Of Letters and Dead Ends

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One late May afternoon, Cat and Lizzy were lounging in their dormitory room. Fortunately for the ladies, the rest of April passed along peacefully. Lizzy worked diligently in her studies though there was now one additional material added to her list: magic. Between her letters to her parents and Henry, she also was now writing to Regina and trying to learn all that she could to help Maria. She was strongly considering pursuing a career in archeology with the encouraging support from Henry and her friends. Her parents weren't too fond of it, wishing she would pursue a prosperous marriage instead, though they had an inkling Henry would be involved with that as well.

True to herself, Cat continued to procrastinate on her academics, choosing instead to practice swinging her wooden sword about while using her four-poster bed as a sparring partner. There were a few books she studied diligently. Bast may have taken three very old, and very worn swordsmanship manuals by Sir William Hope from his school's library. He figured no one was reading them anymore and she had expressed frustration at not being able to learn. When she wasn't nicking dents into her bed, she was writing letters to Jane. She was entertained by Jane's courtship. Richard promised Jane he would visit and speak to her parents once he fully recovered. Cat believed he was purposely delaying it.

Maria and Robin had begun to write to one another which resulted in an improved demeanor from her end. There were only two things that could dampen her mood, the reminder that she still had yet to speak to Robin about Mrs. Watson's offer; and the fact that Will was now writing to her as well.

Suddenly, the door flew open and Maria stormed in, immediately heading towards her bed. She fell back on it, letting out a loud groan. The sisters looked at one another, already knowing what was upsetting their friend.

"Another letter?" Lizzy asked.

"Yes," came the muffled response.

"Can't you simply inform him that you don't want his correspondence?" Cat suggested.

"It would be rude without a proper excuse. If Mrs. Watson hadn't told me he wanted to court me, I wouldn't mind. In fact, if it weren't for that, I'd be chatting away as if he were any other friend."

"Then I don't see why you can't do just that. For all you know, he may change his mind and find someone else before he gets the opportunity to even propose a courtship."

"That is a good point," Maria admitted. She sat up on the bed. "I just feel terrible, I hope I'm not leading him on."

"You're not," Lizzy consoled her. "You've never implied anything other than friendship in your letters."

Feeling better Maria shuffled through the rest of her letters. There was one from Mrs. Heliotrope, another from Loveday, and a postcard without a return address or sender's name. All it said was 'I hope this card finds you well' in a messy scrawl. Maria frowned. She turned it over, there was a painting depicting a battle scene. Cannons were blasting and dead soldiers were scattered about. She shivered. Maria scooted to her nightstand and opened the drawer. She took out a stack of letters. Shuffling through them she pulled out another postcard she previously received. It was of a ship stuck in a storm. That one said, 'Good Evening Ms. Maria Merryweather'. Maria bit her lip, could they be from the same person? Why wasn't their name on either card? She set those two postcards aside and moved on to the last of her letters. Her face lit up. It's from Robin. She smiled wistfully and grabbed the red-feather scarf that draped over her headboard. She wrapped it around herself as she began his letter:

Dear Maria,

I went to the May Day festival this weekend. In an uncharacteristic act of charity, my father donated money to the church and sponsored a play. Perhaps this most recent brush with death has brought a new change to the old man. Strange really. He even barged in the last week to let me know I was now a "suitable heir" and asked all sorts of strange questions about my future. Just a fair warning, he knows about La Havre.

--Maria gasped, alerting her friends. She dismissed their worrying glances with a wave and quickly resumed her reading -

No, calm down. It's not like that, don't worry. He knows we only went in search of answers and won't say a word about it to your family.

--Maria breathed a sigh of relief--

He simply wanted to remind me to watch myself. He has eyes all over the place. I just find it strange, well I find everything strange. When I'm not hunting or keeping busy with some errand or business obligation, I find myself looking back at this all and have a hard time wrapping my head around it. For instance, at the May Day Festival. As far as I remember it's always been loads of fun messing around and letting go of all my obligations. As far as I remember, there was never a time the townsfolk didn't look at us with wary eyes, worried about whatever sort of mischief we'd get in this time. Yet this year, I sensed the people treating us differently. Less standoffish. They were curious about me and my friends.

