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Nadia Pov

Were on Holiday!!!! Yay!!! Were only on holiday since its almost Christmas. I am so excited to see Harry and Will And gran. Harry,Will,and I are all waiting for the car. Were sitting on the curb waiting. When It finally comes we get in and drive home.

"I'm so excited!!!!!" I say. I can't contain my excitement. William and Harry roll there eyes. Its Like the 5th time I said this. I roll mine back. The a car pulls up. We see Keith. He's the driver that always drives us.

He walks out and grabs our bags. He and harry do there hand shake he and will high five. I give him hug.


When we get home I run out the car. I go inside and see Granny. She's wearing a peach colored sun dress with matching colored earrings. She smiles brightly when she sees me. I throw my arms around her and embrace her. She does the same to my brothers. She kisses my cheek.

"Nadia!" She says. "Wow you've grown a bit" she says laughing. I laugh too. I've missed her so much. It's been awful not seeing her.

"Nae stop hogging Gran!" Harry says. I roll my eyes and let them say there hellos. I play with my necklace while I look around.

"Nadia...." Some one says. I look up. Its Gran. She has a look on her face like she's worried about me. I stop playing with my necklace and walk towards her. "Come with me" she takes my hand. We walk till we reach the garden.

"Granny,why did you take me out here?" I ask. She looks down and smiles at me. I somehow smile too. We stop and sit on a bench.

"How have you been adjusting to school?" She asks. I smile.

"So I have this friend named Rachel. She's my best friend. I call her Ranch and she calls me nectarine. " she has a questioning look on her face. I laugh. "She loves Whitney Houston like I do. She even told me about this boy band named the backstreet boys and I'm in love. " she let's out a laugh.

"OK now that that's out of the way. How about bad things." She says. My smile drops to a frown. How did she know about bad things. then it hits Me. Harry is a snitch. Ooh I'm gonna get him. First I have to find out what she knows.

"What did Henry tell you?" I ask. She's a bit shocked that I called him Henry I suppose thats why she has a shocked face. She goes back to her regular face.

"Some girl is bothering you." I nod my head slowly. Hmm what do I want to tell her about Bianca.

"This girl wants me to join the Bs and I said no and now she's mad. Nothing major." I say. She nods her head. Then she bites her lip.

"Now why did you guys leave party?" Ugh!!! Why?! Why?! Is she so observant. I decide to tell her the truth.

"Harry's roommate kissed me. But I didnt want him to. So Rachel convinced me to tell Will. I did and he went to the school. So against my wishes I had to tell harry and we left to stop him from killing him." I say. She has wide eyes.

"Wow!" She says. I nod my head.

"granny?" I ask. She nods her head. "Does Dad love me?" I ask. She hesitates. Why did she hesitate? Its a straight forward question.

"He does but whenever he looks at you he sees your mother. So that's why he's probably more tense around you. And you don't make it easy on him." Well she's not wrong but if he didn't do or say what he does then I would be mean.

"I have mum in me?" I ask. She nods her head up and down.

"You have her sass and her smile. You have her joking side. Your mother wad a great royal even if she didn't act like it. " I giggle. "Your the same way. You and Henry. You both are gonna give me gray hair!" She says patting her hair. I laugh.


After me and grans talk I walk over to the flower garden and sit on a bench. It's a bench next to Larkspur & Water Lily flowers. Mummys birth flower. I hold my flower necklace as tears fall down my face.

"Mum?" I say though the tears "I miss you. Life's been messed up since you left us. Williams been a stick in the mud and not fun anymore. Dad's been being more mean to me than normal and Harry's well he's being Harry. I'm around so many men and no woman. Gran well gran tries buy she not with me 24/7 and it's hard." I say. I then begin to tell her all about school and what's going on in life and everything. I miss her so bad.

Hi guys

My birthday is coming up!!! On Dec 13th! I'm so excited but 15 isn't a big number but I'm still excited

Thanks for reading this book that I think is shitty. Tbh

Christmas is coming up soon. And comment any good songs that I should do a cover of for my Instagram acc

I didn't edit or proof read this chapter

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