Chapter 15

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Over the next few months Jasper and I continued to get to know each other. I kept getting this feeling that something bad was going to happen. I kept it to myself. I didn't want anyone to worry. School soon started in the fall and it was senior year according to what Jasper had explained. Jasper started staying over more and more because he wanted to make sure that I was safe. We stayed up at night talking about everything I learned about his time in the confederate army. Tonight we were sitting in the library, I was reading and Jasper reading on the other couch. I could tell something was bothering him. I walked over and sat on his lap. I asked "What's wrong Jas, you have been really quiet lately." Jasper wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. Jasper said "It's nothing darlin, I was just thinking about the past." I said "we all have a past. You went through something terrible with Maria." Jasper rolled up his sleeves and bore all of the scars that covered arms. I said "battle scars Jas I have them too. We learn from them that it doesn't mean that you are a monster, you are the most caring and honest cowboy that I got lucky as a mate." I kissed the scar on his neck and laid my head on his shoulder. Jasper said "thank you my love. Alice is throwing Bella's birthday party soon and I want you to come over with me so Rosalie stops bugging me about not having time with you." I laughed and said "of course I will come over love. Rose and Mel were texting me earlier about needing a girls day sometime soon." Jasper said "so I am not the only one being bugged." I laughed and said "nope it works both ways." I could not believe that school started soon. I was not looking forward to seeing Bella and Edward every day again. Jasper said "don't worry about school darlin, we will get through it and then we can travel or do whatever you want to do." I stuck my head in the crook of his neck and inhaled his scent. It felt so natural being in Jasper's arms and spending time with each other. We went upstairs to my room and went to bed.

The next morning my alarm went off today was the start of the school year. I rolled over and turned off the alarm. I rolled back over to snuggle back into Jaspers chest. Jasper said "good morning darlin" I said "good morning Jaz." Jasper said "as much as I would love to lay here all day we need to get up and ready for school." I sighed and said "I know." Jasper said "go take a shower and I will make tea for you." I nodded and got out of bed. I went into the closet to pull out black ripped skinny jeans, a blue plaid long sleeve with black converse. I pulled out the jacket that looked like a skeleton on it. I went into the bathroom and got a hot shower. I got dressed and blow dried my hair and applied make up. I walked down stairs to see Jasper in gray jeans and a dark gray long sleeve. he had on a pair of cowboy boots. Jasper said "you look beautiful darlin" I said "thank you love you look handsome yourself love." Jasper handed me a travel cup of tea and my backpack. We walked out of the house to my car. Jasper opened up the passenger side door for me, I got in and sipped on my tea. Jasper came aroun the other side and got in the drivers seat he loved driving my impala. Jasper placed a hand on my thigh as we drove to school. The bad feeling I have been having was making my anxiety start. Jasper sent a calming wave to me and I relaxed into the seat. When we arrived at school we parked near Alice's car. Jasper opened my door and I got out. I was pulled into a hug by Melody. I hugged back as I noticed a smile on Alice's face. I said "whatever you are planning Alice, I am not wearing it." Alice said "It's that bad, it will look cute on you." I asked "is it a dress?" Alice didn't answer as the bell rang for the classes to start." Jasper wrapped an arm around my waist and we walked to history together. After the first half of classes it was now time for lunch. The bad feeling was just getting stronger that I lost my appetite. Jasper noticed something was off with my emotions Jasper asked "what's wrong darlin." I said "I will tell you when we get home I don't want others to overhear." Jasper nodded and pulled me into his chest. The rest of the day went by fast. When we got home Jasper said "Darlin tell me what is wrong." I said "over the past few months I have been gettin this feeling that something bad is going to happen and normally the feelings are right." Jasper said "can you tell when it will happen." I said "yes, Bella's birthday party." Jasper walked over to me and pulled me into his chest. Jasper said "whatever happens we face it together."

It was the day of the party and I was not looking forward to being in the same area as Bella but I would go because of Jasper and Rose. Emmet is a giant teddy bear. I was getting ready to go help set up the party. Jasper and I walked into the house to see everyone putting decorations up. Esme came over to me and hugged me. I hugged back it was nice to have a mother figure. Esme had Jasper help Emmet set up table while she had me help them in the kitchen. Esme asked "How have you been Em?" I said "good busy with school and working in my garden on the nicer days." Esme said "that good I wanted to let you know that you are like my daughter and I want to be there for you." I said "That is very kind of you to say." Once everything was done and set up nicely Alice came up to me and said "come on I have something for you to wear for the party." I said "just this once I will let you dress me." Alice pulled me to her room and pulled out a dress that was like a teal and black it was really cute but I wasn't sure that I was going to be comfortable with showing everyone some of the scars. She pushed me into the bathroom and told me to put them on with the heeled boots. I was looking at myself in the mirror and my anxiety started to get the best of me and I sat against the door trying to concentrate on my breathing. I heard Alice through the door ask "Are you alright Em?" I couldn't answer her. This can't be happening again. The next voice I heard through the door was Jasper saying "Darlin open the door please, let me in." I moved away from the door and Jasper opened the door and closed it behind him. He sat down next to me, sending calming waves to help calm me down. He wrapped his arms around me and held me. I finally calmed down enough to snuggle into his chest. Jasper asked "what happened darlin?" I said "I can't wear this Jas, its shows to many of the scars from the torture that I endured." Jasper's eyes turned dark Major came out and said "Darlin you are beautiful Jasper and I love you all the same, these scars are from your past they make you a warrior you fought to get away. you told us that they were battle scars and Battle scars are what they are. you are stronger because of them." His eyes went back to gold, I said "I love you Jasper," Jasper said "I love you too. I'm sorry I couldn't keep Major at bay." I said "It's ok Jas the Major told me what I needed to hear. but what am I supposed to do about this dress." Jasper said "Rose pulled a shaw out of her closet that will match. you can wear that," I nodded and Jasper helped me up. We walked out of the bathroom and Roseisle came over to me with the shaw. She wrapped it around me and said "you are beautiful the way you are." I nodded and hugged Jasper tighter. We walked down to where the party was starting. Jasper kept an arm around me as Bella and Edward came down the stairs. Everything was going fine until Bella cut her finger. Thats when all hell broke look Jasper eyes went black. I pulled Jasper aside and he put his head in the crook of my neck. He inhaled deeply and calmed down. Edward had pushed Bella against a glass table that broke. Edward went to attack Jasper. I stepped infront of him and used my magic to throw him into the wall. I have had enough of those two. Carlisle said "Lets calm down edward take bella to my office. I will clean the wound there." I said "I'm sorry I threw him against the wall I was only trying to protect my mate." Jasper wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. Carlisle said "It's ok Emerald why dont you head home and we will clean up." Jasper walked me home. I went in to the house with Jasper and went up to my bed room with him on my heels. I changed clothes and crawled into bed with Jasper right beside me.

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