It was as though my obligations were staring me right in my face. I saw them in everyone I spoke with. Merchants with their endless business endeavors. School teachers discussing the need for more rooms. Townspeople expressing interest in expanding. Many even dared ask about you and me, though I was sure to shut down any prying questions immediately. Maybe they see us as potential investors, or perhaps it's that we're older now and expect us to be more involved. Ever since the union between my family and yours, lots of changes have been made, and I think it is expected of me to continue these changes.

Moonacre is growing, and I think I'm expected to grow along with it. Yet it feels as though it's happening too quickly. It's times like these I wish I could remember. Perhaps it'd help me make peace with this passage of time. Who knows, all I know is that I didn't like it. Left us little room to mess around and enjoy ourselves. Though I guess that's life, eh? Time passes by whether you know it or not. Or in my case, whether or not I remember it. But please don't get the wrong idea, it was loads of fun, and you need to come with me next year once you finish school. I'll be your escort-that is if you'll have me.

I hope you're well. Please stay safe, and for god's sake don't do anything reckless unless it's with me.



P.S. If I timed this letter correctly, I'll be in London next Saturday the 12th. Keep an eye out for me. I want my scarf back.

Maria fell back onto her bed. Her heart was bursting with excitement. Ever since writing to Robin, she was learning so much more about him. Often his letters diverged into more personal matters. As though she were his confidant and she loved it. She looked at the calendar, he'll be here in a few days and Maria had a plan.

Under the pretense of needing to get their dresses fitted for the upcoming ball, they convinced Mrs. Watson to permit a school outing for that day. Maria and her friends planned to be the first in line for their fitting to ensure they'd have plenty of time afterwards to walk around London and find Robin and his gang.


Upon arriving in London, Robin and his friends, accompanied by Maybelle, headed straight to the post office.

"Good morning," a bespeckled clerk greeted them, "What can I help you with?"

Maybelle pushed to the front and explained their situation, even showing the clerk some of the stained letters.

The clerk scratched his head and apologized for the inconvenience. He took Maybelle and Robin back into his office so that they may correct the forwarding address. Robin sat by the window. As Maybe filled out the forms, he grew distracted. His eyes kept darting to the window. Constantly scanning the people walking by. He eagerly studied the groups of young ladies for any sign of Maria. He was sure a few wore similar dresses to that of her school uniform.

Unfortunately, Maria and her friends were nowhere near Robin. They were walking by the harbor in the company of Bast and William who had joined them upon Mrs. Watson's request. It was all for their safety she assured them, though Maria couldn't help but feel uncomfortable by William's persistent proximity to her side.

"How have you been?" William asked.

"I've been well, how about yourself?"

"I'm excited to be done with school, though lately, I've had trouble sleeping."

Maria frowned. She knew all too well how bothersome sleepless nights could be. "Are they nightmares?"

"Yes, I believe the stress of taking over my father's business is getting to me. The shipwreck was a hard blow to us and the victim's families. I've seen the aftermath wear out my father. Our trade has decreased. Rumors have spread of our ships being cursed and merchants don't want that risk. My uncle was supposed to help, but he's done the absolute least except for wearing at my mother's nerves."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. What happened was unfortunate, though none of your father's fault. I'm sure you'll be a great leader and I pray it never happens again."

"Thank you," Will paused. "Writing to you has helped throughout all this. It's made one thing clear. I've been meaning to ask you-"

"-Perhaps you'd do well to reach out to Robin," Maria interrupted him. "He's going through a similar situation."

Will's face darkened. "I'm assuming he's been writing to you as well?"

"Yes, he has actually."

"Of course, he has," Will grumbled. "Can I ask what is the depth of your correspondence with him?"

"I'd rather not speak of it, if you're curious about his personal matters I suggest you ask him yourself. In fact, I think it would do you well. The whole being heirs thing is something I can't quite relate to, though he most definitely can."

"I'd rather not. I don't have much time in the day and I'd rather write to you. As I was saying there is something I've been meaning to ask you-"

"-I'm so sorry, but can you hold that thought for a moment?" Maria asked, her eyes darting behind him. "I believe I see someone I recognize." She hurried over to a docked ship, pulling Cat and Lizzie's hands along the way.

