Robin returned to the Merryweather Manor with a bounce to his step. His scarf fluttered merrily with the breeze and his hands were snugged comfortably in his pockets to keep the frigid night air from numbing his fingers.
"Where have you been? We've been looking all over for you!" Richard was by the gates, ready to mount a saddled horse. Robin shrugged and responded with a simple, "Just took a walk."
"Is that so?" Richard moved to stand in front of Robin with his arms crossed. "Henry said you spent all morning collecting our old clothes. Then you left to the forest lugging a trunk. Didn't happen to stumble upon the Merryweather Manor, did you?"
The corners of Robin's mouth twitched. "Perhaps," was his only response, but Richard didn't miss his sly grin.
"You rogue, you've gone out and kissed her again, haven't you?" Richard wrapped his arm around Robin's head and brought him in, almost knocking off his bowler hat.
Robin laughed and pushed his friend away. "No, no, I didn't. I was only there to make peace with her and resume our defense lessons," he said as he readjusted his hat back on his head.
Richard was watching him with a brow raised in suspicion. "You don't think I'm daft enough to believe that nonsense?"
Robin shook his head and rolled his eyes. "If this doesn't prove we were sparring, I don't know what will," he said, showing him the bruise along his side.
"I don't know... Could have been a feisty romp in the woods."
Robin's face fell, "Don't be so crass, someone could hear you! I've barely got my footing around her, I don't need stupid rumors worsening matters."
Richard studied him. "So it's true then, you're not going to run away from her any longer?"
"No. Whether believing the stories gets easier or not, this is the present. May as well make the most of it."
"And you really didn't kiss her again? You've been pinning after her for ages!"
Robin's resolve broke into a large grin. "It's true, I swear on my life. Today, I, Robin De Noir did not kiss Maria Merryweather—" He threw his hands up in resignation "—I kissed her last night."
Richard laughed and knocked into Robin's shoulder, "I knew you couldn't hold back! Once you get a taste, you're left wanting more!"
"Well aren't you two the merry fools," Henry remarked coming upon his friends. He was on his horse and looked both weary and annoyed. "You better have a good reason for disappearing. David and I missed dinner looking for you."
Richard was about to answer when Henry raised his hand to the air and said, "You know what, save it. I'm too tired." He turned his horse back around and headed towards the stables.
"Oy Henry! Where's David?" Robin called out behind them.
"He went home, did you expect him to be waiting all night for you? Also, your father needs you. He wants to finalize our plan before leaving."
Robin blew out a puff of air. His father could wait some more. After reassuring the lads he'd meet them in the dining hall, Robin turned and headed towards the castle grounds.
He approached the small cottage and stopped just before reaching its door. David did a good job with it. Unlike the black castle stone, the cottage stood out amongst the green with its brown and cream-colored stone walls. It was a quaint little home, more welcoming than the castle could ever dream to be. He raised his fist to knock and hesitated. They were still not on speaking terms. Would he want to see him? Robin considered turning back but remembered Richard's words. He owed David an apology. If David wasn't ready to accept it, well, he had every right. Gritting his teeth, Robin tapped the door lightly. He didn't have to wait long before Cecile swung it open.
Her eyes widened. She brought her night robes closer to herself as she bent down in a curtsy.
"Master Robin! what brings you here?"
"Please Cecile, we've talked about this, don't call me that. Is David here?"
"Oh—erm yes, please excuse me, Mas—er Robin. He's right inside, come on in."
Robin politely shook his head. "It's well past visiting hours and I don't want to bother. I'll be quick, could you please ask him to come outside?"
With another quick curtesy, Cecile left to bring her brother.
"What are you doing here?" David asked. He paid no attention to Cecille scowling at his attitude.
"Can I️ talk to you?"
David scrutinized him. After a few seconds, he closed the door behind him and leaned against it, motioning for Robin to continue.
"David, erm—" Robin paused. He was beginning to feel nervous. He sat on the doorstep and looked out into the forest. "I came here to say...I️ want to say—what I mean is that I'm sorry for the things I️ said."
