Moriarity fell to the ground, grabbing his stomach. I kneeled next to him, looking him into his eyes. Suddently, I felt a sharp pain in between my ribs, I noticed a knife sticking out of it. I smirked as I stood up again.
''You will die alone, bleeding to death.'' I grinned
''So will you, your brothers aren't in the country and there is a knife between your ribs.'' Moriarity said.
''That might be, but atleast you didn't hit one of my vital organs, while I did hit yours. And while the knife is still in-between my ribs, yours is our.'''I smirked.
I walked over to the edge of the of the building, sitting down.
''Somewhere inside I don't want you to die, cause it will be boring. But after what you did to my brothers I that feeling.''
''You probably don't believe it, but I didn't want to hurt you. I was just teasing you, by trying to manipulate you.''
''I know, and that's why you didn't succeed. And now you ended up on this roof, bleeding out.''
''Fair play Y/N.''
I kept silent enjoying the vieuw for a couple of minutes, till Moriarity was in his last moments.
''It only tkaes the human body about 7 minutes to bleed out after being stabbed.'' I said as I walked over to him. He was in his last breaths and I kneeled down next to him:
''And although I hate you, I still didn't let you die alone.'' I said, calmly.
''I knew you would be more human as you look.'' Moriarity said, closing his eyes.
I smiled, hiding the knife that was still between my ribs under my coat. I had kept my promise to Sherlock, now the first need was take care of that knife.
When I got home I rushed over to the bathroom. I had tried to keep the knife as still as possible. I grabbed the EHBO-kit from the cabinets. I knew how to cure it, tho I didn't have the required stuff. I called John, who still didn't know Sherlock was alive, to come and help me.
''John, I need your help.''
''Y/N, why do you need my help all of a sudden, we haven't spoken for months. I had expected something el-''
I interrupted him: ''John, there is a knife between my ribs.''
''Why would you interru-, Wait, what?!''
''You heard me, I'm at Mycrofts house.'' I said, ending the call.
A couple of minutes later John came running into the livingroom. I had managed to get to the cough in the living.
''Jezus Y/N!''
''Just get that thing out of me. It hurts like hell.''
''Y/N, you need to go to the hospital.''
''absolutely not, just take it out. You're a doctor John.''
John carefully took the knife out and made sure the wound was covered. I felt better than the last couple of times I had been stabbed, so I figured I would be fine.
''Thanks John, tea?'' I asked.
''Y/N, you have just been stabbed and now you wanna make me some tea?!''
''What? I've been stabbed a couple of times more, so I'm used to it.'' I laughed although it hurt like hell.
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