"Good afternoon, Captain Riz!" She called out.

"Maria! How fortunate it is to run into you again, what brings you here?"

"I'm wondering the same about you. I thought you avoided this part of England?"

He winked and leaned close, "The De Noirs may have had a hand at a new identity. Besides, so long as I stay near me boat for a quick getaway, I'll be fine!"

Maria introduced her friends, beginning with Cat and ending with Will. His brow wrinkled, "You look very familiar, have we met before?"

William shook his head, "I doubt it, I'm a student myself. Perhaps you've met my father? His name is John. He's the owner of the Harrison's Shipping Company."

"Ahh that be the one with the shipwreck last year, I'm sorry about that. It was a true tragedy."

"Thank you, we're still recovering from it."

"Reckon so, we learn and do our best to move on." Captain Riz turned to Maria, "What about Robin, how's that ruffian doing?"

"He's doing well. Though we did have a small incident..." Maria lowered her voice. "Regarding what I told you during our last meeting."

"Yes, I heard from Harold about Coeur. Glad he isn't worst for the wear."

"I agree. We are fortunate the wound was not fatal. Sadly, I must be on my way. It was great seeing you, please send my regards to the crew!"

"Hang on just one second." He rummaged through his pockets and pulled out a weathered envelope. "Some strange lady asked me to drop this off at Moonacre, but seeing as yer here," he handed it to her. It was from Minerva.

"Thank you so much!"

"Oh, and one last thing, forgive me prying self, but as an old mate's daughter I just can't help it-watch out for that William fellow. He looks familiar, I can't quite remember who, but I get a bad feeling 'bout him."

Maria frowned, not sure what he was talking about, but she promised to keep his warning in mind and walked away with her friends.

Though they walked around the heart of London until a teacher scolded them for going too far, Maria was not able to find Robin. Her one consolation was that she managed to avoid any more personal conversations with Will.

The sun had long ago set and the girls were finishing their tasks before bedtime in their room. Maria was writing a response to Robin's letter. She was upset she didn't see him, but she assumed he must've been busy. As she wrote, she toyed with the ruby ring strung through her pearl necklace. Lizzy was writing her history assignment, and Cat sat by the window reading the newspaper she bought that day. All was quiet as the girls eased into their night. Nothing but the sound of scratching pens, shuffling of paper, and the crackling fire in the furnace-until Cat screamed.

"Maria!" She glared at her friend, jerking her head in the direction of the window. Robin was crouched outside looking all too proud of himself.

Cat rolled her eyes and opened the window, "You could have knocked instead of staring all creepily." Maria quickly hid her necklace under her blouse and stood up to greet him.

"Sorry about that. I swear I was about to when you noticed me," he mumbled. "It was no easy feat climbing up to your window."

"Are the others here too?" Lizzy asked.

"'fraid not. David's down there but Henry and Richard needed to stay with Maybelle."

"What are you doing here?" Maria asked.

"I came to pick up my scarf," he teased.

Maria scoffed. "After that fright, you don't deserve it."

"How cruel of the moon princess to let her subject freeze to death."

"With that hot head of yours, I doubt you could ever freeze. Besides, it's spring, you don't need a scarf anymore."

Robin laughed with a shrug of his shoulders. He looked around himself before meeting her eyes. "I had to come see you. I couldn't leave without seeing you once."

Maria blushed. Lizzy grabbed her things and Cat cleared her throat. "Suddenly, freezing my arse outside sounds a lot more pleasant... I'll be downstairs with David." Cat threw on her coat, grabbed a lantern, and scurried out.

"' I'll be in the library if you need me," Lizzy shyly excused herself following her sister's tail.

"Well come on in," Maria beckoned him. "Even the worst of scoundrels shouldn't suffer such a cold fate. I am a merciful princess."

Robin clamored in and bowed deeply, "Thank you, your highness. This scoundrel will forever be in your debt."

Maria inched closer. She took his fingers into her hands and looked up with pleading eyes, "Does this mean I can keep your scarf."


