I wanted to show Ann-Marie that she couldn't get to me. For an entire week, I ignored the gazes, the whispers as well as those people gossiping about what I did. I now have the certainty that they were all talking about me. Ann-Marie's victorious smirk is showing her every thought. She feels so good with what she did...I bet it's not the first time she did something like that. I'm not her first victim, visibly.
I'm being rather sassy if I'm being honest. I barely look at her, spending time with the girls and avoiding every single disgusting gaze I get. Even when the whole school stares at me as if I'm some of awful bug or a mistake. My thoughts wander every time, making me overthink-as always-, wondering what she could've said to them. But it doesn't matter. It surely is something negative.
Ann-Marie thought I'd be seeking help from my friends with the rumor and freak out, but it's not what's happening. I keep my composure, yet I pretend I'm stressed in front of her, so she doesn't try any other advances. Which is clever, in my opinion. Does she eat my lies and swallow them whole? Perhaps, perhaps not. I just believe I have done something great for once. It feels good.
It's already September eleventh. Nobody asked me what my problem was-where they scared, ashamed, or just letting me deal with the bullshit? I don't have a clue. But I don't care either. I'll just play-pretend for the longest time I can, but I won't be able to survive for long. The whispers are getting louder, and more people are eyeing me. I'm not used to that feeling; being stared at, this intensely.
I don't have much to do except the painting. The theater club only starts in mid-November-three months later, and so I only have school as a pastime. Which isn't amusing. At least I do not have a lot of exams lately, and I'm not anxious because of this. I'm just talking with the girls when Jules comes over. He doesn't look at me. His jaw is clenched and he's shaking. He probably had a bad note. I shrug it off, I don't think it has something to do with me. Before he leaves, he gives me a sad look but when he notices me looking back at him, he instantly leaves. What's wrong? I want to ask him, but I don't want to be too nosy.
Now that I think about it, he's been quite distant with me for the last days. He barely gazed at me, and he haven't texted me in the last days as well. Did he let the rumors get to him? I hope not. Perhaps it's just me. He might be busy with family stuff and other stuff. I shouldn't worry too much about him. He's fine, as always. What if I'm wrong? What if he did discover something? I should stop worrying, yet I can't help myself. How cliché.
I can't believe I just skipped Nora again. I want to apologize, though I know I did nothing wrong. Yes, I've been avoiding her. So what? She's even worse. If only I knew she was that way I never would've chosen her. I might be exaggerating. Yet I never thought that such a sweet and gentle girl would be acting this way. And I fell head over heels for her.
I'm so stupid. She was a player. A real player. I usually wouldn't believe Ann-Marie's sayings, yet she gave me a proof. Nora with another boy called Dylan. They both look so happy. She looks even more happy than she normally does with me. It breaks my heart. Is that Dylan really the one for her? I'm probably the main guy. She has lots.
Should I get back with Ann-Marie? I dunno, with everything she did. In addition, I never liked her. And I never will. I just want to make Nora understands how much she's hurting me. How dare she? We've been dating for a year and I only get the idea now? Some guys would've accepted the idea that she played with multiple hearts because they liked her, but I don't accept that. That's disgusting to be like this; taking pleasure in breaking hearts.
I don't think I can ever be friends with her. We went together so quick-we started as friends, and I fell for her as soon as I saw her. I almost embarrassed myself- at least she felt the same way. Nora made me so content, so alive. And so, I thought. She's ruining us, breaking everything that we had. I should be brave and tell it in her face, but I'll end up regretting it for no reason.
That's odd. I feel my heart thumping faster and throbbing, but I know it's the only way. I wipe my sappy expression off my face, trying to look confident as I take a deep breath. Instantly, I have the reflex to adjust my hair. I shake it off- this isn't a date, that's official.
As soon as she sees me, her face twists in an expression of confusion and concern. Oh, that's bad. I tell myself as my cheeks flush. That's what she does to each one of them, to keep them. But I know. I can't let her get to me this easily. She won't keep me. Whatever she tries. Nora's expression is so soft, so gentle though, lovestruck. Fuck, it's working on me again. Shit, I must get a hold on myself.
"I have something to tell you, Nor." I tell her simply, trying to keep my composure but the corner of my lips twitches into a smile, my eyes softening.
Shit. Shit. She broke my heart and is playing with tons, why am I this dumbfounded? She's such a fake. If only I knew she was like that...I never would've dated her. Nora, a hoe playing with boys to get services? That's awful. I remind myself, making it easier for me to hate her.
"Sure, what is it?" She ponders curiously, tilting her head to the side cutely.
"I heard that rumor about you." I declare firmly, deciding not to beat around the bush.
Nora doesn't flinch at the start, but as soon as she hears the word rumor, her face goes white, and she starts shaking. I caught her. It means the rumor's true. She really is a prostitute. I bet she'll beg me to believe her and everything.
"Just because many people say that doesn't mean it's true. Rumors aren't always true." She mumbles, becoming all freaked out.
"There's a rumor going around about Nora?" Questions Avery, puzzled.
I scoff-how did she not hear it going around. It's awful, disgusting, and I can't believe I ever dated a girl like that. I was her next victim. Nora was going to ask me soon, I bet. Charming me with those piercing eyes of hers and cup my chin trying to make me flinch. I feel prideful, and yet a part of me wants to pull her in and reassure her. I always hated when she was worried. Yet she just plays the victim. Like she always did.
"I was your next victim. Don't act innocent. I know it's true, and I've seen the proof."
"Next victim of what?"
"Don't ask innocent." I snarl, my eyes watering at the bitter taste of betrayal. I click my tongue and look down, pulling away my phone and showing the picture of her and Dylan looking deeply in love. "I heard that you were a hoe. Using multiple boys for...services..."
Nora suddenly seems shocked. She stares at the photo, and her body shakes intensely. Her eyes flicker and she's lost in a trance, that I can't seem to pull her away from. Her lips part and she gasps weakly, then she weeps uncontrollably. Avery next to her, has her eyes wide, her jaw dropped, while the other girls look disgusted. Though they seem to be on their friend's side.
"Dylan..." Avery whispers slowly as she shakes her head and blinks a few times.
"You girls knew him. Ah, that proves it. You all are disgusting hoes. Fuck you, Nora."
"Jules..." Nora whines, shaking her head, "That was my ex-boyfriend. It was years ago. It's been so long since I haven't seen him. He cheated on me."
I look skeptical. I watch her silently, my expression softening sensibly. She looks terrified, her face is white, as if she was reviving a trauma. She peers his face on my phone screen, her eyes dreamy yet filled with a pain that I cannot quite distinguish. Though I had that proof, in front of my eyes. I cannot deny the image.
"Ah, maybe. How about you give me a proof? You have one chance, or else you and I are done."
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