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Virgil paced about his room feeling his nerves get all knotted up.  To say he had gotten disoriented was an understatement. He was at a complete loss. He knew what he needed to do for his kingdom but the thought of spending all week with Princess Eliza from Lux was nauseating. Nothing against the girl, Virgil believed her to be just as beautiful as others had described her to be. He had no reason to think she wouldn't. The problem was in all honesty, Virgil wanted to go to Lux himself...

To find Roman again.

Virgil had been in Lux when he met his soulmate. A small piece of information he did not share with his father when he spoke about what he learned. He did tell him he was gay but willing to do what he needs to for his kingdom. Father insisted he should marry for love but Virgil knew that would not happen considering his soulmate was only a knight.

Virgil just paced the room listening to how the chains and tassles moved about. He supposed he must look like a proper prince now but in all honesty this whol outfit weighed down on him. He much preferred to loose fitting clothes he wore before. Everything was just to tightly worn. It was hard to breath in it.

"Virgil?" The prince heard his door open a smidgen, stopping his pacing to turn towards the person. "The Royal family of Lux is going to be arriving. Your Father wants you there to greet them." Virgil only nodded as he shifted his weight a bit. "You look great by the way, don't worry too much kiddo."

"Kiddo?" Virgil heard a soft chuckle and smiled slightly. "Thank you. Might I ask your name."

"My name? Well of course, My Prince. It's Patton Riverton." PATTON?! Virgil's eyes went wide in shock as he heard the door open wider. "I was given the honor of being your personal servant. I hope you are ok with that."

"P-Pat?" Virgil reached out his hand hearing the sudden shuffle of feet until a hand wrapped around his. He couldn't help but smile. "You're really here? I thought Father would have..."

"He had me start my own training... apparently since you saved my life he thought it best to serve you... I couldn't agree more. I'll never get to thank you the way you deserve, Virgil." Virgil was just so happy, it almost broke his heart to hear the quiet sobbing from his friend. "Y-You even... you l-lost your sight..."

"Yeah now, Pat. I'm fine. All that happened was his spell hit my eyes. Nothing else happened."

"But you can't see..."

"But we're all alive, and that is all that matters." Virgil could hear Patton sniffling as he offered the moral man a soft smile. "Now... Are you sure I look presentable? I hear that Lux's Princess is quiet the beauty and I don't want to make a bad first impression."

"You look great, My Prince. But do hurry the king is expecting them shortly." Virgil laughed as he ran out giving Patton one last thanks only to hear him yell about being safe. By the time he made it to the entrance he could hear the sound of  horses. He made it just in time.

"Son? Are you sure about this?" Virgil smiled hearing his father whisper as the horses drew closer. "There are plenty of Prince's you could..."

"Lux is one of the strongest neighboring kingdoms we have. Our treaty with them is already on shaky ground and Noctis could use their trading ports." Virgil sighed hearing the horses come to a stop. He attempted to straighten himself out as he brushed a hand through his slicked back black hair. He was not wearing his blacked out glasses this time since it was not needed. Although he did miss the comfort they provided. "All is well, Father. I swear it."

"Well then I should probably confess I did not call on them for their princess." Virgil's eyes went wide as his father laughed a bit. He went to say something but was cut off just as fast.

"Introducing the Princess of Lux, Miss Eliza Hastings." Virgil tensed up as he heard the sound of heels tap against the pathway. He could smell the rose perfume as she stood in front of him. Virgil could sense her presence so it was a good as anytime to drop the bomb.

"Greetings, Prince Virgil." Virgil smiled as her voice filled the black. It was soft and sweet, laced with an almost songfull lull that any hetero boy would die to hear. "You are every bit as handsome as the rumors say."

"Why thank you, Princess." He could here a soft chuckle as the sound of fabric shifted indicating she was curtsying. "Please do forgive me for not taking your hand Miss. I'm afraid I cannot see." A short gasp could be heard behind her and Virgil only continued to smile. "However I do wish you and your family the best while you stay here. If there is anything you need, you needn't hesitate to ask me."

