Chapter 26

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With no hesitation, I bolted in the direction where the screams were coming from. Prim needed me, she was screaming for me. I ignored Peeta's yells as they followed me; my sister needed me and I was going to get to her.

"PRIM!" I called out to her.


"Where are you?" I called out.

"LILYYY!" She cried.

I got to a clearing where her voice was clearest and saw she was no where to be found, but her cries were clear. The only thing nearby was a small bird flying around. I took out a knife and threw it at the bird. On impact it died and so did the sounds; it was a jabberjay.

Finnick made it to me first, "Lily, are you okay?" He looked at me concerned, then a new voice's scream of terror rang through the trees.


Finnick looked in the direction it came from, "ANNIE?" terrified, he ran after the voice and I followed him.

"Finnick, it's not really her!" I tried to tell him but he didn't listen. We ran for a little, Annie's screams wouldn't subside. Finnick was screaming her name, searching for the source, when we stopped I grabbed his shoulder, "It's not her. It's just a jabberjay. It's not her."

"How do you think they got that sound Lily?" Finnick questioned me agitated, "Jabberjays copy."

A third voice erupted through the air, "LILY NO!"

I almost choked, "Katniss."

I knew it wasn't her; but I was still terrified. Out of no where, dozens of jabberjays flew to us, dozens of screams invading our ears.

"Run!" Finnick urged me, grabbing my arm and pulling me along.

As we ran I could make out so many voices; Katniss, Prim, Gale, Mom, Rue, Dad, even the distinct sound of a baby's cry. I saw Peeta run faster; he would save me. As I approached, I saw he was trying to say something but everything except the screams came out muffled. I tried to get to him but there was an invisible wall keeping me from doing so; which only led me to believe I was stuck there until the hour was up. I couldn't hear anything he was saying to me but I held my ears tightly and screamed alongside the mutts. Sometime after, I started crying; the sounds of the baby seemed louder to me, but I knew the Capitol didn't know I had lost the baby. I curled into fetal position and buried my face into my legs and screamed and cried for what felt like forever. In the corner of my eye I saw Peeta get down to my position and lean his forehead against the invisible wall sadly, he couldn't do anything to stop what I was going through

Suddenly the noises faded out and Peeta's voice became more clear, "It's over, they're gone! The hour's gone. The hour's up. It's alright," he said softly trying to pick me up, but I was shaking and had my hands tightly covering my ears, my muscles ached with the amount of force I was putting on them to make sure I didn't hear anything. I was still terrified and shot up when I felt him touch me. 

"Find Prim! Make sure Katniss is safe!" I gasped catching my breath.

"No, no. Prim and Katniss are fine. They're safe. They won't touch either of them. Okay?" He asked, cupping his hands in my face and running his thumb against my cheek.

"Your fiance's right. The whole country loves your sisters," Johanna said catching my attention, "If they tortured or did anything to either of them, forget the Districts, there would be riots in the damn Capitol," She had a look on her face I couldn't identify but I was recovering from the second traumatic event that has happened within a day in the damn arena, "Hey, how does that sound Snow?" Johanna yelled at the sky knowing the son of a bitch was watching us, "What if we set your backyard on fire? You know, you can't put everybody in here," The four of us just watched her with bewildered expressions, she saw us and looked confused by our reactions, "What? They can't hurt me. There's no one left that I love," Johanna looked at me sadly, "I'll get you some water," She said kindly and walked off.

The rest of us went back by the beach; Finnick went and sat right in the water. Peeta, Beetee and I sat together by the outskirts of the forest. There was a tap on my shoulder, I flinched but calmed down when I realized it was just Johanna with some water for me. I thanked her and she sat by me. i looked at Finnick then reluctantly asked Johanna a question I may not have wanted to know the answer to, "Who's Annie?"

Johanna looked at the sand, "Annie Cresta. The girl Mags volunteered for. She won like four years- five years ago."

"Is she the one I'd heard gone a little..." I stopped but Johanna knew what I was trying to say and nodded. 

"Love is weird." She noted.

"You got that right, I love someone that doesn't even exist anymore," I told her low enough that she was the only person who could hear it; not even the Capitol cameras caught it.

Johanna looked at me confused, I put my hand on my belly and let a tear roll down as I looked at her, she looked shocked and genuinely upset. I thought she was going to cry too when Beetee spoke up and got our attention. 

"I have a plan," He told us. Johanna whipped her eyes and went to get Finnick. Once he joined the group Beetee started with, "Where do the careers feel safest? The jungle?"

"The jungle's a nightmare," Johanna contradicted.

"Probably here on the beach," Peeta answered.

"Then why are they not here?" He asked aloud.

