vanessa and Harry move to grab for the letters but Uncle Vernon smacks their hands away.

"I'll take them." Uncle Vernon stands quickly and follows the owner out of the dining room.

Throughout the day Uncle Vernon makes stops at odd places, getting out of the car, looking around, then gets back in only to drive away again. Once in the middle of the forest, a plowed field, halfway across a bridge, and at the top of a multilevel parking garage. 

"Daddy's gone mad, hasn't he?" Dudley asks Aunt Petunia late that afternoon. Uncle Vernon had had parked on the coast. Locking them in the car before leaving them.

Rain drops start falling from the sky. Vanessa stares out into the gray sky, sighing sadly.

"It's Monday," Dudley snivels. "The Great Humberto's on tonight. I want to stay somewhere with a television." 

Vanessa isn't paying much attention to what he has to say, but Harry must have because he nudges her. Vanessa looks his way.

"Tomorrow's our birthday." He mouths, not wanting to say it aloud. Their birthdays have royally sucked every year. Last year they got a coat hanger and pair of Uncle Vernon's old socks. Birthdays weren't all that special, but this one felt different somehow. Something in Vanessa tells her this year, it's going to change.

Uncle Vernon returns, smiling and holding a long, thin package, refusing to answer Aunt Petunia when she asks any question.

"Found the perfect place!" He says. "Come on! Everyone out!"

It's very cold when they leave the car. Vanessa and Harry move close together to keep warm, but the water droplets from the sky are not helping.

Uncle Vernon points at a large rock out on the water, and on the rock is a small shack. It looks miserable and horrid.

"Storm forecast for tonight!" Uncle Vernon sounds too gleeful to be staying in a place like that. "And this gentleman's kindly agreed to lend us his boat!"

An old man shambles up to them. Upon closer look Vanessa can tell he's toothless. And with a malicious grin he points to an old rowboat. The boat looks as if it will be destroyed with one wave. There's no way it's going to hold the weight of Dudley alone much less all of them. 

The ride in the boat is freezing. With freezing sea spray splashing on them. It sees like hours before they made it to the shack. It's smells horrid, like seaweed, it nearly makes Vanessa gag. The wind slips in through gaps on the wood wall making it colder inside.

After eating a quick dinner of chips and a banana, Uncle Vernon attempts to make a fire with the empty chip bags. His attempt is futile, the bags just shrivel up and smoke.

He's in an extremely good mood, knowing that no one would even be able to send them a single letter in weather like this. 

Night falls and the storm only gets worse, causing the shack to be much colder. Aunt Petunia finds a few moldy blankets and they all set up for the night. Dudley makes his bed on a moth eaten sofa. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia get a lumpy bed in the only other room in the house. Harry and Vanessa find the softest bit of floor, curling up and sharing the thinnest blanket there was. The only heat they get is from each other as they snuggle close.

The storm only got worse as the night rolled on. Neither Harry nor Vanessa could sleep. They both keep glancing at Dudley's watch as his hand dangles over the couch.

"We will be eleven in ten minutes." Harry sighs. They count down the time till their birthday. When the watch hits exactly midnight a loud knock sounds at the door. Vanessa and Harry sit up quickly, looking at each other warily

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