David shrugged, his eyes downcast. "Doesn't matter, it's true anyways—"
"No, it's not!" Robin interrupted him, turning around to face David. "You did exactly what a friend should do! You defended Maria and tried to talk some sense to me. I️ was an arse. I️'ve been an arse. I know how much you like Cat and I️ was angry. I️ wanted to piss you and everyone off."
"Well, you sure did a good job at that," David muttered.
Robin sighed, "I know."
"Things would've been easier if you tried listening to us from the beginning."
"I didn't trust the lot of you. It was too much, too unbelievable." He didn't know what else to say. Robin looked back to the forest, wishing its darkness could envelop him.
"Trust me I know." David sat down beside him. "I was against Maria at the beginning. None of you listened to me, told me I was off my rocker. I'm sure you avoided talking about her around me. It only made things worse. I was sure she brainwashed the lot of you."
Robin grimaced, a spark of recollection hinted at those fights he had with David years ago.
"Have I always been such an arse?"
David laughed. "No, not an arse. Just a stubborn git, and it went both ways if you ask me. Once I got to know her, realized she wasn't half bad at all."
"I regret what I said. I meant none of it and I'm sorry. If it's any consolation, you missed the bloody good slap Cat gave me."
"She struck you?"
"...yeah didn't hold back either." Robin laughed. "Teach her how to throw a punch and she'll knock out all your offenders."
David smiled fondly thinking of her.
"You're my mate," Robin continued. "I️ know for a fact throughout our friendship you've never been afraid to keep me in check. I'm sorry for not trusting you and offending you."
"Three times..."
"What?" Robin asked confused.
"Three times the great Robin De Noir has apologized. What a day, my sister won't believe it."
"Really?" Robin asked incredulously. David simply shrugged his shoulders, earning a laugh from his friend.
Maria grumbled awake. Her body was sore from her sparring lesson the day before. She wanted to go back to sleep, the sun was just about to creep out from the horizon so she could technically sleep in for a bit longer...
She began to doze off when she heard a tap-tap-tap from her balcony. Her eyes shot open. At the window was the shadow of a tall figure. They knocked again.
"Whose there?" She called out.
"It's me, Robin."
Maria's face scrunched in confusion. Still drowsy, she stumbled her way over, her muscles protesting every move. She pulled open her curtains and balcony door, "What in god's name are you doing here at this hour? And would you come in? It's freezing!"
Before he could respond, Maria grabbed him by the arm and pulled him in, ignoring his bewildered look. She then shut her doors and sat on her bed, pulling her blankets over herself.
"It is incredible," Robin said looking up are her ceiling. Beautiful dawn colors mixed with the fading blue and night stars. It was a magical sight.
"Did you disturb my sleep just to see that?" Maria flopped over and curled into a fetal position. "If so, you're welcome to stay, however, don't disturb me any further," she mumbled grumpily.
Robin could not help his bemused expression. Why was he ever afraid of her? "No, I'm here to resume our lessons."
"At this ungodly hour? No Robin, please! My body hurts."
"Good, it means you're getting stronger." Robin walked over to his old trunk and started rummaging through the clothes.
"Why did you come through my window? It's quite indecent."
"We're learning how to scale."
"How to what?"
"Climb, sneak out, whatever you want to call it. It's an important skill. There will be many times that you'll need something, but it won't easily be given. You need to have the skills to get it through other means."
He pulled out a decent winter outfit and tossed it on top of her lumpy form.
"These should keep you warm. Hurry, I want to get there before sunrise. It's on the property. I'll wait for you outside."
"Robin," Maria whined. "You're incorrigible."
While she changed, Robin stared out into the horizon. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision to come this early. He had to admit, he liked his time with her yesterday and didn't mind getting to know her some more. She was like water, ever-changing. One moment she was the proper definition of a lady, and the next, she was tossing him over her shoulder. She easily moved between worlds and even connected them. A sliver of doubt still remained within him, but he was quickly seeing how she gained everyone's heart so easily. She was earnest and kind. Charming and playful, yet respectful.