"Introducing the Prince Remus Hastings." Virgil tensed up against glancing over at what he hoped was his father who chuckled a bit beside him. He was not aware Lux had a Prince. He had only heard the rumors of their Princess.

"It is an honor, Your highness." Virgil nodded as his eyes narrowed a bit in thought. He couldn't stop thinking about Roman. His soulmate/ knight... Surely they would bring a knight with them but wouldn't be one in trainning would it. Virgil was so lost in thought he missed the introduction of the rest only noticing when it went silent.

"Virgil?" A new yet very familiar sounding voice filled his ears snapping the Prince out of his thoughts.

"My apologies. I must of lost myself." Virgil mumbled slightly as he smiled softly.

"It's alright, Virgil. You've simply missed my introduction..." The voice lulled as it got closer. He felt someone take his hand and that familiar jolt of electricity tore through him making his eyes go wide as a pair of lips pressed a soft kiss on his knuckles. "It's a pleasure to officially meet you. My name Roman Hastings... Crowned Prince of Lux."

"R-Roman..." Virgil quickly pulled his away immediately missing his touch and just stood there in shock. "What..."

"Oh look, Roman's being a charmer again." Eliza said beside the shocked side but Virgil didn't move. In fact neither prince moved. Roman stood there staring at the man in front of him with a smile as Virgil struggled to collect his thoughts. When his family arrived he was not expecting to see Virgil there. His heart lept with joy at the sight of the man. It also broke when he heard Virgil say he couldn't see. His mind going back to the night were they met, staring up at the stars. Virgil asked him what he saw... now he understood why. He couldn't hold back the gasp that escaped him when he it. Now all he wanted was to hold the man.

"Oh hush, Eliza." Roman lulled as he reached out for Virgil hand again reveling in the electricity between them. "I'm glad we could meet again, Virgil."

"Wait, you've met?" Virgil nodded softly hearing his father whisper beside him. "When..."

"T-The b-boy... and the stars." Virgil could sense the shock and realization in his father as he gasped. Roman was a bit confused at the bright smile the King had as he ran over to his father pulling him away to talk. "Roman?"

"Yes, Virgil?"

"You're still holding my hand." Roman jumped back awkwardly letting go and rubbing the back of his neck. Everyone started laughing as Virgil just smiled a bit. Virgil spun around shaking his head softly as he started for the door. "Follow me. Since you will all be here for the week we have made rooms."


"No." Virgil said with a laugh as they all followed him inside. "Logan?"

"Yes, My Prince?" A stern an professional voice spoke beside him causing Virgil to stop short and laugh. "Is there anything that you need?"

"Yes, please show our guests to the guest rooms." He could hear the sound of footsteps walking away when he tensed up, his chest getting heavy at the mere thought of a certain person walking away. "R-Roman?"

"I'm right here." Virgil jumped slightly at the voice that was right beside him and smiled.

"Do... Do you want to go to my room?" Virgil stumbled over his words slightly. His only answer being Roman gently taking his hand again. "I thought we should talk."

"I would love to."

Let's just say that Princes lived happily ever after, yeah? There's no need to continue this story. Roman and Virgil spent the week in happy bliss until the fathers declared that there shall be a wedding and that it shall be between them.

Let's say that the end was a happy union. A glorious wedding of white, purple, and red, where the two kingdoms sang about how beautiful it all was. Roman wore his white prince uniform complete with a red sash, while Virgil wore a dazzling back uniform with sparking black down the sides and around the neckline making him glitter in the light. Let's end the story with a kiss that sent the kingdoms roaring at the pure and unabated love those to shared for each other.

Please... please let it end there...
I don't think I could go through all that again...
I don't want to see him laying there...
I don't...
I don't want to relive that...


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