Chapter 36

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(A/N: So! Eye option #3 is the winner of the pick! I am surprised! I though many of you wanted the second one or the first one. But please tell me why you chose the third one. I must know.)

(F/N's POV)

After hanging around the beach, we went to their penthouse to relax from the hot California sun. As Ashe and Widowmaker are taking a shower, Sombra fixed us some cold coffee as our refreshments. We thanked her before taking the cups and drinking the beverage.

Me: *Sips* Mmmm~. Delicious~.

21o: Aah~. I agree~.

6o: *Puts down cup* So~. How was F/N~?

Sombra: *Smirks* Superó mis expectativas~. (Exceeded my expectations~.)

21o: He better exceed them~. *Looks at me with rape face* You better~. *Sips* Hmhmhmhmhm~

Me: *Sweatdrop* Y-Y-Yeah... Please no... Not again... My dick is hurting as is...

Sombra: Hahahaha~. Poor you~.

Me: *Sips* Ah si... (Ah yes...) 

Unexpectedly, Widowmaker and Ashe stepped out the steamy bathroom, wearing tight yoga shorts and loose t-shirts. I raised my eyebrow before snapping and giving them the double gun fingers.

Me: Now that's fucking sexy~.

Ashe: *Sits down next to me* Much appreciated, Thor~. *Presses her breast against mine* Much appreciated~~~.

Me: *Blushes* You're welcome~.

Widowmaker: Hey~. *Joins Ashe* Don't hog him~. *Places her breast against my back* Mmmmm~~.


21o: *Smirks* F/N~. What's wrong~?

Me: I'm being sandwiched between two of the most deadliest and sexiest ladies in the universe... *Gulps* It's if as Widowmaker tied me up, and Ashe began forcing me to lick her pussy...

Ashe: *Wraps her arms around me* It's like you read my mind~.

Widowmaker: I agree~. *Licks my earlobe* Mmmmm~~.

6o: Oh poor F/N~. *Snaps a photo* Hahahaha~. This is going to Coco!

Me: No!

6o sends the photo...

--Back in Beacon--

Coco is in the laundry room, waiting for her clothes to dry. Suddenly, her scroll buzzed in her pocket, so the brunette pulled it out and tapped on the notification. To her surprise, the notification revealed a image of F/N being sandwiched between Widowmaker and Ashe.

Coco: *Smirks* Now this is hot~. Hmhmhmhm~. Time for more fanart~.

--Back to me--

Me: *Looks at 6o* What did you do... What did you do!?!?

6o: What do you think, darling~? Hahahaha~. More snu-snu for you my sweet darling~.

Me: My dick hurts after having that orgy from yesterday night... 

Ashe: Aaawwww~~. *Leans down to my crotch* Mmm~. Shall I make it feel better~?

Widowmaker: *Joins Ashe* Oohhh yes~. *Starts rubbing my crotch* He feels big~.

Sombra: He is~.

Me: *Sighs* Ah shit.. Here we go again... *Finishes drink* Welp... You asked for it and you shall receive~.

I stood up then turned around to face them before unzipping my pants. Both of the sexy ladies slid down my pants to reveal my erection, and they are shocked as fuck.

Widowmaker: W-W-Whoa... It's so big~.

Ashe: MmmmmMmmm~. *Grabs my cock* Looking like a snacc~. *Looks at the other ladies* Shall we begin~.

6o: *Clings onto my arm* Hell yeah~. 

Sombra and 21o stood up from the couch then joined the other ladies and the intimacy has begun. Since this is going to be another big orgy as before, I'm going spare the author typing and his sanity. I don't want his sanity to turn into frayed ends, or he's going to literally lose it. Anyway... INSERT TIMESKIP MUSIC!!!!!!

