The Wrath Of A Black

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The adults stared wide eyed at the kids. Sirius was shocked with the amount of grandkids he had. He had thirteen in total.  

The kids just looked around awkwardly as Sirius II and James II grinned at the adults.
"Why don't you all just take a picture it will last longer!" Rosalie snapped at the adults, tired of all the staring.

Many of her cousins chuckled at her. Sirius stared at her.
"That's all the confirmation I need to know she's Ro's daughter." Sirius muttered to Remus.

Remus also stared at Rosalie in surprise as he nodded his head at Sirius.
"Plus they practically identical." Remus said.
"Yes. Yes. We're from the future. Get over it. Let's move on. How do we get back to our time before one of these idiots (pointing to Louis, Fred II, Sirius II and James II) screws up the timeline?" Roseanna said sternly.

Lucas looked in shock and awe at his now grown up daughter. He couldn't help but glance at the same daughter who was barely weeks old.
"Wow. Just wow." Lucas said.

Despite herself, Roseanna couldn't help but glance at her father but she quickly looked away. She had a dozen kids she needed to get home safely. They were her priority no matter how much she wanted to kill James II and Sirius II at this very moment.
"She's right though. How are we going to get them back?" Tonks said though her voice still held shock from finding out she has a son with Remus.

Remus determinedly avoided catching her eye.
"Albus how did you get Harry and Rosabella back after they travelled in time?" Professor McGonagall asked.
"I do not know. I erased my own memories as well at the others as not to risk the timeline altering. But if I know myself I probably invented a new spell or potion to get them back." Dumbledore said.

Lily groaned.
"It's to bad we can't ask mom and dad how Dumbledore did it." Lily said.
"Wait why can't we?" Louis said.
"Don't be an idiot, Leo! They're in the past! We can't exactly ask them!" Dominique spat at her brother.
"The adult versions of them. But right now they're in their fifth year." Fred said.
"Brilliant!" James II and Sirius II exclaimed.
"Not its not. Can you imagine that? Hi Mum and Dad we're your six children from the future! Any chance you know how to get us back?" Albus said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"I think it would be wise to include as little people as possible. The slightest thing can disturb the timeline —" Dumbledore said but was completely cut off by an all too familiar voice.
"Albus! Albus, are you there? Albus!" Said the voice of Rosabella Potter coming from Albus's pockets. 

"Mum! The two way mirror! I completely forgot!" Albus said as he went to extract the mirror from his pocket.

James II leaped at Albus and snatched the mirror from him.
"Jaime! Give it to me! We all know I'm the best liar out of all of us." Sirius II said and James II passed him the mirror without hesitation.

Sirius took a deep breath and then put an his award winning charming grin that he had inherited from his mother who had got it from her father.
"Mom! You look great! How's the party? Please tell me you've got a picture of Dad on the dance floor!" Sirius II said.
"Sirius? Where are you? I called to check on all of you. You're not in the Manor I can tell by your background! Where are you?" Rosabella demanded.
"The burrow." Sirius II said convincingly.

Sirius knew that out of all the adults it was his grandparents Arthur and Molly who hadn't gone to the Christmas Party.
"Then where's Molly? Can I speak to her?" Rosabella said with a disbelieving look at her son.
"Uh, she's making Christmas cookies." Sirius II said and had to suppress a triumphant smirk at his own quick thinking.
"Let me talk to her Sirius or so help me I will ground you for the rest of the holiday." Rosabella threatened.
"What for?" James II demanded coming to his twins aid.
"Lieing!" Rosabella answered.
"Fine, we'll go get her." Sirius II conceded and put the mirror in his pocket.

James II and Sirius II looked desperately at Mrs Weasley, she shook her head saying she won't lie.
"Give it here." Teddy whispered as he took off his beanie hat and he scrunched up his nose in concentration.
His turquoise hair grew longer and turned to a bright shade of red as he became shorter and plump.

Mrs Weasley eyes widened in shock as well as all the other adults. Sirius and Tonks watched eagerly in anticipation while Dumbledore watched in amusement.
Sirius II, grinning eagerly, handed Teddy the mirror.
"We need to ask how she got back from the past!" Michael II whispered to Teddy.
"Then she'd want to know how we know she travelled in time and why we want to know therefore she'd figure out we travelled in time and can't get back! Use your brain!" Lucas II spat quietly at his younger brother.
"All of you shut up! Good luck, Ted." Isabella hissed.
"Rosabella, dear, how are you? Enjoying the party I hope?" Teddy, as Mrs Weasley, said.
"Molly, are all the kids with you? We've been worried when none of them were answering." Rosabella said.

