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y/n = your name
l/n = your last name.
y/b/n = your best friend's name
d/n = dragon's name
y/t = your town's name
e/c = your eye colour
h/c = your hair colour
d/k = dragon kind
o/d/n = other dragon's name.


Hiccup's POV

We've been flying for almost a day now, and I can see that y/n is really tired. She's trying to hide it by keeping her eyes wide open but I know her better than that.

"How about we land somewhere and rest a little? You seem tired." I say to her and she shakes her head quickly.

"No I'm no-" she stops in the middle of her sentence and yawns. She looks away quickly and puts her hand over her mouth, as an attempt to hide it.

"I saw that. C'mon guys, we're landing." I say to our dragons and y/n sighs. When we finally hit the ground I get off of Toothless and walk to y/n, who's climbing off of d/n.

"Hiccup, I don't want to slow us down. Let's just go-"

"But what if something happens? Maybe you fall asleep on d/n and you slip away, and what if she doesn't catch you? What if we're getting attacked and you're asleep? You deserve rest, y/n. I'll stay awake and make sure no one hurts us." She sighs and gives in, too tired to protest. I sit down against Toothless and y/n sits next to me. I wrap my arm around her waist and she leans her head on my shoulder. I smile and kiss the top of her head.

She's immediately asleep, her hands are on my torso and she's snoring softly, making me smile. She's so damn cute.

I look at Toothless, who's asleep and d/n is leaning against him, making me smile even more. They're so sweet together, Toothless is always protective of d/n, and d/n cares a lot about Toothless. Once those two see each other, they don't leave each other's sides.

My smile fades as soon as I hear y/n whimpering. I look down at her and she's shaking her head. Her hands are clenched in fists and she's moving a little. tears rolls down her cheek and she lets out a small sob, making my heart break.

"N-no." She whispers scared, making me even more worried.

"Y/n." I say softly while stroking her head. She keeps moving and shakes her head even more.

"H-hiccup! No! Please! Don't go!" She cries out, making my heart break.

"I'm here y/n, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I'm here." I say soothingly. She sighs softly and slowly calms down.

"I love you." She murmurs, making me smile softly.

"I love you too." I whisper and kiss her forehead softly. She smiles in her sleep and relaxes.

I stroke her hair softly, hoping that she won't get a nightmare again while looking up to the sky. It's afternoon right now, and I think it'll be evening when we arrive at the place where Mary is.

Sometimes I think of y/n's life before she met us. And then my mind goes to the days where she has nightmares like this, and then I get mad at myself for not being there for her. I know it's impossible, since we didn't know each other at that time but it just makes me sad that she had rough times and I wasn't there to hold her. I know she had y/b/n, but so still feel bad.

But then I think of now, because now I can be there for her during rough times. Now I can hold her, talk to her, listen to her and make her happy.

I love this girl so damn much it's going to kill me one day. I sigh and close my eyes for a little, not falling asleep.

After a while, I think it's time to leave right now.

"Y/n.." I whisper softly. She groans and cuddles closer to me. I smile and she sighs, happy that she's comfortable.

"Y/n, wake up. We're leaving." I say a tiny bit louder. She groans again and shakes her head.

"No... you're so comfy." She mumbles and I chuckle.

"If we don't leave now we'll be late m'lady."'she sighs and opens her eyes. She sits up straight and rubs her eyes. She pouts and looks at me, making me chuckle. She takes a deep breath and stands up.

"Okay, lets go." She says and we both wake our dragons up before taking off again.

After what feels like eternity I hear y/n gasp loudly, making me open my eyes. I almost fell asleep, how great.

"I see a village!" She says excitedly. I look up and indeed see a village. I smile and look at y/n, who's about to burst because of how happy is. I love seeing her this happy. I wish she was like this all the time.

"Oh my gods Hiccup, can you believe this? We're here, we're really here! We can find Mary and aahhh this is so freaking exciting oh myyy gosh!! Am I dreaming? I can't believe we're seriously here." She squeals making me chuckle. She blushes and stops rambling immediately, focusing on d/n.

"Sorry." She says embarrassed, still not looking at me. "I uh, am pretty excited." She's so adorable, I could listen to her rambling for the rest of my life.

"I see." I chuckle and she smiles shyly. "It's cute." She smiles wider and her cheeks get even redder.

"Thank you so much Hiccup." She says and looks at me with a thankful smile.

"No need to thank me. Like I said before, I'm willing to do anything to make you happy, I don't care what it is." I say.

Before she can say anything, we hear someone loudly yell "FIRE!!" Making us both look up and gasp. Before we realise what's happening a dragon proof net lands on us.

Your POV

"Hiccup!" I yell as we fall to the ground. I feel d/n's wings and arms wrap around me so hitting the ground won't hurt too much. I close my eyes and hear a loud thud. I open my eyes slowly and see Hiccup in Toothless' arms. Thank goodness he's okay. He opens his eyes as well and runs to me while the dragons try to get out of the net. He wraps his arms protectively around me and I look up at him.

"Wha-" I say but get cut off by someone else.

"Two night furies and their riders! How amazing." A female voice said, making us all look up. A tall woman in armour is looking at us with a smirk. We gasp and Hiccup whispers "dragon hunters." So the woman can't hear it.

"Aw, and they're both couples as well! How lovely!" She says in a sweet voice but her face turns scary less than a second later.

"Lock them up. I'm sure Mrs y/l/n will love seeing this catch." My eyes widen when I hear the last name and I stare at Hiccup in disbelief. His eyes are the size of golf balls and he's looking at me.

My family are dragon hunters?

I hope you guys are liking the story so far! It's gonna get pretty exciting now, and I can't wait for you guys to read the rest ^_^.

By the way, I published a new book! It's a Hiro x reader one shot book, so if you're a fan of big hero 6 you should take a look at it ^_^

Sooo I'm going home tomorrow, which means that I'll probably update either very late tomorrow or not at all, but we'll see then:)

I hope you guys liked it, and if you did I'd really appreciate it if you left a vote and/or comment! Byeee!!
Xxx Damla

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