House hunters magical edition

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Holly apparated back to Peverell manor.

Lunch broke her heart, seeing Tom look at everything with such disbelief and awe, she knew that she would have to take him away from there.

The adoption itself wouldn't be an issue she could just confund Mrs. Cole, it was just a matter of if Tom would even want to live with her.

Tom wasn't a normal child, she knew that, but she also knew that she felt a sort of kinship towards him and hoped that he wouldn't be opposed to her adopting him because, honestly, she didn't know what she would do if he didn't want to go with her.

But she was getting ahead of herself, she had a plan to put in motion. She was going to "discover" and sell the dragon pox cure and maybe the wolfsbane potion. She couldn't care less about stealing someone else's work, she had to introduce herself to the wizarding world somehow and what better way to do that than to create a potion to save their pureblooded butts. It would also make her look like a good person so that when Dumbledore came to sniff around because she was sure he would, she could pull the "my passion in life is saving people I don't know anything about the deathly hallows" persona.

For that she needed headquarters, somewhere to brew the potions before she could sell them to hospitals, so she apparated to Diagon to see if there were any open lots available for purchase.
She didn't find anything interesting in there and she started wondering if setting up shop in such a public place would be the source of too many questions so she turned towards her alternative, Knockturn Alley.
It would be cheaper, she mused to herself as she approached the dark alley, she was planning on hiring werewolves and vampires anyway, wanting to give these people job opportunities, so Knockturn started to seem like the best option.

Surely enough a little bit past Borgin and Burke's next to a dark pub, which she recognized as the place where she had mistakingly flooed to in her second year, but ended up sitting down and having a rather animated conversation with a vampire. She sighed with a smile at the memory before turning her gaze to the decently sized shop next door sporting a for sale sign magically flashing in an obnoxious light show of colours. The building itself on the other hand was dark and classy. This wouldn't be as cheap as she thought, but what was the point of a giant vault if you weren't going to use it?

She tapped the offensive sign with her wand and the price was displayed to her. She didn't even bat an eyelash before walking up to Gringotts to purchase it.

She walked up the white stone steps and up to the same goblin she had talked to last time. He took one look at her before bowing,

"Lady Peverell if you would follow me"

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a blond man's head whip around at the mention of her name, she sighed at the  attention her title gained and followed the goblin to Ragnock's office. The goblin opened the doors for her, surely trying to avoid her barging in like Death previously had.

"I would like to purchase the building for sale in Knockturn Alley" She said to the Ragnock after the goblin that lead here here closed the doors behind them.

"Consider it done Lady Peverell. May I ask what you plan on using the space for, I highly doubt you'll want to live there"

He wasn't wrong about that, the place itself might be nice, but there was a reason why people tended to avoid the darker alley much less lived there.

"I am planning on turning it into a potions lab, I have a few new lifesaving potions I am sure St-Mungo's will pay me very handsomely for."She answered, a smirk making its way to her face.

"And I expect you'll want our discretion about your identity and the purpose of your new business " Ragnock said with a toi-sharp grin.

Damn goblins, she should've figured that now that death was gone they really weren't all that scared of her.

"500 galleons" she offered
"1000"he countered
"Sold! Thank you for your generous donation to the Goblin nation Lady Peverell, and congratulations on your new business, may it prosper" He said with that shit-eating but still all too sharp grin.

What was it with magical creatures and their knack for manipulating her?

She only respected them more for it to be honest, because no human had been able to do that, she was a bloody Slytherin for Merlin's sake!

She was losing her touch

And so, she walked out of the bank, key to her new premises in hand, still so baffled that she missed the pair of curious eyes following her movements.


Lady Peverell ? Did he hear that right, no it couldn't be, the Peverell line had died out, although that was just what people have assumed. But still this was worth investigating, because if she was an actual Peverell, he would be one step closer to the hallows, this could be the breakthrough he'd been waiting patiently for year after year. It also didn't hurt that she was stunning, maybe he'd have more fun than he thought convincing her to divulge her deepest darkest secrets.

And as she exited the building in a flurry of seductive dark power, hair a shade too black and eyes just a touch too green he knew that he would enjoy taking his sweet time in retrieving the hallows.

Oh yes
He would enjoy this very much

AN: I Wonder who that could be 😏
Thanks so much for reading my story everyone! I am very excited for what's to come, Sorry this chapter took a while I had so much to do for school!
Love you all
Willow <3

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