--Timeskip brought to you by a nervous Chibi F/N sitting down on a white couch while having his harem in bikinis standing behind him with hungry looks on their faces--

After two or three hours of pure unadulterated sex, we're resting on the massive couch with the living room smelling like fucking sex. 21o and 6o are laying on my chest with their pussies leaking out semen, while the other creampied Overwatch ladies are licking the cum residue from my shaft.

Widowmaker: *Lick* Mmmm~. Tasty~.

Ashe: *Kisses my balls* I agree, Lacroix~.

Sombra: Mmhm~. *Looks at me* How are you feeling, daddy~?

Me: Huff... Huff... Fuck...

21o: Mmmm~~. Simple answer to a simple question~.

Ashe: Funny~.

6o: Oh man... I think I'm going to be knocked up after this~.

21o: Possibly~. *Pecks my lips* Chu~.

Me: Ugh... Let's take a shower before heading back...

21o: Alright~.

Widowmaker: Aaawww~. Leaving already~?

Me: Yeah... 21o and I have kids to take care of...

Widowmaker: I don't blame you~. Always put family first~.

21o: Mmhm~.

The Overwatch ladies ceased their oral session with my cock, then 21o, 6o, and I stood up from the couch and headed to the shower room. I started the warm water, then we began washing ourselves. Well actually, I am sitting down on the small shower bench while having the lovely operators wash and rinse my body. After we showered, the three of us wrapped towel around our bodies then start grooming.

6o: *Finishes her hair braiding* Ah! Finally, a small pain in my butt.

Me: And that's why I don't like having long hair unless the band and I are rocking out.

6o: Hmhmhm~. *Grabs the beard brush* Let me brush your beard~.

Me: Okay, sure. *She starts scrubbing it* Ooohh~. It feels nice~.

6o: I'm glad that you love it~.

21o: *Putting on lotion* So F/N...

Me: Yeah?

21o: Do you want an new eye?

Me: Hm... Yeah... I need another one... 

21o: Okay... I'll have it fixed up for you tomorrow.

Me: Sounds good. *Looks at 6o* Hey babe, you done?

6o: *Puts it down* Yep! Let's get dressed now!

Me: Alright.

We put our clothes on before walking out of the bathroom to see the other ladies 'fully dressed'. Ashe walked towards me then tip toed to give me a final kiss on the lips.

Ashe: Chu~. Farewell, my love~.

Me: *Smiles* Mmm~. I'll come back whenever I can~.

Ashe: Thank you~.

Widowmaker: Bring your kids next time~.

Me: I will~.

Sombra: Adios, Thor~. (Goodbye, Thor~.)

Me: Adios, Sombra~. (Goodbye, Sombra~.)

21o/6o: *Waves* Bye~.

They escorted us outside, then the operators and I turned around to give them one final wave before I pull out Hofound and summoned the bifrost. The bridge struck us, then we made out journey back to Remnant. When the three of us arrived, we found ourselves in Team NDGO's dorm. Suddenly, Nebula walked out of the restroom before noticing us...

Nebula: Uummm... What are you doing in here?

Me: Uuuhhhhh...

Octavia: *Enters the scene* Huh? *Yawn* What's going on in here? *Looks at us* Oh, what are you doing here?

Me: Uh, the bifrost teleported us here by accident... Uuuhhh... Sorry.

Octavia: It's fine, everyone makes mistakes.

Me: Hehe, yeah... *Opens door* Good night!

Nebula: Night!

Me: *Walks out* C'mon 21o and 6o.

6o: On your six~.

Like that, we walked out of Team NDGO's dorm then returned to our dorm and fell asleep on our bed...

--Timeskip brought to you by a drunk Chibi F/N playing 801S' drums--

2B, A2, and I are walking towards the cafeteria to get some breakfast. My other teammates are out doing a morning jog, while 21o is back at the Bunker to get me an new eye. Anyway, we walked into the lunchroom and see our friends eating. I notice Yang feeding Mairead some pineapple puree, Weiss helping Maisie with drinking her formula, and Ruby feeding Christian a piece of buttered toast. Blake looked at us, then she waved and smiled...

