Chapter 25 - ¿End?

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I woke up the next morning in my nice comfy my PJs.


Turns out that Hikaru put me in bed, changes me into my PJs, left and let the door lock behind him. In my angered rage I quickly got dressed, had breakfast, grabbed my bag and ran out to get a taxi to the twins house.

I didn't care that it was 7:30am and they were probably still getting ready for school, I was gonna give Hikaru the headache of his nightmares. I agitatedly knocked on the door and a maid greeted me.

"Excuse me, I know I may be quite early, but do you think it is possible for me to have a word with Hikaru." I smiled, hiding my rage and trying to take the attention off my twitching eye.

"Of course." She smiled sweetly back.

She moved out the way so I could enter and I strolled over to the bottom of the staircase.

"The twins should be down in just a few minutes." The maid informed me. "Would you like me to get you anything?"

"No thank you, I am quite alright." I told her.

She then happily bounced away into the kitchen. A few minutes later Hikaru came sliding down the banister to greet me.

"Morning Kino. What bring you to here so early?" Kaoru asked, walking down the stairs.

"I came to have a talk with Hikaru about something." I smirked with anger, my eye twitching out of control.

"Whoa. You seem real pissed." Kaoru stated. "Hikaru...what did you do?"

"I didn't do nothing!" He exclaimed.


"Hey! Not so loud!" Hikaru pouted. "And what do you mean pervert?"

"You know exactly what you did after I fell asleep and before you left." I stated.

"What he do?" Kaoru asked.

"This dirty pervert took my goddamn clothes off, right to the underwear, then put me in my PJs." I whisper yelled. "Even though he knew I'd be fine in my uniform as I have done it a million times before"

"Whoa dude. Ever heard of personal matters." Kaoru joked.

"Hey. I couldn't let you sleep in your uniform, now could I?" He tried to argue.

"You knew I wouldn't have given two shit whether I was in my uniform."

"Sorry okay."

"Hell no bitch, you owe me."

"What do I have to do?" He said in a high pitches offended tone.

"Let's have to...." As I thought, a smirk appeared on my face.

I leaned into his ear and whispered my demand.

"What! No way! You aren't making me do that!"

I glared at him, before turning my back at him. Giving him the silent treatment.

"Kino please don't make me."

I kept my mouth quiet.

"Kino please don't ignore me!" He begged.


"...okay fine! I'll do it." He sighed.


"What does he have to do?" Kaoru asked.

"Secreeeet." I sang.

"Masters, Ma'am. It's still quite early. Would you all like to have dinner in the hall before the car takes you to school?"

"Eh! Sorry I alre-"

"Yeah Kino! Eat with us!" Kaoru smiled.

"You might not want that Kaoru. You haven't seen her eat."


"I'm sorry! But I did warn you before that I'd tease you about it!"

I puffed my cheeks out. "I'M LEAVING!"

I was about to head for the door when Hikaru picked me up and started carrying me to the Dinning Hall.

"H-Hiakru! What are you-! Let me down!"

"Are you gonna be a good girl and wait to get a car with us?"

"Nmmmm... Okaaay." I gave in. "Can you let me down now?"

"Don't feel like it. This is actually quite comfortable."

"Hikaruuuu!!!" I begged. "Pleaaase?"

He stopped walking, as if starting to consider letting me down. I decided to turn my head and blow on his ear. I felt his body stiffen and jolt just enough for me to wiggle free.

"Wha? What was that for!?"

"Then you shoulda let me go sooner!"

I jogged off towards the Dinning Hall with Kaoru before Hikaru could grab me again.

We all sat down and were served. Even the food at their house was just as good as the restaurant and the cafeteria. But this time I took care in my eating so I didn't get made fun of by both of them.

By time we all finished it was time to leave.

"Come on. Let's go before we're late."

I walked up ahead of them before having to stop and wait for them to catch up. The chauffer opened the doors for us and we all climbed in, with me sat by the window and Hikaru in the middle

Once the car left the driveway, I suddenly remembered what I had to do at lunch.

'Great. Have to meet with Tyler today. I hope what he wants isn't too bad. Or I might just get kicked out of Ouran, and there's no way in hell I'm leaving Hikaru, no matter how annoying he can be. I still love him.'

The day went by in a flash and the lunch bell suddenly rang.

'The world isn't really liking me at the moment is it?'

I slowly started to lug my way to the fountain.

"Hey! Where you going?" I heard Hikaru call.


"Just to the girls room. See ya in a bit!" I quickly replied before zooming away.

I finally reached the fountain, were the devils son was waiting.

"Good. You're here." He sneered. "You wouldn't have wanted to know what I would have done of you skipped."

"Don't worry. I know not to screw with you." I said plainly.

"Good. Now about why I wanted you here. I want you to..." He began. "...break up with Hikaru."

I froze.

'What? Break up with Hikaru? I could never do that. Why would he...?'

"I see your quite upset about my request, but just think of what would happen if you didn't."

"Nothing would be worse than losing him." I stated.

