Chapter 2

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Hyperion, Wales and Cleveland arrived to meet enterprise. Hyperion take a look around and the place, it was pretty damaged but repairable, including some old ships, only Hyperion thought of that since he is a futuristic space warship.

Wales: "May I Ask Mr. Hyperion... are you from the future? your technology seems far more superior than the sirens and our weapons as well" She asked to the Hyperion, it's unavoidable question

Hyperion: "You could say that. When I was awaken from my nap... I teleported to this planet for some reason." He answered her question, Cleveland looks at him

Cleveland: "What does the space looks like!" She ask in excitement, wondering what the space looks like.

Hyperion: "A Beautiful endless darkness, you can see several stars beautiful... some day I might give ya a look at space" he reply, Cleveland looks at him with stars in her eyes before she suddenly hug him. He was surprised when she done that

Cleveland: "Thank you! can't wait!" She shout in excitement. as wales tare at them, shaking her head

Wales: "Cleveland please get off him" she said to Cleveland but she continue to hug Hyperion before  she let go, some ship girls stare at Hyperion, with mixed expression of surprised, shock, and awe because he is male ship boy with futuristic technology. Suddenly four people approached them. Hyperion thought the one of the female who approach them, clearly a adult of course... Hyperion thought about her as a beautiful elegant lady... and he thinking why their childrens middle of a war?!

[HMS Illustrious from the Royal Navy]

Hyperion: [... That's one beautiful angel right there] He thought about it, I mean, who wouldn't?!

[HMS Unicorn from the royal navy]

[HMS Javelin from the Royal Navy]

[USS Laffey from the Eagle Union]


Hyperion: [If I remember... those 3... female childs able to use warship weapons as well and one of them is like an aircraft carrier] He thought, Wales noticed his stare as she look at the approaching group, she smile

Wales: "Ah greeting Illustrious, Everything alright?" She asked

Illustrious: "Nothing is wrong Ms. Wales. We wanted to greet our savior of this base" She gave out a smile toward Hyperion.

Hyperion: "Your welcome... My name is Hyperion" He introduced himself

Illustrious: "Nice to meet you Hyperion. My name is Illustrious~" She grab her dress as she bow down like a elegant beautiful lady, Hyperion just sweat drop and he just nod. the three girls approached him

Javelin: "Hello! my name is Javelin! nice to meet you Mr. Hyperion!" she excitedly introduced

Laffey: "Hello... my name is Laffey... is your lap comfortable to sleep on...?" She lazily asked and sleepy

Javelin: "Uh! Please don't mind Laffey! she always like that..."

Hyperion: "I see... That's fine" He gave out a warm smile, then he can feel his pants being pull a little, he look down to see Unicorn

Unicorn: "U-um! my name is u-unicorn! and this is U-chan!" she cutely smile... Hyperion stares and cannot resist the cuteness of Unicorn. I mean... who wouldn't?

Hyperion: "nice to meet you Unicorn" He start giving Unicorn a head pat as she enjoys it

Unicorn: "Hehe! c-can I call you big brother!" She asked

Hyperion: "Sure why not!" Hyperion said without hesitation, not giving a second thought. Unicorn give a big cuteness smile before he hug his legs. Suddenly their was shouting

Cleveland: "Enterprise! you need to rest! you fought too much in battle!" He running toward enterprise and telling her to rest, but enterprise shakes her head as a denial

Enterprise: "Why do we need rest... we are warships... we are here to fight sirens" she said, as Cleveland stare at her in disbelief

Cleveland: "Well! even we are warships! we are now human! you need to rest!" She shout at her, worried about enterprise might be in bad situation someday. But then the group arrives to meet the famous warship, USS Enterprise

Wales: "Cleveland is right, you should listen to her Ms. Enterprise" She said, Enterprise just shrug before she eyeing on someone, the male space ship boy. 