Blake: *Waves* Oh hey guys!

Me: Sup! Good morning!

Akali: *Slurps ramen* Mmm! *Waves at us* Hey~!

Me: Yo!

Christian: *Looks at me* Daddy!

I walked towards Ruby, so she passed him to me. 

Me: *Holding him with one arm* Aaaahhhhhh, how's my little boy doing?

Christian: Good!

Me: Did you behave with Team RWBY?

Christian: Yeah dada!

Me: *Looks at Ruby* Did he?

Ruby: Yep! They behaved.

Me: Good... *Sits down* Aahhh man... What's on the menu?

A2: There's a quinoa salad with some chicken and avocado.

Me: I'll take that... *Puts in order* What you about you two? 

2B: Same thing.

A2: Yup.

Me: Alright.

As we wait for our food, the doors opened to reveal 9S, Amber and 6o, panting from the morning jog. We waved at them before letting them sit by us. 

6o: *Pants* Phew... That was a good run!

9S: Oh yeah! *Pulls out protein bar* Phew... *Nom* Mmmm... Delicious...

6o: *Looks at me* So F/N, you ordered your food yet?

Me: Yeah. I ordered the quinoa salad with chicken and avocado. *Gestures to A2 and 2B* Same with them.

6o: Alright, I'm just gonna ask for a Cobb salad.

Me: Cool.

Ahri: *Scoots next to me* Sooooo F/N, where's 21o?

Me: Back at the Bunker, getting me a new eye.

Ruby: *Le gasp* OOOHHHH!!!! NEW EYE!!!!

Blake: Aawwww~. But I love the eye patch~.

Me: I know you ladies love it, but I need a new one...

Blake: Sounds reasonable...

On cue, the door opened again to reveal 21o and her theme song started play...

21o: Hello my darling~. *Walks towards me* I have your new eye~.

Me: Oh! Awesome~!

21o: *Pulls out box* Here you go~.

Me: *Smiles* Thank you sweet rabbit~.

I took the small box then opened it to reveal a ice blue eye. Everyone around me 'oh'ed and 'ah'ed at the sight of it.

Ruby: Whoa... 

Evelynn: It looks cool!

Me: Ah yes... *Removes eye patch* Time to put it in... *Looks at the others* If you don't like graphic content, then look away now...

Some of the ladies turned around, then I grabbed the eye and opened my eyelids. I slid my new eye into its slot and some of my friends cringed and groaned.

2B: Ooohhh noooo...

Velvet: *Looks away* Ooohhh man... That's gross...

Me: *Right eye being janky* I don't think this thing works...

21o: Just give it a minute.

Me: Alright.

My new eye went up/down and side-to-side before centering itself...

Me: There... Done... *Looks at the others* You can look now.

Ruby: *Looks* Whoa...

Kai'sa: Sexy~!

21o: *Nods* I think you look better with mismatched eyes.

Neo: 😲😲😲 You're like me! *Hugs me* Yay!

Me: *Returns the gesture* Hehehehehehe. Yeah...

Chef: Quinoa salads and Cobb salad!

Me/A2/2B/6o: Over here!

Chef: Alright! *Places bowls in front of us* Enjoy y'all! 

Me: Thank you!

(Quinoa salad)

(Cobb Salad)

Me: Oh man! This looks wonderful!

6o: Oh yeah!

21o: Wanna share that 6o?

6o: Yeah sure! This is a big bowl.

21o: Hehehe.

6o: *Looks at Amber* You want some too?

Amber: Sure!

We took utensils then start eating our breakfast. As we're eating, Mairead looked at me and cooed cutely. She reached out for me, so I took her from Yang's arms, then Mairead began messing with my beard.

Mairead: Oooooohhh...

Yang: Aaww~. She likes the beard!

Me: Yeah ha... *Nom* Mmmm, so good!

A2: Oh yeah!