The balcony windows opened once more, and Maria dragged herself out. Her weariness was visible, as well as her sour mood. "I still think this is ridiculous," she said closing the doors behind her. "I literally cannot raise my arms above my head, how on earth am I to climb down this window? It's so high!"
"You did it once, you can do it again. Besides, it's not the arms but the legs that you need strength in. All the more reason for you to hurry down."
Maria rolled her eyes. Though Robin's old winter clothes were lined with fur and warmer than she expected, she still had to suppress her shiver. She listened attentively to Robin's instructions and watched his every move.
"Watch me. I'll go down first and catch you should you fall. Remember, your arms are just to hold you, your legs do the climbing. Always secure your footing first, and then you can move your arms."
Maria was impressed with his limberness. He climbed down in no time at all. When it was her turn, her palms grew sweaty but at least her leather gloves maintained her grip.
She began climbing down the icy vines and scaffolding. Putting one foot after another, before lowering herself down with her arms. If it weren't for her nerves or the frigid morning air, she would say this was fun. Exhilarating even.
"Great work, you're almost done!" Robin called out. Her arms were complaining of pain and threatened to let go. She had nothing to fear though. Robin's hands grabbed her waist and helped eased her way down to the ground.
"Thank you," she said breathlessly.
"Not a problem," Robin said, "Follow me."
The two trudged through the snow until they got to the manor's greenhouse. Robin led her to the old English oak tree that was nestled beside it.
"I reckon this tree has been here for a long time," Robin said, gliding his hand over the trunk. "I saw it while we were helping Sir Benjamin. It's perfect for climbing."
He led the way, instructing her where to put her footing and which branches to hold on to. By the time they reached the top, Maria was exhausted.
"Perhaps an early winter outing wasn't my brightest idea," Robin said as he observed her tired form.
"You think—no, never mind." She shook her head. She spent the last months wishing for his friendship, and now she was closer to it. She was grateful, even if it meant sacrificing her soft, warm, bed.
"I'll be ok," she said in between breaths. Robin leaned against a large tree branch and Maria sat by his feet. There wasn't much room, but she didn't mind, it kept her warm.
"Perhaps it isn't so bad. The snow glistens nicely from the sun," Maria said as she looked beyond the branches. The rising sun cast a beautiful glow throughout Moonacre. The shimmering snow created a magical effect.
"I truly cannot wait to be back home. Well once I figure out what to do with the whole, my uncle wanting me to remain in London," Maria finished with a mutter.
"You want to stay in London?" There was an edge to his voice as he studied her carefully from the corner of his eyes.
Maria shrugged her shoulders. "Not necessarily, my uncle arranged for it. I think he wants to keep me away from Moonacre for my safety. I don't mind London, but I hate being so far from home."
"I probably had something to do with it, didn't I?"
"...I'm not sure, he has insisted upon it after you lost your memory. He's worried for me. He's so busy managing his business and family, that he knows he can't always be there to protect me." Maria carefully said, "I don't think he ever admitted it, but I believe he came to trust and respect you sometime last summer. I believe...he was hoping I'd have you by my side to help." She paused for a moment. She didn't want to reveal too much of her heart. She too wished he would be the one to stay at her side.
"I...I know I'm expected to—and would like to—marry someday. I have no idea who that person will be. I don't expect them to be a knight to protect me, or someone well-versed in Moonacre mythology. However, I would like a friend who does understand it. And once again, I do not expect these two to be the same people!" She added quickly, suddenly feeling warmer.
"When I put myself in his shoes, I understand what my uncle means. If I were to leave Moonacre and surround myself with people who do not understand, I should leave it all behind—for my and my family's safety. That's what my father did. If I am to stay here, however, or at least remain connected, I could use the help from people who understand its history."
Robin was silent while he considered just what Maria was going through. She really did have a burden on her shoulders. Not only the duty to protect those pearls, but also her family. "Then... what do you want to do?"
"Isn't it obvious?" She asked with a laugh. Maria reached into her shirt and pulled out her pearls. "I love it here. I would like to stay."
"Then what's stopping you?"
Maria gave him a curious look. "Now hold on, just how personal are we getting here, do you really want to know?"