Enterprise: "So you are the one who helped us against them? I am thankful for your assistance" 

Hyperion: "Your welcome... anyway, wales I need to take my leave here for now, I have to check something in my ship" 

Wales: "Leaving so soon? Why not stay here in this base-" But then hyperion cut her off

Hyperion: "No thank you but I appreciated the offer princess~" Wales just blush of a sudden flirt from the Hyperion. Cleveland and Enterprise look at each other before they raised a eyebrow at Hyperion

Hyperion: "Well then, See you all later" He quickly summoned his ship, as again. The Mighty Hyperion Battlecruiser, once again the girls were amazed of the mighty space ship, Hyperion start to teleport in the Hyperion, The Hyperion start to move out of the Azur lane base

Adjutant: "Welcome back, Sir Hyperion. Engineering bay are now available, you may check it out" she informed him

Hyperion: "Sweet! time to check it out!" He quickly head to the engineering bay area. once he arrived, he look around. there only few things... the banshee, the Viking, the Medivac, and a Siege tanks. seems like only mech units around here

Hyperion: "Huh... so no infantry. so I am really alone... yet those aircrafts and vehicles look like unmanned yet active" he nod before he goes to the control panel

[Welcome back Mr. Hyperion]

[While you were gone, I managed to get some of the system and weapons online][Please do note, we only have vehicles, mechs, and aircrafts at this point][Minotaur-Class Battlecruiser are unavailable, lost data.][SCV Unable to construct command center. you are the mobile command center now][All upgrades been saved from the data saved.]
[New Upgrade been found but locked]

Siege tank > Siege Breaker [Locked]

Viking > Hel's angels [Locked]
Banshee > Dusk wings [Locked]
Thor > Blackhammer [Locked]

Goliath > Spartan Company [Locked]

[This is all available for now, due the fact of the lost data pf the minotaur class battlecruiser. we can't see any upgrades for it]

Hyperion: "I see..." Hyperion is reading the control panel of the engineering bay, seems like it has it's own A.I, He look at the banshee upgrade to see it was saved, and he was correct. banshee upgrade still saved like [Cross-Spectrum Dampeners] and [Shockwave Missile Battery]...  then the adjutant calls gim

Adjutant: "Hyperion, seems like their another distress call. Is a Eagle union fleet, they are under attack by the same faction that attack the Azur lane Base

Hyperion: "Alright! Is the jump drive ready?"

Adjutant: "Negative, is still on cool down. but we can send our banshee and Viking to their location, they will arrived in no time before yourself, Sir."

Hyperion: "Hm... alright, let's do that." He quickly head to the bridge ASAP as the ship turns around to head to the location quickly as possible, as for that. 5 banshee and 5 Viking been deployed from the Hyperion and head straight toward the distress signal quickly as possible...

At the distress signal...

We can see 5 of the ship girls who been damaged by the Sakura empire 5th carrier division, their one eagle union aircraft carrier continue to dodge incoming bombs and she doesn't like it at all

Hornet: "Tsk! I don't like being defensive at all!" she shout in frustration as she kept dodging the incoming bombs, then a sakuran ship girl leap up and prepare for a final blow at her

Zuikaku: "Got you!"

Hornet: "Tsk!" But then a incoming wild cat squadron arrives and start rapid fire it's machine guns toward the ship girl name zuikaku

Zuikaku: "Nani?!" She quickly get in defensive position as he start slashing the bullets several times using her katana. Shoukaku stop using her flute before she look at the direction of where the wild cat came from, it was the mighty Enterprise

Hornet: "Sister!"

Enterprise: "Go!" She shout as she continue shooting her arrows toward Zuikaku, giving time for Hornet to escape to pick up her damaged comrades.

Zuikaka: "heh! it's the famous grey ghost! our battle should be legendary!" she shout before he charged toward Enterprise as her fighters and Enterprise's fighters are in a dogfight. Zuikaku attempt to slash her katana on enterprise but it was block by Enterprise's bow as she getting pushed back by Zuikaku

Zuikaku: "this is our duel!"

Enterprise: "Tsk!"

While they continue to duel, Hornet regroup with the others, seems like Cleveland and 2 destroyers name Javelin and Laffey to help

Cleveland: "hornet!" 

Hornet: "Cleveland!" She almost fell from exhaustion but Cleveland quickly pick her up.

Cleveland: "Glad you are safe! we should retreat n-" But then...

???: "FEUER!" The women with a beautiful German accent fire her cannons toward the group, the group suddenly noticed as they evade incoming shells. they all look at the direction, it was the Iron blood, Prinz Eugen. along with reinforcement of a siren fleet.