Evelynn: So F/N~. When did you and your band formed~?

Me: *Nom* Well... *Gulp* Since I was 10 or 11... My motherly figure, 21o, exposed me to rock/metal music when she gave me the 'Back in Black' album from AC/DC. I was like, "Oh man, this is awesome!" Um... A few months later, I began listening to Dio, Pantera, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, etc. 

21o: Heh, you were growing a mullet too! Your headbanging went crazy back then!

Me: Yeah... It was getting really really painful because I broke my neck two or three times... *Sighs* And then there... When I turned 14, Metallica, Megadeth, Motorhead, and Slayer entered my life... That's where I got the idea to pick up the guitar and start learning... 

Evelynn: Oh! That's very interesting!

Pyrrha: Where did you get that white Explorer ESP 'EET FUK'?

Me: Well... I went to a Metallica concert back in 1989 in Seattle, Washington... Yeah... Hahaha...And I was at the meet and greet thing backstage... Um, I met the band members, and they're really radical but super nice dudes! Anyway, James Hetfield and I chatted for a while, I told him that I was starting my own band, and he was very supportive about it. Unexpectedly, he gifted me his white Explorer, 'EET FUK'. *Summons it* Here you go... Take a good look at it.

Ahri: Whoa... It's...

Yang: Awesome!

Me: Yeah yeah~. *Finishes food* Mmmm... Good stuff.

Akali: Anyway, do you have a name for your band?

Me: *Smirks* Valhalla...

To their surprise, I pulled out a poster from nowhere then showed it to them...

(A/N: Merchandise ideas?)

Nora: Whooaaa...

Evelynn: I would totally buy that album...

Ruby: Oh yeah...

Me: *EET FUK dematerializes* Mmhm.

21o: F/N! Play some bass for us! *Grabs Mairead* C'mon, you're great at bass.

 Me: *Sighs* Alright... *Summons' Newsted's Alembic bass guitar* Here goes nothing... 

I stood up and picked up my pick then started to play one of Jason Newsted's famous riffs... My Friend of Misery...

Evelynn: 😲😲😲 Whoa... Some serious talent...

21o: Mmhm! He practiced for 10 hours in his room! *Smiles* Oh my, lovely son.

Akali: Huh... Okay...

Me: *Puts away bass* So... Any plans for later?

Christian: Papa! I want to go to the park!

Me: Really? What are we going to do there?

Christian: Oohhh... Uuummmm... I don't know...

Weiss: Let's go to the Amity Colosseum, so we can see how our fighting environments work.

Me: Sounds like a plan! *Points at a direction* LET'S GO!!!!

--Transition brought to you by a Chibi F/N lifting a building--

We're at the massive floating arena, it looks pretty awesome. The arena is a giant octagon, and it has the ability to change biomes at any time as we seen technicians testing it. The biomes are default, ice, lava, forest, mountains, desert, ocean, urban, geyser, savanna, and anti-gravity. 

21o: My my... This is very intriguing...

Ahri: Never seen an arena like this before...

Ruby: Same...

Nora: This is going to be fun...

Me: Oh yeah, but...

Nora: What's wrong?

Me: I don't think I should participate in this tournament... 

Akali: Really?

Me: Yeah, cause I might kill someone...

Nora: Oh...

21o: *Places hand on my shoulder* That's why you need to learn control... *Sighs* Think about your training with Thanos two years ago... You need to learn to be perfectly balanced... As all things should be...

Me: *Eyes start glowing* You're right... Hehe... Oh yeah... 

Ruby: *Slightly creeped out* Okay then...

Pyrrha: Let's go back to the academy... To train...

2B: The Bunker is a better place to train.

Pyrrha: Really? Why?

2B: We have an arena there which has a similar setup to his Colosseum. Wanna head there?

Pyrrha: Heck yeah! Let's go!


Christian: *Raises arms* YEAH!!!

Ahri: *Smiles* Like father, like

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