27 ~ River Song

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When we get back to the Tardis I sit down on the driver's chair and lean my head on my hand as Amy leaves with Melody who's started crying. The Doctor leaves to go grab something that apparently Melody wanted and when he comes back looking quite upbeat he slows down when he looks at me. "Mackenzie?" He asks, putting down the crib that he was carrying. I look up to him and trying to cheer up.
"What's wrong?" He asks, walking over to me and I shake my head. "Whatever it is, you may as well tell me now because I'm going to find out one way or another." A vibration goes through the floors and I sigh at the Tardis' words to 'just tell him'. "Why did they take you?" He asks.
"I don't really know." I say finally in a shaky voice. "I just know I woke up and I was on a table..." I fade off as I open up the dressing gown to reveal the slightly bloody shirt and I pull the neck down slightly to reveal part of the plaster that covered the stitches. "They operated on me and I don't even know what they did." I say choking up and the Doctor pulls me into a hug not saying anything as I start to cry.
"We'll find out, I'll fix you and then I'll kill them." He whispers after I stop crying. "You'll be okay I promise." He promises before quickly kissing me. "You stay here, rest, I'm going to go get the others and then we can get off of this place." He then turns quickly and goes to leave.
"So this is where I was? That entire time they could've been dissecting me or putting a bomb in me, for all I know?" I ask him and he stops and turns, tears in his eyes.
"No." He says. "I mean you were here, but you wouldn't have felt it, as a ganger, if they had been." He tells me.
"So, why wasn't I seeing the woman?" I ask.
"I don't know." He says before walking back over. "You have no idea how angry I am with these people, but you're my priority, I'm going to look after you and then we can go after these people together." He whispers kissing me again and I pull him back as he goes to leave, keeping the kiss going. "I love you, Mackenzie Pond. I'm going to tell you that much more often, I promise."
"I love you too, Doctor." I reply before he grabs the cot and goes out of the Tardis.

I spend only a few minutes in the Tardis before getting bored and I get up slowly and walk out towards the three people. Amy and Rory were playing with Melody as the Doctor walked away. As I walk over to them the Sontaran approaches with Lorna. "I found it listening at the door." The Sontaran – Strax – says and Amy, Rory and I look at them. She explains to us that she heard the woman controlling the whole thing that it was a trap.
"I heard her talking. This is a trap. Why would I lie to you?" Lorna asks and I look between the group of people.
"I believe her." I say turning to Amy and Rory.
"Well, I don't. You might want to take a look at your uniform to answer your question." Rory replies.
"The only reason I joined the Clerics was so I could meet the Doctor again.
"You wanted to meet him, so you joined an army to fight him?" Jenny asks and I cross my arms, before hissing in pain, realising that it hurt. They all look to me, Amy and Lorna with sympathy and the others in confusion.
"Well, how else do you meet a great warrior?" Lorna questions.
"He's not a warrior." I tell her and she turns to me confused.
"Then why is he called the Doctor?" Suddenly the lights turn out. "It's starting. Please, listen to me." Strax decides to do a scan of life forms which both Lorna and I face palm to.
"Confirmed. No life forms registered on this base, except us and the Silurians." Strax says.
"The Headless Monks aren't alive." Lorna explains.
"They don't register as life forms." I back her up and Rory and Amy turn to me.
"Why are you supporting her, they tried to take Melody." Rory scowls.
"Trust me, Rory, they did worse than that and I trust her, she helped." I reply. "I'm going back to the Tardis." I scoff, but as I turn back a white light circles around the Tardis.
"What's that?" Amy asks and Vastra, who had suddenly arrived, goes to touch it, but I grab her wrist before she can.
"Force field." I reply another sound rings through the large room.
"And those are the doors locking." Lorna informs. I walk back to them standing beside Amy as the rest face outwards around us.
"Stay with me." I whisper to Amy.
"Apparently we're not leaving." Vastra comments. A low singing sound starts to echo around us.
"Is that the Monks?" Rory asks, silence is his answer.
"Oh, dear God. That's the attack prayer." Dorium, the big blue guy gasps. Rory comes over to Amy and I.
"Quick, come with me." Rory says taking mine and Amy's hand. Amy grabs Melody out of the cot and Rory and I escort her away, somewhere safe. As we walk away we bump into Ryan who was running towards us.
"Ryan?" Rory asks the approaching man. "I tried to find you-"
"I know, River called me, I was helping my parents, it was urgent I'm sorry." He says. "I need to go help them." He says quickly and runs away not even acknowledging Amy or I. Rory pulls us over to a group of boxes and makes Amy crouch down with the crying baby.
"Rory, no offence to the others, but you let them all die first, okay?" Amy says and Rory laughs as I crouch down next to her, leaning against the box.
"You're so Scottish." He laughs, kissing Amy. "You okay Kenz?" He asks and I nod, he's then called over but I grab his hand.
"Hey, wait, could you try to make sure Ryan stays safe, he's important to me in the future, I don't want to upset future me." I ask him and he smiles and nods before running back.