Eugen: "Guten tag Azur lane~ don't leave us out the party!~" 

The battles continues with enterprise and Zuikaku but enterprise seems to be losing at this moment

Zuikaku: "This is the end grey ghost!" She shout as she charge toward her, Enterprise was about to shoot her but her bow cracked in half

Enterprise: "eh!?" When Zuikaku think she able to slash grey ghost with her katana... then incoming missiles coming toward her

Shoukaku: "Zuikaku watch out!" she shout, Zuikaku turn to her left, that incoming missiles coming toward her, she tried to evade but it was too late, several missiles hit on Zuikaku

Zuikaka: "AHHHH!" She shout in pain as she flew off, before landing on the ocean floor, she was heavily damage in a instant as shoukaku rush toward her, holding her before she look around the skies, then she saw... 5 aircraft that look futuristic but not like the sirens.

The Viking break off formation and start engaging a dogfight against group of Japanese fighters and Siren fighters, that they going target them down. The Viking, unleash their missiles toward them before breaking off their formation, the enemy fighters attempt to evades, but when the missiles exploded right next to them, it's like a powerful flak cannon, as several aircrafts been shot down, and heavily damages to those are survived, Eugen saw what's happening

Eugen: "What? Those are not sirens!" She was shock to see a aircraft that she never seen before, is much more superior than the sirens but then, missiles comes out from thin air and start blasting them siren ships, several hits. they are damaged or destroyed immediately, Prinz Eugen turns around to see the another aircraft

The banshee uncloak themselves and continue firing their bombardment rockets, they are 5 of them as they commencing a bombing run, the anti air weapons of the sirens open fire, by laser projectiles and beams but it was too fast too shoot them down

Eugen: "Tsk... We should retreat now, seems like they have reinforcement and superior technology of there own..." She said

Shoukaku: "Agree..." They both look at the distance to see a floating warship heading straight toward them

At the Hyperion

Hyperion: "Group of carriers... let's clear them out, FIRE THE YAMATO CANNON!" He shout

The Hyperion Yamato cannon start to charging up quickly, until it was immediately ready, it's fire toward the carrier group, the ship girls noticed the large energy ball thing as they retreat, stopping the fight. once the ball hit it's mark, it's unleashed a powerful explosion similar to a nuclear, not only the carrier group destroyed... a entire siren fleet has obliterated, everyone was shock seeing this happened. Shoukaku carries Zuikaku and retreats, along with Prinz Eugen and the others.

Adjutant: "Enemy ship neutralized"

Hyperion: "Good..." He slowly teleport on the ocean sea floor, floating as he decided to head toward the ship girls but then hornet and the others aiming their weapons at him

Hornet: "Who are you!" She shout at him, Hyperion raise both of his arms up but Cleveland moves in and blocking their aim at the Hyperion

Cleveland: "stop! he is the one who saved us that our base been attacked!" she explains to them as they heard, they slowly lower their weapon down

Hornet: "Woah... A male space kansen? quite a handsome one too~" She lick her lips as Hyperion sweatdrop, along with cleveland.

Hyperion: "Uh my name is Hyperion. Nice to meet ya" 

To be continued

alright I am done for now-

[Somewhere in unknown realm...]

A dark figure who watching Hyperion success in another universe. The figure can see Levita the Kerrigan's Leviathan... somehow watching... anime while hugging a body pillow of a Hyperion itself, just the ship, she doesn't know what he looks like but... yeah..

???: "... This Female Zerg... really obessive to the terran ship..." Levita was somewhere in space and access to japanese technology for some reason.

He stare back at the Hyperion once again

???: "... I should watch... this interesting moment... once Hyperion progressed... they will meet their oldest foes and allies..."

A person in a tube can be seen, code name... "The White Star"

To be continued

Okay! it's over, thanks for reading. i just finished this in midnight so yeah. I am clearly rewatching azur lane to get ideas of how am i going to deal with this in the next chapter

So yeah, Not only the them but they will meet old allies and enemies.

Considering the White star in Dominion armada when Mengsk still the ruler. and attack matt horner and Valerian Mengsk ships

Anyway, now I should ask... what should Hyperion do for now? and no we are not constructing the base using SCV!

???: yet!

Oh fuck you, anyway thats all

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