Chapter one: The beginning

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Chapter one: High King Peter, the Magnificent- Narnia

I looked around the room. This was nothing like England, or Narnia. It was way more American.

"The tournament of heroes?" I questioned. I was wearing armor, much like the one I would wear in Narnia, only the lion was gold, not red. Edmunds was red however.

"That's right!! And why are you here? For entertainment of course." Susan growled.

"We aren't some puppets you can make dance!!" Another voice on the screen snorted.

"No, but you really don't have a choice." Khadijiah1 nodded.

"She's right. And this is a friend of mine, Fan_Girl__. Second member of the council of Wattpad."

"What is Wattpad exactly?" A voice asked. However, it wasn't coming from our room.

"Oh, just were we're broadcasting this."

"Broadcasting?!" We exclaimed.

"Well, yea. Along to all of your guys dimensions. Now, have some practice time, get to know each other and have fun!"

The screen vanished and Edmund groaned.

"Now what." The walls on either side of us began to move upwards, showing and about fifty other contestants.

"We get to know each other of course." Lucy said excitedly.

"And we train." Susan added, nailing a target the appeared in front of us.

"Impressive." A girl with American punk hair (so, black, short and croppy) said, hitting the target next to it.

"Names Thalia."

"Susan." She answered simply. I looked around the room. of heroes seemed to be doing their own type of thing. One group looked like they were different types of tornados, while another group was waving a bunch of sticks around yelling out random words. Or, spells if you prefer.

"Hi!! I'm Aang!!" I smiled down at the bald headed kid with blue arrow tattoos on his head.

"Hello. My name is Peter, of Narnia." I bowed. The boy laughed.

"Well then your highness, I'm Aang of the Air Nation." He mocked bowed and I frowned.

"Air Nation?"

"How did you know we were kings?" Edmund asked.

"It says so on your badge." I looked down.

High King Peter, the Magnificent

Status- Human

Residence- Narnia.

"Do we all have badges?" Aang nodded.

"Yep. See, here's mine!!"


Status- Airbender (Avatar)

Residence- currently unknown

"You don't have a home?" Lucy asked. Aang shook his head.

"Nah, the fire nation wiped out my home. But I still have Appa!!"

"Is he your brother?" Edmund asked. Aang shook his head.

"Well....yes and no. He's my flying bison!"

"You have got to be kidding me. There is no such thing as flying bison!" Susan snapped. Lucy grinned.

"But Susan.....there's no such thing as talking lions either!" Susan blushed and growled while we laughed.

"And aren't you supposed to be gentle?" Ed asked. Susan smacked him on the head growling.

Queen Susan, the gentle

Status- Human

Residence- Narnia

"You have a talking lion?! Cool!! Where is he?! Can I meet him?!" Aang sped around us, the air seemingly pushing him forward more.

"We actually don't know where Aslan is, but when this over you can meet him." Lucy promised. Aang grinned and hugged her tightly.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!" I cleared my throat.

"I'd hate to leave a new friend like this but we really should be training." I sighed. Aang smiled.

"No problem." He looked down.

"Hey, can you use that sword?" I drew my sword from the scabbard, looking at it closely.

"Yes, I can."

"HEY SOKKA!!" I frowned.

"Sokka?" What an odd name.....

"Hey Aang! What's up?" Aang grinned.

"This is Peter. He's a king. He can spar with you." Edmund frowned.

"Wait what?" Sokka bowed.

"While your Highness, I am Sokka of the water tribe, and I would be happy to duel with you." I slide my sword back into the scabbard.

"I would be happy to duel with you Sokka of the water tribe but I must go see how my sisters are doing. My brother, Edmund would be happy to duel with you instead." Edmund glared at me and I glared right back.

"But I don't want to!"


"Why do I have to-."


"Why can't-."

"ED!" He huffed in annoyance.

"Fine." I smiled and looked at Sokka.

"Perhaps another time Sokka." He nodded.

"Yes sir your highness sir!" I walked away shaking my head.

"Susan? Have you seen Lucy?" Her eyes widened in panic as she let the arrow go. As always, the arrow found its target.

"I thought she was with you!!"

"Why would she be with me?! I thought she was with you!!" Susan and I looked around frantically.




"I'm right here." We spun around. Unlike last time, Lucy wasn't soaking wet with water. She was smiling through.

"Lucy!! You can't scare us like that!" Susan exclaimed, hugging her tightly. Lucy laughed.

"I'm sorry. It's just....I started wondering around-."

"Of course you did." I joked. She laughed.

"Well, I sorta got lost. But N-." She turned around.

"Where did he go?"

"Where did who go?" I asked.

"Him!! The black haired boy."

"Lucy, there was no one there." Susan said frowning.

"I'm not lying!! This boy named....I can't remember his name, but he had black haired, and he was really white and he brought me over to you. I'm not crazy!!" I placed my hands on Lucy's shoulders.

"If this....boy is here, then I'm sure we'll see him again." Lucy sighed while Susan glared at me.

"You can't promise her that!"

"Susan, if someone here found Lucy and kept an eye on her, then surely we own them a thank you." Susan huffed.


"Oh come on!!"

*third person view*

Sokka, had just lost to King Edmund, and now was bowing on his knees to the young king.

"I am not worthy!! I am not worthy!!" Ed looked around, only slightly weirded out.

"Um...okay, I get it!!" Aang stood there grinning.

"Wasn't that great practice Sokka? And you did great Ed. I can see why your the Just." Ed nodded, and ran over to Peter.

While the two exchanged stories, and while the Lucy was looking for her mysterious stranger, none of the siblings noticed a shadow of a figure lurking in.....well, the shadows.

I know, it's short I'm sorry. Try to make a longer chapter next time.

Vote on who you think should win.....through I know like, half of you are gonna say Percy Jackson so....don't know why I asked that. *shrugs* oh well :/

Vote comment, and tell me what you think!


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