"Because we are. We claimed it, "Johanna roughly put her ax on the ground. 

"And if we left they would come."

"Or they would stay hidden in the tree line," Finnick guessed.

"Which in just over four hours will be soaked with water from the ten o'clock wave," Beetee reminded us, "And what will happen at midnight?" He reminded us.

"The tree gets struck by lightning," My voice came out monotone.

Beetee adjusted his glasses, "Here's what I propose. We leave the beach at dusk. We head to the lightning tree. That should draw them back to the beach. Prior to midnight, we then run this wire from the tree to the water. Anyone in the water or on the damp sand will be electrocuted."

"How do we know the wire won't burn up?" Johanna asked.

"Because I invented it. I assure you, it won't burn up," Beetee gave us a solemn look.

For a moment no one said anything, we all just exchanged glances.

"Well it is better than hunting them down," Johanna looked at me, "Are you up for it?" She looked slightly worried.

I looked at Peeta who also looked worried, I nodded, "Yeah, let's do it. If it doesn't work we have nothing to loose."

"Let's try it," Peeta agreed, nodding his beautiful head.

"So what can we do to help?" Finnick asked.

"Keep me alive for the next six hours. That would be very helpful."

After out little meeting Finnick went back to the water, Beetee and Johanna went to the side to talk a bit more, leaving me and Peeta by ourselves. I knew if I didn't tell him then that I might never get the words out.

"There's something I need to tell you," I started.

He saw I was nervous and grabbed my hands lightly, "What's wrong?"

I cracked a little, "What's right? We're back in this hell hole and there's a chance we might not make it out."

He embraced me, "I won't let anything bad happen to you."

"Peeta you can't protect me from everything, no matter how hard you try," I cried.

"Lily, just tell me what's wrong." I didn't want to say it too loud. I knew the Capitol and the other Districts were watching; I took a deep breath and leaned into his ear and told him. I could practically hear his heart break. I pulled away to see his face and he looked just as sad as I was. But instead of crying or breaking down, he pulled me into his chest and kissed the top of my head, "We'll get through this. I will not loose you. I love you."

I smiled sadly, "I love you too," I paused, "I think we need to go," I told him.

"The plan will work," He told me certain.

"I think it will too, but once the Careers are dead we both know what is gonna happen next and after this I can't kill these people."

"What if they don't want to kill us either?" Peeta asked, "What is all of us don't want to kill each other?"

I looked at the water, "We might still all die. The Capitol is the only winner when it comes to this."

Peeta looked at me and tried to smile, "Maybe, not always. It worked out for us last time. Maybe it will again."

"I love your optimism but let's face the facts. The Capitol didn't want that to happen last year. They won't make the same mistake a second year in a row. We both know that only one person is getting out of this alive. It's gonna be one of us," I looked into his mesmerizing eyes.

Peeta was at a loss for words and looked at the floor, "The Careers are still out there. We should stick with these guys till midnight. And if we hear a cannon, we go," he agreed. I looked at our small group then back to Peeta and nodded, putting my head on his shoulder, "Lily, I don't know what kind of deal you made with Haymitch but he made me promises too," I had no idead what he was talking about but remained silent as he removed the token that Effie gave him. He paused and stared at it, "If you die and I live," He looked at me, "I'd have nothing. Nobody else that I care about as much as I love you."

"Peeta," I was going to correct him but he stopped me.

"It's different for you. Your family needs you."

"No, they have Katniss. She's a good hunter. They can survive without me."

"That's not the point Lily!" He snapped, "They want you to come home! My family couldn't care less!"

"I'M YOUR FAMILY! AND I WANT YOU TO GO HOME," I hissed dangerously.

Peeta handed me the locked, now opened revealing three pictures, Mom and Prim, Katniss and Gale, and one of him, "You need to go home. For them."

I started tearing up, this was his token and he was giving it to me. He guided my hair back as he clipped the necklace around me; kissing my neck when he was done.

"What about you?" I looked at him sadly, not knowing what he would say afterward.

He looked out at the water, "Nobody needs me," 

I took his hand in mine and made him look at me, "You're wrong. I do. I need you, now more than ever," Then I leaned in and kissed him, of course he kissed back, when I pulled away he put his hand on my cheek and brought me into another kiss. This kiss was longer, more passionate, I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Alright love birds!" Johanna yelled over at us, resulting in us looking over. The group was starting to rejoin. Peeta and I stood up and joined them.

We started to make our way toward the lightning tree. As we walked, the Capitol music stopped us, compelling us to look to the sky to see officially who had died. All the faces seemed to blur by; except for two. Wiress and Mags, their faces seemed to stay on longer in my eyes. Once the music stopped and the last face of the evening showed, we continued on our way like nothing had happened. 

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