"Really? Not even him hating you?"

'What is he on about? He would never hate me! Right?'

He reached into his pockets and pulled out some photos. He walked closer to me and showed me the pictures. I was horrified.

"What is this? Where did you even get them!?" I demanded.

"My fathers best mate is the security camera guy for the building you live in. I asked him if he could show me how to use it and I stumbled upon these gold mines of photos" he smirked. "Also I tend to be quite the tech genius myself when it comes to photo editing."

The pictured showed me a mix of photos. Some of me and Hikaru together and some that were edited to look like I was with Tyler too.

"I get why'd he'd hate me for the ones you edited, but I doubt he'd believe them." I told him. "But why the other photos?"

"Well firstly, let's start with the edited photos. If Hikaru does believe them then that'd be easier. But like you said, he'd believe you and know they're fake. But will everyone else? If I was to release these edited ones everyone would think we're together. People would talk about it all the time. Imagine the pressure that'd pit on Hikaru's feelings. Having to constantly hear about his girlfriend apparently being with someone else. Stressful I'd say." He smirked. "Stressful enough to maybe start telling people the truth. Which can be just as dangerous."


"Really think about what would happen if it turns out one of the famous Host Club members had a girlfriend. Their act would be seen as just that. Fake. Then they might start thinking everyone's fake and lose interest. Stop going all together even."

"Okay. But I could just say the photos are fake and I'm not with anyone."

"Then I'll release the original images along with the camera footage anyways. Either way the Host Club will fall, and they'll see it as all you're fault. They'll lose everything they fought so hard to create. Imagine trying to trust someone after the amount of lies and acts the Host Club have put out. He'll their own families or companies may reject them."

"And if I decide to tell everyone you're threatening me?"

"Then you really don't want to know what I'll do then."

His eyes turned from sadistic to rock hard cold. No emotion. Nothing. Just an empty desire to destroy what was left of my life. To finish what his father started.

"So? What shall you choose. Break it with Hikaru, or let the Host Club and everyone in it collapse?"

I was on the bridge of tears.

'What do I do? What can I do? What choice do I have? Leave the only person I've ever loved and made me smile again for the first time in years, or let the whole club fall, Hikaru along with it.'

"I need an answer now. The bells about to go, and if you don't I'll reveal it all anyways."

"Okay." I coughed out, not allowing the tears to escape, lifting my head.

I looked him dead in the eye, fire in my eyes, face the most serious its ever been.

"I'll break it off. But you have to promise that'll you'll tear up those photos." I told him.

"Consider them burnt." He smirked.

Just then the bell went.

"I'll do it at the last bell. That okay with you?" I questioned.

"Perfect. Then come meet me back down here."

With that we walked back to class. As Tyler walked through the door I was caught by Hikaru.

"Hey you okay? Your face seems a bit red." He asked.

'That face. That concerned sweet face. Those eyes that sparkle with joy every time he sees me, will soon be gone and away from me.'

"I'm fine" I said quietly, then made my way to my seat, pushing past him without another word.

'Why must I do this? What have I done to him? I know it's because of me his dad got jailed, but its his dads fault for attacking in the first place. His dad's the one that ruined me, and now he's here to completely disintegrate me. But why?'

I was snapped from my thought when a note hit my head. I opened it.

*You okay Kino? You seem kinda down and lost in thought. You also kinda look like your about to cry. If there's something bothering you, you know you can talk to me. I'll listen and do my best to help.

Love Hikaru xxx*

I looked over to him, and he was looking right at me with concern and raised eyebrows. I gave a weak smile to try convince him I was okay. He obviously didn't believe me, but knew not to press. But this is the one time I want him to press in until I tell him everything. But at the same time if that did happen, everything else would just turn out worse.

The bell then went. The bell that signaled my doom. My hell. The worst thing I ever had to do, was about to happen.

I just sat there, knowing that Hikaru would wait for me. I watches as everyone started leaving the building and heading home. He did wait, and luckily he told Kaoru to go ahead. I didn't wanna do it in front of everyone else.

"You okay Kino?" He asked for the third time.

"Okay I guess." I sniffed.

"You sure, you look like you're on the brink of tears."

"I'm fine" I almost yelled.

I took in a deep breath.

"Listen Hikaru..." I began.

'What do I say? How can I say it without him seeing my pain?'

I slowly stood up and turned my back to him.

"I...I think this was a mistake." I finally spat.

"What was?"

"Us. You and me. I'm sorry but... I just don't think it'll work."

"Wha? What have I done? Please tell me! I don't wanna lose you! I can't lose you! This isn't like you! Please just tell me what's wrong!" He half yelled, so nobody outside could hear.

"There's nothing you can do. I'm sorry. I've made my choice. I'm sorry."

By this point I know I was crying, and I could tell Hikaru was about to as well. So I swiftly made an exit and ran down the hallways, so nobody could see my tears. I know I passed the rest of the host club on the way. Probably going to get the others for the Club. I just kept running, until I was finally back at the fountain. At this point most other students had left or gone to the Music Room. So there was nobody else around to witness mine and Tyler's conversation.

