We got a lot of iron and coal from the caves. We gave all our Redstone to Red Steve But I already had some at home. It's not like I needed it anyway.
"Fun." Red Steve said as we got to the exit of the cave.
"Yeah that was a lot of fun it nice to have a new friend." I also helped him set up his garden and made sure that the tree saplings could grow. He was very happy.
"Yeah I don't like to say it but you have a good eye for ores." Right, he did help us find a few diamonds for each of us. Of course he kept some for himself since he found them.
"Maybe we could do this again." Red Steve nodded.
"Must go bye." He said as he went down deeper into the cave. Me and Blue Steve both waves goodbye as he left. I looked outside and saw the the sun was rising I guess we were in there longer than we thought.
"I can never sleep during the day guess I can just practice my powers or something."
"Yeah I probably should but I won't do that in the village." I said thinking about all the teasing I would get for doing it. We started to head back to the village."
"Did you hear?" Blue Steve asked me.
"Hear what?" I asked.
"The crops were are fully grown." Why didn't I see that coming. Getting my lie face together I looked shocked.
"Was it a green Steve? I read only green Steve's could make crops grow faster."
"Yeah it's so werid there aren't any green Steve's around here as far as I know." Soon we reach the village. Everyone one is doing there own thing.
"Well we should smelt our iron and gold now; I will see you later." I said and started walking towards my house while Blue Steve went to his. I went inside looking at my iron over two stacks and a stack of gold. I went to make a blast furnace then but the iron in first to let it smelt. I went on my bed looking back at my book. I was also it done with it let's see if I can finish it. I started to read looking for something interesting until I went to a part that seemed lightly off it was the last few pages in the book.
There are more then just Steve's in this world there are also players they aren't seen very often and usually leave without a trace with only the things they collected left for Steve's to grab. Players can look like anything from people to animals objects and more. They do not have any powers or any signs that they can understand us or even know of our existence in this world. They are also unknown to be good or evil.
There is a final type of person more mysterious than the player. We know a few things a about them. They are Code Jumpers. Code Jumpers look a lot like a player but tend to cover there eyes for unknown reasons. When they "jump" into a word they are stuck in that world until they die and respawn in another. There Powers unknown. They also can go into words they please but once they die in a world they can only come back though a power of a Steve, nothing else. They also tend to be around players and seem to be friends. We also don't know if they know of our existence.
Code Jumpers peaks my interest. I wonder if I will ever meet one. Since the book was finished I went up to Elder's house. Knocking on the door he answered.
"Done already?" He said noticing the book in my hand.
"Yes but what's with this last part?" I pointed to the part taking about Code Jumpers.
"Sorry I should of told you that..."
"Tell me what?"
"Some of the books are very old and are writing in a language we can't understand. For some reason. This part is written like that but the rest is not." This is getting even weirder. I CAN READ THIS? How why? Why can't i ever get an answer.
"What about Players?" Maybe I can get more information on that.
"Players yeah we see them every once in a while usually we let them stay for a few days but in the end we kill them so they can stay away from us and they are to scared to come back." Wait kill?
"Are they Okay?"
"Yes they just go into a different world. Without Steve's."
"Oh okay." I stood there for a second.
"Is there anything other books I can read that could help me out?"
"Yes well the rest are based off of important parts of history but most of them are filled with the illegible writing." I couldn't help but smile if I could read them maybey I could find something about me in them. If I am form the past that is.
"Sure I will just read the parts that are legible." I've went to grab the books and I couldn't help but smile.
I really have nothing to say expect have a good day. Sorry that it's shorter then the last ones but I still Hope you like it.
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