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"First game of the season, baby!" Lance said an excited grin on his face as he took a seat next to Malia.

A couple of weeks have flown by and it was now the start of February, meaning it was the start of lacrosse season.

We were currently in the cafeteria having lunch, with Lance, West, and myself now sitting with the girls.

At first, I didn't want to intrude, but Talia practically pulled West to their table the week after my birthday, and Lance and I just followed suit.

Lance, thrilled to spend time with Malia and I with Jesse.

Things have been going great between the two of us since that day I went over to her house after the blowout with my dad.

We've been spending every day with each other, as after training I would go over to her house. The both of us just talking in the treehouse for hours or just doing homework in silence together.

Honestly, these past couple of weeks have been great, and I owe it to the girl beside me.

Jesse's face lights up with amusement, a small smile growing on her face due to Lance's enthusiasm. 

"You guys are coming right?" Lance asked looking around the table, though most of his attention was directed towards Malia.

"What you really wanna ask is if Malia is coming?" Talia said rolling her eyes, her head nestled on West's shoulder, his arm wrapped around her shoulder.

A snort slipped out of Jesse's mouth, though she tried to cover it as a cough making me smile.

"Nice try," I whispered to her, nudging her shoulder.

"Shut up, you didn't hear anything," She said playfully glaring at me.

"Hey, I think it's cute," I said amused, a tiny grin on my face as she nudged my shoulder.

"How dare you, Talia! I'll have you know that I want all my dearest friends there tonight," Lance exclaimed dramatically, directing my attention back to him.

"But, it would be even better if Malia is there," Lance said with a cheeky grin, sending a wink in Malia's direction, who was currently hiding behind her book in embarrassment.

"I have to be there anyway, to take pictures for the yearbook," Malia stated making Lance's face light up like a kid in a candy store.

"Great!" Lance said smiling down at Malia, who gave him a quick smile in return before returning back to her book.

"Want all your friends there, my butt," Talia scoffed out

"Don't worry loverboy, we'll be there, but only because there's supposed to be an after-party," Talia said as West nodded in agreement, making me look at him in shock.

West never goes to parties, no matter how much Lance and I begged him to.

He would usually show up to the games and then go home straight after.

Now, that he's dating Talia he's been a bit more open even going as far as having small conversations with Malia and Jesse. Which is huge considering for the past four years he's only talked to Lance and I.

Honestly, they are perfect for each other, the two of them balance each other out really well.

"You coming, tonight?" I asked Jesse turning my body slightly so I was facing her.

"Yeah, I'll be there," She said with a smile.

"Are you going to play tonight?" She asked.

You see, I was just a substitute for the lacrosse team. 

Though, I was a good player I didn't want to commit to being a full-time player when boxing is my passion.

Besides lacrosse is a great excuse to use whenever I come home with injuries.

"Yeah, are you going cheer me on," I said with a smirk on face.

"You wish," She said rolling her eyes at me.

"Besides you have enough admirers who will do it without you asking," She stated dryly.

"But, none of them are my Twinkle Toes," I said peering down at her with a small smile which she returned.

"Hmm, we'll see," She replied before the bell went off signaling the end of lunch.



"YOU WON'T WIN TONIGHT'S GAME PLAYING LIKE A BUNCH OF WOOSIES!" Coach screeched out as we ran over some plays before the game which was due to start in about an hour.

"Coach we've been running plays for three hours now, can we please take a break," Derek, one of the guys on the team pleaded, sweat dripping down his face.

Seeing that half the team was about to pass out Coach let out a sigh, before agreeing that we've practiced enough and that we should rest up a bit before the game starts.

Plopping down on the grass, I stretched out my legs, feeling a bit sore.

"Why are you smiling so hard?" I asked suspiciously, looking over at Lance who took a seat beside me.

Not bothering a verbal reply, Lance simply pointed over to the bleachers.

Standing there was Malia, who was changing the lens of her camera.

But, what caught my attention was the jersey she was wearing. 

Turning around I spotted the number three on the back of the jersey with Cunnigham above it.

"How'd you manage to get her to agree to that?" I asked curiously and slightly impressed.

"Let's just say that reading all those books came in handy," Lance said referencing to how he picked up reading once he noticed how much Malia likes to read.

Since sophomore year, he's made it his mission to read every book Malia reads. 

I thought he was insane, seeing as he didn't even like reading that much himself.

But, he was determined saying that it can come in handy one day

And over time he grew to enjoy the books as well.

Noticing stares on her, Malia looked up her eyes clashing with our own.

"Make sure to get my good side babe!" Lance yelled out, blowing Malia a kiss.

A chuckle escaped my lips as Malia threw the middle finger in Lance's direction not enjoying the newfound attention on her.

"HEY! MIND YOUR BUSINESS!" Lance screeched to the other boys on the team, making them turn their gazes away from Malia.

A satisfied smirk made it on Lance's face as Malia sent him a grateful smile before returning back to her camera.

A half an hour later and we were stretching on our side of the field, the other team already here.

Looking up at the bleachers, I noticed Jesse, Talia, and West were seated together in the front row.

Feeling my gaze upon her, Jesse looked up sending a smile and wave in my direction which I returned.

Seeing that I had a couple more minutes before the game I jogged my way over.

"Hey," I said, biting down on my lip to prevent my grin from widening.

"Hi," She said tucking a strand of her hair back that fell out of her braid.

"I'm glad you came," I admitted, her brown eyes clashing with my grey ones.

"Of course, I came I had to cheer on Lance," She teased 

"Yeah, okay just remember that I'm player number 27," I said rolling my eyes at her remark.

"Why the number 27?" She asked.

"It's the day we met, " I answered as her expression softened.

"That's right, September 27," She said a gentle smile gracing her face.

"LANGSTON, GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE!" I heard the coach holler from behind.

"You better get over there," Jesse said chuckling a bit at the murderous glare coach sent me.

"Yeah," I said laughing with her.

"But, first can I get a good luck kiss," I said with a smirk as she rolled her eyes, though I saw the smile she was trying to hide.

Though I was teasing her I didn't expect her to actually go through with it.

Leaning over she placed a gentle kiss on my cheek, making my face heat up.

"Good luck," She whispered into my ear before pulling away, smirking at my now red face.

With a shake of my head, I gave her one more smile before walking over to my spot on the field.

"You ready?" Lance asked with a look of excitement 

Looking one last time at Jesse seeing her eyes already on me, I gave her a small wink before turning back to Lance.

"More than ever," 

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