Rosabella and Harry had recreated the two way mirrors so all their children had one.

"Oh yes. Yes. They're all perfectly fine. I'm sorry to worry you —" Teddy said but he was interrupted.
"I'm not playing anymore! Teddy I know this you!" Rosabella yelled.
"How the heck did you know?" Roxanne exclaimed as Teddy changed back into his usual look.
"Because Molly and Arthur went to go check on you all and they sent me a Patronus messages scared out of their minds because none of you are there! What's going on?" Rosabella yelled.
"Jigs up. We may as well come clean." Sofia said.
"Right." Maria said and she snatched the mirror of Teddy.
"Aunt Ro, James and Sirius went into Harry's office knowing they weren't supposed to! They found a time turner and one thing lead to another and now we're stuck in the past!" Maria said.

Rosabella was quiet for a long moment.
"Give James and Sirius the mirror." Came Harry's voice.

Everyone looked at James II and Sirius II. James and Sirius glanced nervously at each other as James II took the mirror Maria offered to him.
"Hey, Dad." James II said nervously.
"Now we haven't got long before your mother recovers from the shock and goes on a rampage. Where are you?" Harry said.
"What is it called? Grimmuald Place? The head quarters of the Order of the Phoenix." James II answerd.
"Crap. Is anyone besides you lot there?" Harry asked.
"Yeah. The whole order." Sirius II said.
"Are you kidding me?" Harry said exasperated.
"Nope. See?" Sirius said taking the mirror and turning it around to show Harry the room.

All Harry's children and their cousins waved at him as did many of the Order of the Phoenix apart from Snape he still sneered at all the kids.
"Wotcher, Harry. You and Ro been busy then huh?" Tonks said with a mischievous smirk.

Sirius, Remus and Lucas scowled at her.
"Harry, you named you son after Snivellus? Explain yourself!" Sirius demanded if his godson.
"A lot happens. What year is it?" Harry insisted.

"We're in April of 1996. Dad I want to go home!" Lily said desperately to her father.
"I'll get you back — Uh oh." Harry said.
"What is it?" Rosalie asked but her question was soon answered.
"Oh she sound really angry." Lucy said nervously.
"At least the anger is not aimed at you." Sirius II muttered.
"Ro, you need to calm down —" Harry trued to say soothingly.
"Harry! Our kids are stuck in the past! Do I need to remind you that one of them is two years old? Voldemort was at the height of his power!" Rosabella yelled and you could hear her concern and panic.
"Put Professor Dumbledore on the mirror." Rosabella said trying to control her anger.

Sirius II quickly passed Dumbledore the mirror.
"Ah, Miss Black, well I guess it's Mrs Potter now." Dumbledore said softly with a kind smile.
"Hey, Professor. Can you get them back?" Rosabella said quickly.
"I believe so but I believe you can help me speed up the process. Do you remember what I did to send you and Harry back to your own time?" Dumbledore asked.
"It's not something one forgets. It was a potion. A potion that required a drop of blood from all the time travelers. You put the potion into two separate phials and had Harry and I added a drop of our blood to it before we drank it." Rosabella said.
"Ah. Thankyou, This shall be enough to get me started. Thankyou, Rosabella." Dumbledore said and he passed the mirror to Rosalie.
"Okay. It took Professor Dumbledore about a month to make the potion before so you are to listen to your grandfather's and Uncle Lucas. I don't care if your of age or not. You listen to them. 1996 was a dangerous year. Be smart. Be safe. Don't leave Grimmuald place. Do you all understand me?" Rosabella said firmly.

There was a lot of yes aunt Ro's.
"Leah, put James and Sirius on the mirror." Rosabella said.

Rosalie gave the mirror to James II.
James II braced himself for her fury.
"I'm still angry with you two but I'll deal with that when you get back. Intill then I have a challenge for you. See if you can prank your uncle Lucas I only managed once in my life. Good luck." Rosabella whispered to them and disappeared from the mirror.
"What did she say?" Aurora asked.
"Nothing!" James II and Sirius II said with identical smirks.


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