Elemental Steve

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I'm so sorry about the long wait for her chapter I've been mind dead for a while and I just wanted you to know that this takes place beige they learn Time Steve is a good guy.. So hope it know that. Won't be based on plot.

-present time-

I watched Rainbow Steve and Saber from a distance. They had a area where they built a small house. They were talking to each other but I was to far away to hear them. I just found them a few minutes ago so this is very weird. I've never really actually spied on someone before. I had to get closer but being near a plain isn't very helpfully. I got as close as I could so I could hear them talk to each other. Suddenly Lighting filled the air. Someone I have never seen before appeared in front of them. They seemed to be made out of the elements of nature fire,water,earth and air.

"Hello Saber and Rainbow Steve."

"Hey Elemental Steve how are you?"  Wait... Elemental? That who Time Steve told me me about. How he is... This is bad. From the one time I've meet Saber I know that he is a really good guy. Elemental Steve is the enemy. He's trying to destroy this world. They must think that he is the good guy and that Time Steve is the bad guy.

"I would like to talk to you about Time Steve."

"Yeah sure. What is it?"

"I just wanted to know if you have seen him at all?"

"No, If we did we would tell you." Rainboe Steve said. Even thought he forgot his past he stills has the same personality that I know.

"Good, I also wanted to thank you again Rainbow Steve, I know it must of been a lot to give me most of your powers." Okay that's it! I summoned lighting at Elemental.

"Whoa what was that?" Saber said. Without a second thought I summoned another bolt of lighting. This Time he was more prorated and moved out of the way.

"It looks like someone else is here." Elemental Steve said. He flew into the air. He went to the area he was in and saw me. He grabbed me by the arm and put me in ground if Saber and Rainbow.

"I've never seen a Steve like you before." He said. I got up from the ground looking at each of them. Everyone it Saber gave me a look of confusion expect Saber who knew who I was.

"C.S?" I heard him say looking at me in the eyes. I nodded.

"Wait you know this thing?" Elemental said. Rainbow looked to shock to say anything.

"Yes we met a while ago. Make that a very long time ago. It was when we only had Dark Steve to deal with. I meet her while trying to find Light Steve..." he trailed off.

"Its good to see you agin Saber but you need to get away from him." I said pointing to Elemental.

"Wait you can talk?"

"Yeah. Right now I need to ask this Steve a few questions." I pulled out my sword. I looked at him in the eyes.

"What did you do with Time Steve?" I asked without hesitation in my voice.

"I have no sides where he is. If we did he would already be dead."

"You mean you would? I know about this war. Time Steve told me about it. He even saved my life from Nightmare Steve and Dark Steve a long time ago." You couldn't see it in his body position but in his eyes you can see anger fill him. He knew that I knew he was the bad guy.

"What how long ago?" Rainbow Steve asked me. I want to tell him but I don't know how he will react. So I had to be say something that he had to go into deep thought about.

"Let's just say. It was before you could remember. Even though you where their. You could even say we used to be friends." Elemental Steve then attacked me. Probably not liking how I was telling them this. He looked at me and before he could reach me. I teleported away to find Time Steve.


I hope you like the chapter!

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