We hear fighting begin and Melody starts crying again and Amy attempts to bounce her and stop her crying. She stops for a while before suddenly white goop drops from the blanket and suddenly all Amy is holding is a blanket. She starts to scream. I grab her and pull her to me, ignoring the pain as I fail to form words, tears slowly dripping down my face, both at the screams of my sister and the thought of poor Melody. They tricked us. She starts screaming for Rory and all the noise of fighting disappears behind my sister's mournful screams and I stay silent, just trying to hold and comfort her. I'd heard so many pained cries for help or for comfort, but never that of a mother crying for a lost child and I felt helpless. Once the fighting had stopped, Rory took Amy from me and helped her away from the flesh on the floor and I stayed sat on the floor before Ryan came over and sat next to me. He doesn't say anything for a long time, he just sits with me as I stare at nothingness.
"How can you lose so much in such little time after having such a huge success?" I ask not turning my gaze from the spot in the distance.
"Because, when you're good and you're kind, there's so much more to lose and evil people come and take that from those who are good, because they can, and because they have nothing else to love and so they're cruel and heartless." He says looking at me. He doesn't speak for another few minutes. "I know what I say now may not mean anything to you, but I know you in the future, and you turn out to be the strongest woman I know, and from what I know, whatever they did to you, doesn't affect you, not for a long, long time, at least." He says and I look up to him and he gives me a tight smile which I return.
"Thank you." I whisper.
"Of course." He replies. I look up and past him to see the Doctor rushing in calling for Amy. Rory addresses him simply, letting him know that we knew and he goes to look after Strax who was injured. I stumble to my feet and walk over to Amy, not really addressing the Doctor as I go and sit next to her, Jenny was beside her as well. I sit down and lean my head on her shoulder, putting an arm around her. She hadn't said anything to anyone since what had happened and when the Doctor finally came up to the two of us she turned her attention finally to him.
"So they took her anyway. All this was for nothing." Amy tells him. He was clenching his hands awkwardly, not knowing how to deal with the situation and Rory comes up behind him.
"I am so sorry." He says slowly and Amy stands up to face him, whilst I stay sat on the crate. He goes to hug her, but she takes a step back.
"Amy, it's not his fault." I say to her taking her hand.
"I know, I know." She says before dropping my hand and turning away, Rory going after her.
"Doctor, Guardian, there's someone who wants to speak to you. Her name is Lorna. She came to warn us." Vastra informs the Doctor and I stand up next to the Doctor and walk towards Vastra. We turn the corner to see her slumped against the boxes and the Doctor scans her with his screwdriver. I crouch down next to her with the Doctor and he pinches his nose.
"Hey. Hello." The Doctor says as she wakes up.
"Doctor." She greets hopeful.
"You helped my friends. Thank you." He says and I take her hand smiling to her.
"I met you once, in the Gamma Forests. You don't remember me." She tells him and he takes her face in his hands.
"Hey, of course I remember. I remember everyone. Hey, we ran, you and me. Didn't we run, Lorna?" He asks and she smiles turning to me.
"I'm sorry." She mutters.
"Hey, nothing to apologise for, and I'll never forget you for helping me, you were a friendly face when I needed one most." I say squeezing her hand and getting a light squeeze back, before she slumps, life leaving her.
"Who was she?" The Doctor asks Vastra.
"I don't know, but she was very brave." Vastra replies.
"They're always brave." The Doctor replies, getting up and helping me to my feet as he blinks to get rid of the tears. He takes my hand.
"So what now? They'd almost certainly have taken her to Earth. Raise her in the correct environment." Vastra suggests.
"Yes, they did and it's already too late." The Doctor says pulling me with him.
"You're giving up?" Vastra asks, surprised. "You never do that." He spins around aggressively.
"Yeah, and don't you sometimes wish I did?" He shouts to her before there's a flash of lightning and we both turn to see River.
"Well then, soldiers. How goes the day?" She asks, as if nothing had happened, as if it wasn't like the whole universe had just collapsed in on us. I walk towards her slowly, angry tears in my eyes.
"Where the hell have you been? Every time you've asked us, we've been there, I've been there! Where the hell were you today?" I growl out at her.
"I couldn't have prevented this." She replies simply.
"You could have tried." I say my voice cracking and the Doctor comes up behind me, just as angry as me.
"And so, my love, could he." She nods towards the Doctor. She looks towards Amy. "I know you're not alright. But hold tight, Amy, because you're going to be. And so are you, sweetie." She says to me taking my hand, but I pull it away walking away from her.
"You think I wanted this I didn't do this. This, this wasn't me!" The Doctor shouts at her. I turn back to face them.