The fountain that originally held happy memories of me and Hikaru talking. The day he gave me the necklace and asked me out on that date. All of that seemed so far away now, despite it only being mere days to a week ago.

Now those happy memories were poisoned by the sight of Tyler, with a twisted smile and black fire in his eyes. A desire for my pain and destruction.

"By that state I can probably tell you did what I asked." Tyler stated looking into the water with a grin.

"Yup" I sniffed. "But why did you want me to break with Hikaru anyways?"

"Because its the perfect revenge." He told me. "You share pain, so if he feels hurt so do you. The fact of knowing it was you who hurt him, pains you even more."

"What do you mean revenge? Your dads the one who-"

"I know exactly what he did. But I also know why. Don't tell me that you do not." He shouted.

"What do you mean?" I asked, puzzled.

"Let me explain. All you know is that my dad came to your house 8 years ago and slaughtered your parents." He reminded me. "But do you know why he did it?"


"Then let me enlighten you. My mother died when she gave birth to me." He revealed. "We had no money. No place to live, nowhere. I was kept at a foster home until I was old enough to go out on my own. Which was when I was 7. My father was sleeping on the streets, so I had to join him. I was kicked out the foster because they had to make room for abandoned kids. So me and my father were living on the streets, begging. But all we ever got was dirty filthy looks. I couldn't even afford to go to school. Then one day a little girl, same age as me, passed us with her parents. She just looked at us then moved on. Then her parents followed, they looked at us with the uppermost disgust. As if we were filthy animals not worthy of even living. We could see they were rich. So I followed them, they lived in a huge house. Every window had a flower pot filled with roses. I was shoed away by the the gardener. I managed to learn their family name though. Kamiyoto."

I stood shocked.

"That's right. You were the little girl that passed me and your parents were the ones that looked at us with the look of disgust and anger. I wrote down the address and my father said he was going to try and get some money, he said he was going to go to your house and beg for even the littlest of pocket change. Apparently things went bad and he killed your parents. He would have killed you too if you the police hadn't arrived so fast or your mommy didn't hide you away. Either way, your parents threatened to call the police on a beggar who needed money for his son. My father was mad and after not eating for two days a man goes crazy. Then my father got banged up in jail." He finished. "That's why I said about revenge. After my father got locked away I was left on my own to beg and get money."

"I'm sorry." I said quietly. "I didn't know. My parents shouldn't have judged you like that, but that doesn't give anyone the right to kill!"

"I don't care. I have been put through more than you. I had no other family and was forced to live on the streets and had no education. You on the other hand got education and was lucky enough to have family here in Japan to take care of you until you got on your feet." He scowled. "You had everything and I had nothing! Now it's your turn to feel some of the loss and nothingness I felt!"

"If you hate me so much, then why not kill me?" I blurted.

"Because there's a chance you'll run last second and get me locked."

"So in other words, with all you just said, you're envious of me." I stated aloud.

"What did you just say?" He questioned, obviously pissed.

"Nothing" I mumbled.

"No! Say what you just said again!" He yelled, picking me up by the collar. "Say it again."

"I said you're envious of me." I repeated.

"Envious of you? Like hell I was!" He screamed. "You had a perfect life! Living in that perfect house! Getting top education! Having both of your parents! You were lucky! I was the complete opposite! Only my dad until he was jailed! No education! Lived on the cold dirty streets! Only just scraping by!"

"This is just some fucked up tantrum because your father decided to go nuts and kill a family rather than get actual help! And you're just carrying on that grudge to a little girl that had nothing to do with it! We both lost our parents! We both suffered!"

"You haven't suffered anywhere near enough to what I did. You still had family here. You still got your education and your friends. You need to understand the pain of having nothing. Of being alone! Of losing everything!"

"You could've had friends too if you weren't such a fucking psycho!"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" He pushed my face and threw me to the ground and pulling me up again.

"I get you wanna hurt me, but there's no excuse for you to bring others into this! I didn't wanna break up with Hikaru! Fuck that's the LAST thing I'd ever wanna do. I love him to the point where I can't even describe it, but he probably hates me now anyways. If you wanna make me lose everything then just kill me! I'd rather that then you make me hurt Hikaru again!"

"You know what." He breathed. "That idea doesn't actually sound so bad."

My eyes widened.

'Is he really gonna-?'

I got snapped back into reality when I was thrown the the ground again, but this time my head hit against the edge of the fountain. I was so scared I couldn't move. My eye sight was blurred from the impact but were still fixed on Tyler, who had taken a knife out his pocket and was edging closer to me.

'Is this really the end for me?'

One step.

'Is this really his I'm going out?'

Two steps.

'Killed by the son of my parents killer?'

Three steps.

'I'm sorry everyone.'

"Say good-bye you horrid little bitch!"

He brought his arm down fast as lightning, I closed my eyes tight.

'Goodbye Hikaru, I love you.'

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