"Of course," Robin said. He sat down next to her. Shoulder to shoulder, he turned and looked into her eyes, "I want to know everything about."
Maria let out a short puff of breath, still watching him. She had already kissed him, she had to watch her boldness, it seemed to be getting the best of her. Perhaps she was just tired of waiting.
"You", she said simply. Maria spent a lot of time thinking about the significance of her relationship with Robin. "It's quite simple really. From the start, it's almost as if we were set up to either be rivals or partners. You know this land better than anyone. You lived the story far longer than I have. I only found the pearls with your help. Sure, I have the pearls, but if anyone has a chance at taking them, it's you. I think that is why my uncle is so protective of me with you." Maria turned away from Robin, too embarrassed by this feeling of vulnerability. "If anyone can turn the tide against me, it's you."
Her words made his confrontation with Sir Benjamin all the more understandable. He always did wonder what his role was in this mess. At first, he believed it was to stop her, then apparently it was to help her, or so what he was told. He was walking a fine line between friend and foe.
Maria's stomach cut through the silence with an angry growl, "You're taking these lessons much too seriously. Perhaps you should consider teaching as an alternative career," Maria teased in an effort to lighten the mood.
"Since you're leaving soon, it made sense to make the most of it and teach you what I can."
"You know, we don't need to meet just for lessons. We can meet for other reasons as friends do," Maria said, allowing herself one more bold statement. "Like today, how about we visit Marmaduke and get something to eat? We could even spend time with Albert and resume lessons tomorrow?"
"I like the sound of that."
Back at the manor, Maria changed into a simple blue dress. She joined Robin in the kitchen where they helped Marmaduke prepare breakfast.
Maria was struggling with a new recipe, French croissants. The butter and dough were cold and stiff, yet somehow, she was supposed to create thin layers, and with sore arms, nonetheless. Robin offered a hand and followed Maria's instructions as he began to work the dough, leaving Maria impressed. He had a knack for pastry making.
They worked in sync, rolling and layering the butter in between the dough. When they were done, Marmaduke took the dough to rest before baking. Left alone, a mischievous thought came to Maria's mind.
"Robin, may I borrow your hat?"
"Sure, I guess." He handed it over with a confused look and watched her store it in a cabinet.
"Wouldn't want to get flour on it!" As she stood up, Maria grabbed a fistful of flour and tossed it smack in the middle of his face. She cackled; his dark eyes contrasted with his white-covered gapping face. While he brushed the flour off his face, Maria grabbed the bag of flour and ran to the other side of the table.
"There's never a moment of peace with you is there?" He accused with a laugh as he ran around to get her. "And here I thought we were trying to be friends."
Robin wasn't one to run in circles, with a few steps back, he took a running start and leaped over the table, smearing his pants with butter and flour. Maria was about to sidestep him, but he reached and grabbed her by her skirts. He yanked her towards himself and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. He grabbed a fistful of flour and rubbed it all over Maria's hair and face.
Little did they notice the audience at the door lured by Maria's shrill screaming. Her whole family watched with bemused and perplexed expressions. Well except for Sir Benjamin, who was annoyed by the commotion, and Mrs. Heliotrope, who was ashamed of her pupil's behavior. Marmaduke startled them apart by clanking his pans together.
"Though I am relieved the screaming was a false alarm, I do not appreciate this mess of my kitchen," Marmaduke said sternly but failed to hide his smile. "Clean the kitchen, then yourselves before breakfast. Sir Benjamin, please bring Robin a set of clothes, it be best to avoid butter on the upholstery."
With smiles on their faces, the two cleaned the kitchen in no time, though cleaning the doughy mess off themselves was a different story. Robin had it easy since most of the flour was over his face, Maria however was struggling.
"You really did a number on me," Maria scowled, trying unsuccessfully to brush the flour from her hair. Unfortunately, Robin's hands had been covered in butter, which also made it onto her hair.
"There's another lesson on why you shouldn't mess with me. I thought you'd learn from last time. I doubt you already forgot what happened when you hit me over the head," Robin smirked. "I always win. Here let me help."
She huffed
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