Maria gasped, "It's the gallows for you!"

"Such a fastidious princess you are," he said with a shake of his head. "Besides what would you do with that? I doubt it fits in with your London fashion."

Maria reached up, coyly took his bowler hat, and placed it on her head. "It sends a message," she whispered.

"What message could that be?"

"That you're mine." Maria closed the distance with a kiss. Her boldness left him stunned. Before he could react, she pulled away. "No, that is all you get. I'm crossed with you. I looked all day for you." She walked to her desk and began to busy herself with her schoolwork.

"You went into the city?"

"Yes, chaperoned of course, but still-where were you?"

"I had a lot to do, but I'm here now."

Maria shook her head unsatisfied with his answer.

Robin leaned against her table. "It seems like Charles may be stealing Maybelle's letters."


"Her letters have been forwarded to some address. That's where Richard and Henry are. We'll join them after this, hopefully, we'll find more clues."

"Can I go with you?"


Maria glared.

"Your uncle will skin me alive if something happens to you, and your headmistress is scary. We're only scouting tonight then heading back to Moonacre. I'll let you know what we find and if we need to go again."

"You're leaving already?"

"Business calls."

"Oh alright, you're forgiven." Maria took out an envelope for Robin, "Here, Captain Riz gave this to me this morning. It's from Minerva. It seems the berries you found were what Pierre was looking for."

"Bloody brilliant! It's the only tree I've found. Reckon I can cultivate some more-" Robin paused. "What is that I see there?"

His scarf was peeking out from her pillow. He made a grab for it, but she beat him to it. She cradled it in her chest and tried to push him away with her hooped skirt.

Robin began to tickle her. Maria shrieked and doubled over. "Stop you oaf!" She managed to quip in between her laughter. "Someone will hear us!"

"Then give me my scarf," he growled in her ear.

Maria elbowed his stomach then grabbed his arm and pulled him so that he rolled to the side and fell back on her bed. She wrapped the scarf around her neck and sat next to his shoulders. She bent over him and peered down into his eyes. "You need to stop underestimating me."

Robin's brow furrowed and he tilted his head. The corner of his mouth perked up into the slightest of smiles. "You kept that?" He reached up and tugged at her pearl necklace. The ring swung between them.

Maria's eyes widened and a red blush blossomed from her neck to her ears. She sat up and began to fidget with the necklace as she struggled to shove it back inside. "Y-yes it's such...such a nice ring. And-and we worked so hard on that trip. Erm, and it maybe, perhaps reminds me of you."

Robin pushed himself up. He reached into the inside of his jacket and pulled out a small pouch. He took out an old, weather-worn, blue-ribbon fading from the years. His ring was tied to it.

"You kept that old thing?"

"It took me a while to figure out what it was," Robin admitted. "When I finally did... it was something I could carry with me to remember you."

"Could I add something to it?" Maria set her old, knotted ribbon on the table and removed her pearl necklace. She grabbed her sewing scissors and cut off the clasp of her pearls.

"Hang on there, what are you doing?"

"It'll be alright, it's not the first time I've had to fix this clasp."

Robin watched her untie three pearls. She sewed one to each end, then the last in the middle of the ribbon. When she knotted his ring to it, the middle pearl stuck out in the center of the ring. "There, if you ever need anything, you'll have some of your very own Moonacre magic."

Robin grinned and stored his keepsake back inside the inner pocket of his jacket.

David's shrill warning whistle came from outside. Maria and Robin rushed over to the window. David was hiding in the bushes below. Robin suddenly crouched down.

"Miss Catalina! What are you doing outside at this hour?" Mrs. Watson stormed into view.

"I'm looking for my pen!"

"A pen?"

"It's my fault, Mrs. Watson!" Maria called out. "I played a trick on her and scared her so much she tossed her pen out the window. I was on my way to join her."

"Why in good heavens is your window open at this hour? You're going to catch a cold."

Cat dramatically placed her hand over her heart. "It was the stars, look how beautiful they shine! They inspire me to work hard so that I may one day shine as bright as them." David snickered from the bushes. "Oh! What am I ever to do!" Catalina

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