"This was exactly you. All this. All of it. You makes them so afraid. When you began, all those years ago, sailing off to see the universe, did you ever think you'd become this? The man who can turn an army around at the mention of his name. Doctor. The word for healer and wise man throughout the universe. We get that word from you, you know. But if you carry on the way you are, what might that word come to mean? To the people of the Gamma Forests, the word Doctor means mighty warrior. How far you've come. And now they've taken a child, the child of your best friends, and they're going to turn her into a weapon just to bring you down. And all this in fear of you." She explains to him.
"Who are you?" He asks her as both of us walk over to her.
"Oh look, your cot. Haven't seen that in a very long while." River changes the subject and hurries over to the cot and the Doctor and I follow.
"No, no, you tell me. Tell me who you are." The Doctor commands.
"I am telling you. Can't you read?" She asks and the Doctor's attention turns to the Old High Gallifreyan on the cot. I look to it to and suddenly it makes sense. I gasp to myself as the words make sense to me and I look up to my best friend. "I did tell you, the first thing you said to me-"
"Sweetie." I finish off her sentence and she smiles at me and I laugh before hugging her carefully and she hugs back.
"Hello." The Doctor greets grinning at her.
"Hello." She greets.
"This is fun." He laughs, excited about Amy and Rory finding out.
"Wait." I gasp suddenly and spin quickly to look at Ryan who looked very meek and guilty. I gasp again turning to River again. "You said cousin." I say looking to Ryan again. "So that means..." I turn to Rory.
"You don't have a surprise brother or sister do you?" I ask feeling a little numb with shock.
"No..." He replies fading off. I gasp again and I look to see the Doctor looking back and forth.
"So we..." The Doctor gestures to me and himself.
"Uh huh."
"And he's.." I look back to River.
"Yep." I giggle.
"Freaky." I say now also in a weird, excited mood.
"Very." The Doctor agrees before pulling me into a very sudden kiss that catches me slightly off guard. The Doctor then turns to the others. "Vastra and Jenny, till next time. Rory and Amy, I know where to find your daughter, and on my life, she will be safe. River, get them all home." The Doctor says zapping the force field and making it disappear.
"Ryan! With us, we have some talking to do." I say following after the Doctor. He opens the door for Ryan and I, and we walk in. Amy and Rory calling after us and he steps in after me and pokes his head out of the door before coming back in and shutting it. I run over to the console and set in coordinates. The Tardis dematerialises and the Doctor and I look to Ryan who was stood on the steps shuffling his feet. We all stand awkwardly for a while and I look at him, taking in his face, how he looks and I start mentally hitting myself at not realising the similarities. "You're our son." I suddenly say. He smiles and nods.
"Hi, mum." He says simply and I laugh again and look to the Doctor.
"How old are you?" I ask him.
"Twenty-one." He replies.
"I'm meeting my son before I've even had him. I need to sit." I state sitting in the driver's chair. "Am I allowed to ask how much younger than River you are?" I ask him.
"No, I can't tell you much about my childhood with you or anything." He explains.
"That's okay, I don't need to know." I smile again widely. "This is so cool." I say looking to the Doctor who'd just been watching Ryan.
"I have a son." He says and Ryan looks to him and I can't help but smile even wider at the look of admiration in his eyes.
"Hi dad." He says. The Doctor walks over to him and hugs him. "So, where to?" He asks when the Doctor pulls away.
"After your cousin." I reply getting up again. Before I quickly turn to him. "Can I just ask something?" I ask, he nods. "How are you so mature? I mean you have us as parents, I mean maybe I'm a little less weird and childish but your dad is the most childish old man there is." I say and the Doctor frowns to me and I don't look in time to see Ryan's smile falter.
"I guess having a kid made you grow up a bit." He replies and I smile before walking over to him and pull him into a tight hug.
"I'm already proud of my son and I haven't even had him yet." I say quietly, my voice cracking with emotion.
"I wouldn't be who I am now if it weren't for you two." He replies and I kiss his cheek grinning and pulling away.
"Ha ha! I taught my child how to please his mother and flatter her, I really succeeded as a mother!" I laugh, the other two joining in.


Hi Guys!!

So I know it's been a LONG time, I don't have an excuse other than I got a bit bored of writing, and moved onto writing some other stuff, before becoming completely obsessed with Doctor Who again with the new season and having to continue writing. Unfortunately at the moment, however, I have reached that god awful year that is year 13 and I have A-Levels in four months now, so updates will be slow, but I wanted to continue. After 'Let's Kill Hitler' (the next episode) I have skipped some episodes, that I undoubtedly will return to at some point, but I'm focusing on getting back into the writing of it right now, so I skipped quite a few of them. But I hope you guys enjoy the comeback of this fanfiction. See you guys soon...

Lizzy Briton

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