Chapter 15

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Caroline sighed as she listened to Elena try to interrogate her on why Damon was acting so differently.

She didn't know why she cared so much. She should be paying more attention to her boyfriend.

It was the only thing Elena seemed to even talk to her about anymore. Until she needed something Elena acted like she didn't exist and then expected Care to drop everything for her.

But Caroline was worth more than that and she wasn't going to bend over backwards for anyone much less Elena.

She turned back to Elena who had realized that she wasn't listening. "I think you should be more worried about what your boyfriend is doing than what's going on to his brother."

With that she turned around and walked away. Care could feel that something was wrong as she was walking back to the house.

She was about to vamp speed when she turned around and grabbed a dart that had been heading for her neck. She snapped it apart but felt another enter her neck and she fell.

When Caroline opened her eyes again the first thing she noticed was her necklace of godly beads was gone. Panic set in and she moved her arms but hissed when she felt the vervain soaked chains.

Her first thought had of course been the Wiccan but they shouldn't know of the godly beads and even if they did Cordelia wasn't here.

Every year Lia had a meeting with MACUSA to discuss how to keep her safe and whatnot. Care had went with her for years but they didn't want a vampire in the meetings so Addy had went instead.

It was really bad timing on their part because now she had been kidnapped by someone who understood the significance of the godly beads.

She yanked on the chains again before hearing a noice and looking up. Her heart dropped at the sight.

Her father. Her father had kidnapped her. Her father who had disliked Lia their entire lives because of his hatred of supernaturals, who most certainly hated Caroline now.

He looked at her almost sympathetically. "I'm so sorry this happened to you."

"Well I'm not. I'm better this way and you can deal with it and let me go or when I get out of this you'll lose your daughter."

"I already lost my daughter. Now I need to know. How do you walk in the sunlight?"

That was good. He hadn't suspected that by taking away the godly beads she wouldn't be able to go in the sun anymore.

She shrugged and he sighed. He walked over to the corner of the room and picked up her necklace. She breathed a small sigh of relief.

If Katherine noticed she wasn't back she would be able to trace her location with the Hera bead.

"Cordelia was always doing all sorts of unnatural things using these beads." He looked through them before grabbing the Helios bead with the sun. "I wouldn't be surprised if she allowed you to walk in the sun with them."

He grabbed a blood bag and held it up to her. Caroline had always had impeccable control. With Lia's difficulties in containing her powers it had been a necessity for Caroline to be able to stay calm and keep her grounded.

So when she turned into a vampire controlling the bloodlust had been second nature. Even so everyone had limits. And after waving the blood in her face she could feel her veins start to creep out.

She pushed them down right away but her father had seen them. "Blood controls you, sweetheart. This is how I'm going to fix you."

He pulled something and the sunlight poured in burning her skin and causing her to scream.


Katherine would kill anyone who claimed that she had gotten attached but in the months that she had known Care, Lia, and Addy they had gotten close.

She didn't know exactly where Caroline was at the moment but she shouldn't have been gone this long and Kat could tell something was wrong.

Katherine's instincts had always proven her well and she could tell that something was off.

She didn't want to worry unnecessarily so she went to Caroline's mom's house. Liz looked confused to see her but Kat didn't have time to explain everything.

"Do you know where Caroline is?"

"You'd know better than me. She's barely ever here anymore. Why? Is something wrong?"

"I don't know but she should have been back by now and I have a bad feeling."

"Can't you use the beads to find her?"

Katherine felt like slapping herself. Of course she could. She still wasn't used to having magic at her beck and call in situations.

She clutched the Hera bead and closed her eyes. She immediately felt three glowing lines pulling her towards them.

She ignored the two that were together that obviously belonged to Lia and Addy and focused on the other one.

She opened her eyes, starting to walk in that direction and was immediately joined by Liz who had grabbed a gun.

Katherine knew she wouldn't be able to convince her to stay behind but if they walked they were losing valuable time so without asking she grabbed Liz and vamp sped to the bead.

They arrived at a door to a dungeon type room and Katherine pushed it open abruptly. A man turned towards her but Kat focused in on Caroline who was strapped to a chair in chains.

She scanned the room and spotted the godly beads on the floor. She vamp sped over to them before yanking the chains off Caroline.

She hissed from coming into contact with the vervain but over the years she had built up quite a tolerance.

She tossed the beads into Caroline's hand and she quickly put the necklace on. Kat turned back to the entrance where Liz was pointing a gun at the man and they were arguing.

She quickly surmised that this man was Caroline's father, Bill which only made her more disgusted. How could parents be so awful?

Then again she'd only seen her daughter for a couple seconds so she couldn't guarantee she would have been any better.

Katherine dropped her fangs ready to leap at the man but Care shook her head. "No, Kat. Let's just go."

"If we don't do anything he'll just kidnap you again."

"I'll be more prepared this time. Please."

Kat sighed and nodded. Once they made sure Liz would be okay and she hugged Caroline the two vamps sped to their house.

Caroline sat down the couch and Katherine sat next to her. Care curled into her shoulder and she resisted the urge to tense up and move away. She wasn't used to comforting people but with these three she seemed to do a lot of things she wasn't used to doing.

"I should probably tell Lia and Addy what happened. But they'll want to come back and they were going to meet up with some of their friends from Hogwarts."

"I have a feeling if you don't tell them they'll be really mad. Just tell not to come back. They'll understand."

Caroline snorted. "Have you met Cordelia. She's super protective of me. After hearing what happened she won't want to leave my side."

"She's knows you can take care of yourself. Plus you have me."

Care smiled. "Thanks for saving me and for being here now."

"It's the least I could do to repay you for everything." Thanks to them she had her freedom and she had friends. Those were two things that she had never expected to gain.

"Still, thanks."

Caroline grabbed the TV remote and quickly found a movie for them to watch, talking to Katherine excitedly.

She knew that Care was rattled and trying not to be so she'd be there for her until she broke.

This is a short chapter but next up we get Rebekah!! Hope you enjoy!

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