Chapter Eight

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Dracula lead Mavis to the library.

"Look honey there's no falling in love at your age" he said.

"Mom was my age, Eunice says mom kissed you first cause you were too scared to make the first move" Mavis said.

"Yeah, yeah, forget about me and mom and kissing" Dracula said.

"Dad at some point i'm going to get married, and maybe you'll love again at some point and i'd be fine with that" Mavis paused "But i can't be here forever" she said.

Dracula ponded over what she said for a minute before she added on that last bit.

"What? Why not? You're barely out of your training fangs" Dracula said.


Meanwhile Quasimodo was evading gargoyles in the lobby, all while still having Valerie and Johnny tied to his back.

"Aha, Quasi wins again! When you bump with the hump you'll land on your rump!" he said before running off to the kitchen.


"But why all the sudden interest? Every time we used to talk about love it was all "Uh dad that's gross" and "Uh dad i don't want to know about that" " Dracula said.

Mavis sighed "I don't know" she said before the doors were slammed open by a suit of armor.

"Sir, he made it into the kitchen" the armor said.

"He what? What do i pay you for? Uh sorry honey i-i have got to go" Dracula said slipping away and heading to the kitchen, the suit of armor following him after commenting to Mavis "He doesn't pay me"


Dracula flew into the kitchen in his bat form.


In the kitchen Quasimodo had Johnny and Valerie tied to a rotisserie slowly turning it over a flame.

"Uh before you kill me can i please talk to my backpack one more time? I don't wanna leave anything unresolved" Johnny said but Quasimodo ignored him.

Valerie rolled her eyes at him all the while trying to think of a way to escape, but she didn't have to as Dracula came in busting through the door.

"Bonjour mousier Dracula" Quasimodo greeted casually.

Dracula rushed over "Shut your hump hole" he said knocking the cook out of the way, putting out the flame and freeing Valerie and Johnny and going to escape with them but Quasi got in the way.

"Now you are helping them? What is it with you and these humans?" Quasimodo asked.

"They are not human! Johnny's a stein and Valerie is a vampire!" Dracula told the cook.

"That's right little man i'm a stein!" Johnny said to the cook while Valerie stayed behind Dracula holding onto his hand, which he had grabbed while saving them.

"If he is a monster, then let him scare Esmerelda" Quasimodo said referring to his mouse.

"The mouse? Pfft, without a doubt" Dracula said, glancing back at Johnny and Valerie, mainly Valerie.

"Okay here we go" Johnny said going first and making faces at the mouse which went totally nonplussed, where as Johnny went running from it and colliding into a bunch of pots and pans after the mouse just squeaked.

Valerie just stayed quiet as it seemed the cook had forgotten about her momentarily.

"A human, a human, count Dracula has brought a human into the -" Quasimodo's yelling was cut off when Dracula froze him and he left with Valerie and Johnny leaving the cook frozen.


Once outside the kitchen Valerie hugged Dracula, wrapping her arms around his neck "Thank you for saving me, uh i mean us" she said, quick to add on us as she remembered Johnny.

Dracula just sighed pulling her off him "There's something i need to show you" he said somberly more to her then Johnny as he looked at her and held her hands.

"Okay" Valerie nodded squeezing his hand and continued to hold it as he lead her and Johnny somewhere.


Dracula lead them to a dusty room with a single coffin in it, he took a lit candelabra and showed Valerie to a painting in the room, squeezing her hand.

While Johnny went over to the coffin, "Whoa, hey are we in a funeral now, oh wait it's your bed" he said, he chuckled a bit before touching the lid "So creepy and cool" he said.

Then he gasped noticing the painting Dracula was showing Valerie "Wow, i know her, i saw that painting in the ruins of Lubov, that's my favorite caste, there's a whole legend around that lady" he said walking over to it.

"A legend?" Dracula asked glancing at Valerie, silently asking if she knew it too, she nodded.

"Yeah, the lady Lubov, the story is that a lonely count met her by chance and they say no two souls were ever more meant for each other, eventually they settled down at castle Lubov and had a child but then a horrible tragedy happened, a fire started mysteriously one night and it killed both of them" Valerie said.

"When Johnny and i were at the castle, i at least could still feel their powerful love, but i've been thinking perhaps that fire wasn't so mysterious, after all we humans tend to brush anything unpleasant under the rug, so to speak" she added dropping Dracula's hand, stepping back from him despite how much it broke her heart.

"You're wrong about one thing, it was only the wife that died" Dracula said turning from Valerie to uncover the rest of the painting, it showed that him with the lady Lubov, he was the lonely count in the legend.

"And you're right about another, it was no mystery who killed her, she was killed by your kind!" Dracula said turning to Johnny and Valerie, glaring at them his eyes glowing blue as he showed them what actually happened.

"They are the real monsters" Dracula said.

"I built this place for my love to protect her child, as a father you do everything to keep your family safe, even if you have to brake their trust but now, Mavis has feelings for you" he told Johnny.

"What? I just, uh, awesome" Johnny sighed dreamily, Valerie smiled a little at him but also glancing at Dracula her own feelings became clear.

It didn't matter how long she had known Dracula, all that mattered was that she was in love with him, still though she wondered how did he feel about her.

"It's alright you're one of the good ones, if the world were different maybe it would be possible" Dracula said.

"Drac this is the 21st century, people aren't the same as they were back then" Johnny said trying to reassure the count.

"Can you tell me for certain that if we came out in the open everyone would accept that? Everyone?" Dracula asked.

Johnny glanced at the painting and sighed "No you're right, i'll go for good this time, you can just say i had an emergency or the gremlin lady ate me or something" he said giving the candelabra back to Dracula as he went to leave.

"Oh no no no, i don't want to ruin her birthday party, you can sneak out after it's all done" Dracula said.

"I'm sorry, the last thing i wanted was to hurt her or you" Johnny said.

"You know you're not the smoothest Frankenstein but you'd make a great vampire" Dracula said with a smile.

"For real? Cause i think i kinda got your hypno eyes down" Johnny said smiling as well.

"Oh boy let me see it" Dracula said rolling his eyes.

Johnny had walked a little bit away before turning back to Dracula, his elbow infront of his face, "Beware for you are in my power i command you to be the werewolf man" he said.

Dracula howled before slumping over "I have too many kids" he said, then he Johnny and Valerie burst into laughter.

"Someone scratch me i have flees!" Dracula said continuing the laughter as he lead Johnny back out but glanced back at Valerie silently telling her to stay, which she did.

Once Johnny was outside Dracula went back over to Valerie.

"Valerie i-" he started but Valerie cut him off by putting her finger to his lips, shushing him.

"Let me speak first" she said, to which he nodded so she lowered her hand "If you want me gone just say the word, i could leave now and Mavis wouldn't probably notice i'm gone, what matters is do you want me to stay?" she asked.

"I do, i want you to stay" Dracula said taking her hands in his, looking into her eyes and smiling at her

Valerie smiled back at him, she glanced at the painting and saw the deliriously happy man depicted in it, she compared it to the broken man in front of her unaware he had been mending because of her and sighed

"Then it's as simple as that" she simply said and kissed his cheek and left the room before he could stop her.

Dracula sighed once the door closed behind Valerie and he turned to the painting, as he looked at Martha's depiction he still felt that he loved her but then he realized he also loved Valerie.

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